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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. I wear neutral colors year-round. I do not darken in the summer, so no need to do anything there.


    The only thing I do different for different occasions is I only wear mascara if I'm going somewhere (other than the grocery store or something). If I'm going to church, out to dinner, shopping trip with friends, etc, I'll liven things up a little.

  2. We are using Teaching Textbooks and DS is a year ahead. He's doing TT7 this year. So his sequence will be:

    7th grade: Pre-algebra

    8th grade: Algebra 1

    9th grade: Algebra 2

    10th grade: Geometry

    11th grade: Pre-calculus

    12th grade: ??? I haven't figured that out yet. :001_smile:


    You might want to look up the high school graduation requirements on your state's Dept of Ed site. My state requires 3 credits of math, which must include algebra.

  3. I am going to do a whole year at a time for next year. I am using homeschoolskedtrack.com so it will be easy to change the next weeks schedule at the end of the current week, if needed. I will just print as needed. But at least this way the bulk of the work will be done ahead of time. This will be my summer project. :001_smile:


    I have been doing it a week at a time this year and it's too difficult to get it done before the next Monday rolls around.

  4. Hm. It would depend upon the context. For example, I let my kids play Runescape. I've known people who have said "you let your kids play that?" We have a conversation about it and then they decide to let their kids play because they trust my judgment.


    If we had a conversation about it and they said something like "WELL, as Christians we cannot play that because it has magic," when they know I am a Christian, then we would have a problem. There would either be a lot of bean dip in our future or our relationship would fizzle out because she was constantly judging my choices. I don't automatically assume surprise=judgment because that hasn't been my experience. I can see why some would make that leap.


    That makes sense. :001_smile: We are coming out of a legalistic background and my responses are coming from that place. I need to find friends like yours.

  5. I think expressing surprise at a 10 year old being allowed to watch something and wanting control over what other people's kids do are very different things. I let my kids watch Lord of the Rings, Spiderman, all kinds of stuff, but I would be surprised at a child watching Tosh.0. Being surprised is also different than judging people's parenting skills. I judge anyone who watches that show, to include my own beloved husband, it has nothing to do with his parenting skills. :tongue_smilie:


    You don't see an implication of judgement in expressing surprise that a 10 yo would watch a certain show? I am honestly asking here. If someone said to me "You let your kids watch that?!" I would think they were making a judgement.

  6. I disagree with this approach. If his attitude is the problem then the reaction/discipline needs to be about the attitude, not about the food.


    I would certainly discipline for the behavior. My discipline would not include food. Requiring the meal put in front of my child to be eaten is not discipline. My point in my post was that I think the alternative meal is worsening the behavior.


    If my child threw a fit at the table, then that child would be disciplined for that behavior. After they were ready to be at the table again, the same meal would still be there. I am nice, I would heat it up. :001_smile:


    I have mentioned in other threads about eating that I do not make "yucky" foods. I make foods my family likes. Truth be told, I am a picky eater. I have weird sensitivities involving texture, etc. If I know that one of my children does not like a particular side dish, they are not required to eat it. People have different tastes and I get that.


    However, it is unacceptable in my home for my children to throw a fit because they don't want what I am serving. I am not a short order cook and I don't run a restaurant. Eat what you're served, or it's a long way until breakfast.

  7. The issue REALLY isn't about food...it is his attitude about it. I don't mind if he hates it and wants something else, just PLEASE ask nicely.




    I think limiting snacks before dinner is a great idea. I also would not offer an alternative (like pb&j). But that is only my opinion. I just think it gives him too easy of an "out". This is because I agree with you that this is a behavior issue. Again, JMHO!

  8. My DD was 8 when she stopped. We did not have to do anything. She stopped on her own when she was ready. She really wanted to stop before that, but it was a habit and it was hard for her to stop.


    The dentist always bugged us about it. Said she would need braces, blah, blah, blah. Her teeth are beautiful so far and if she needs braces it will be because of the bilateral crossbite she inherited from me, not the thumbsucking.

  9. As for selling, I find eBay to be too much of a hassle, but I have had good luck selling here and at homeschoolclassifieds.com. I don't have to worry about pictures that way.

    As for buying, I have figured it all out and I saved about $500 buying used. It didn't take a huge amount of time because most of that savings was from one seller. When you find a super deal, it really is worth it.

  10. I used to work with kids in the PS who would act aggressively. We were trained to restrain them in a way that did not hurt the child or ourselves. We (that is, the mental health agency that I worked for) offered to train the special ed staff at the school. Two people were trained. But I don't think that is the norm.


    The police were called in too late in this instance. They obviously felt like they could not restrain him without him or themselves getting hurt, so they used pepper spray. I think it was handled as well as can be expected.

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