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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. I am not shy, but I am an introvert. I think sometimes shyness and introvertedness (I don't think that's a word, but whatevs) get used interchangeably. I think of shyness as a flaw. People are always trying to get over it. But being an introvert is a trait. It is just how I am. So I have stopped trying to get over it. I'm not a hugely social person. But I can act ok in social situations. It just wipes me out, literally.

  2. We say "oh, bother!" all the time.


    Talk about things overhead in a store...I allowed my kids to put a tub of Fluff into our cart recently, (yes, Fluff...moving on) and my youngest loudly lamented that Daddy was going to eat it all on them. The lady next to us in the aisle laughed. To my recollection, I have never bought Fluff at least in my DD7's lifetime. :confused:


    And seriously, how can a kid not know who Winnie the Pooh is?? I mean, at least the Disney incarnation??

  3. Well, I have a name that is spelled "weird". In addition, I have a nickname as my given name, but that's not what this thread is about.


    Anywho, my mom has always, always corrected people. To the point that if I am ordering a pizza, she thinks it should be spelled correctly on the slip. I couldn't care less on things like that. On things like ins policies and drivers licenses, yeah, I correct them. But I always cringe when I see young children with weirdly spelled names. I just know...know...they will spend their lives correcting people.

  4. Ugh, I'm so glad you posted because I'm feeling like such a homeschool failure this week. I fully intended on having 4 days of school this week and taking next week off. We have barely done anything this week. TBH, I have struggled the last couple weeks with getting it together.


    Part of my problem is that I feel very unorganized. I need to get our school stuff organized. I can never find what I need when I need it. So I am planning on doing that next week. I also want to get a school schedule down, so I have something to follow.


    Today, my youngest is watching Between the Lions. That is counting as reading. We are going to make sugar cookies and watch a Christmas movie. :001_unsure:

  5. Honestly, I don't think that is harsh.


    In fact, I just did the same thing, but on a much smaller scale. My DD just finished working off a $5 book from the library that she lost. She did 5 jobs for me and that paid for it.


    Yes, sometimes things get lost, and sometimes it is a mistake. But other times, it is carelessness. Either way, the "thing" has to be replaced, regardless of the reason. Although, I have to say, I've seen my own children take great care with things that they save up for and buy with their own money. I'd wager that your DD does not lose her retainer again!

  6. A frugal person saves money or resources without causing harm to others. A cheap person saves money or resources by causing harm to others.


    Thus, at a restaurant a frugal person might drink water and order an appetizer instead of an entree, but she tips the waiter/waitress. A cheap person stiffs the waiter/waitress. (A really frugal person wouldn't eat in a restaurant, but that is another story.)


    Yes, this is exactly what I meant when I said there is a fine line between frugal and cheap.


    And I would add that it really doesn't matter how well off (or not) the person is. I've seen well-off folks that were cheap and those who were frugal. I've seen folks barely getting by that were frugal and those who were cheap. It is all the intent of the action, not the financial worth of the person.

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