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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. nope they are both youngish :) and healthy. And my mom loves taking care of sick kids and took care of them all over Thanksgiving weekend because she knows I hate puke.


    I think I am being a little paranoid and I cant live my life in a bubble. Just because one kid gets sick, doesnt mean the others always will, right? I dont want to make irrational fears of mine keep my kids from visiting their grandparents.


    My dd got sick last week out of the blue and none of the rest of us did. She also was fine the next morning. This has happened before with other family members.


    I'd get packing if I were you. :001_smile:

  2. I have heard about a nasty cold like you describe. I would wait it out unless a fever develops, in which case I would go in.


    Wanted to add: sometimes you can call the Dr.'s office and talk to a nurse about your symptoms. She/he can tell you if this sort of thing is going around, what you can do to feel better, to come in if you get certain symptoms, etc.

  3. I picked #3. I was pretty good with doing two things at once when #3 came along. I couldn't do 3 things at once and I felt that someone was always waiting for me to do something. This also probably has to do with the fact that #3 was born when #1 was not quite 4 yo and #2 was 13 mos old.


    I have to say, though, that now it's a piece of cake. I just tell them to get it themselves! :D

  4. Just curious, those of you who mention clothes as an expense because your kids wear play clothes at home--what kind of clothes do kids wear to school in your area?


    Name brand clothing, jeans, cargo pants, dresses/tunics over leggings, polos, nice t shirts/tops, good sneakers/shoes. Obviously I combined boys and girls there, lol.


    As it is, my kids each have a couple such outfits. They each have a good pair of sneaks. If they were in school, they would have several such outfits. Maybe it's not necessary, but it's what we would do.


    ETA: I agree that $1500 to hs 7 kids is really good!!

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