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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. I had my first in a hospital, my second in a birth center, and my third at home, all with midwives. I would never go back to the hospital if given the choice.


    Midwives get to know you so well, appts are longer than with OBs. They are trained to spot problems before the birth. They are also trained to deal with emergencies.


    If you haven't watched The Business of Being Born, I highly recommend it.

  2. We had a fairytale wedding! Everything was absolutely perfect. I wore my Mom's wedding dress, which I had wanted to wear since I was 4 yo. It fit perfectly and needed no alterations. My parents 30th anniversary was a couple days after we got married.


    Our wedding party came from 4 different states and 2 different countries. In fact, of the eighty or so people in attendance, only 3 were from the state in which we had the wedding.


    My parents paid for everything. I think they spent around $10,000 or so. I planned it with my mom. We still talk about what a special time it was for us.


    DH's parents paid for the rehearsal dinner, which was really special, too.


    DH and I paid for the honeymoon. We went to Paris and it was spectacular!


    Tomorrow is the 14th anniversary of DH's proposal to me. He is a dream come true!

  3. So, I asked him why he didn't like them anymore and he said that one of his teachers (he goes to a Christian homeschool tutorial once a week) told him they were bad because they weren't Christians.


    Yes, it would bother me, because it does not line up with our beliefs. A person/band does not have to be Christian for us to listen to them, and we won't listen to many Christian bands. (We are Christian, btw). This is an issue that is not expressly in the Bible and is a matter of Christian liberty. The teacher should keep her opinions to herself.

  4. I know you don't "know" me because I'm new here. But I wanted to offer you my condolences because I cannot imagine what you have gone through. :grouphug:


    My first thought when reading through your post on the question of prayer was that I have struggled with this, too. And I discovered that part of my problem was that I was thinking of prayer as a sort of genie lamp. But God doesn't always say "yes". Sometimes the answer is "no", sometimes it's "wait", but His answer is always, and I mean always what is best for the pray-er if it is His will. Paul asked three times for the thorn in his side (whatever it was) to be removed. God said no and He had His reasons.


    Keep praying. God is faithful. If your answer is not a "yes", He will give you the strength to endure.

  5. I don't know. I just know we aren't there yet. We live in a city and too many things can happen. I don't know that DS, 11, could handle an emergency properly. The other issue for us is that DH and I only have cell phones (no landline) and DS doesn't have one. So, he would be home w/o a phone. Or he would have one and I wouldn't while I was out, which would mean I couldn't check in with him and vice-versa. Anyway, I don't have a reason to leave him at this point.

  6. Yes, in particular, my kids prefer Kraft Mac & Cheese, to my homemade mac & cheese. They also prefer take out pizza to my homemade.


    I am not one who does everything from scratch. I do a few things, but I use pre-packaged, convenience foods, too.


    Funny story, when my oldest was 4yo, I had to take DH to the hospital and a friend watched him while we were gone. She made homemade mac & cheese for supper. My then 4yo DS said, "That's not how my mommy makes it." Friend said, "Oh? How does she make it?" DS replied, "It comes in a blue box." :001_huh:

  7. It sounds like working outside the home wasn't working for this family. And since Dr. Laura is big on pushing SAHMs, she wanted to email DL to tell her she could understand why.


    There is also a lot that we don't know about this situation. Maybe she doesn't want to leave the 10 yo home alone. Maybe the 16yo can't drive with unlicensed passengers (true in our state). Maybe she was in more of a temporary teaching position, rather than subbing a day here and there (sounds like it). Maybe her DH wasn't supportive of her going back to work and expected that life stayed the same as before (her doing all the at home work).

  8. My kids started a tradition all by themselves two years ago. They pick out a few things of their own and give them to their siblings. They try to pick things they know the others want. They get really excited about it! They each already have the others' things boxed and ready to be wrapped for this year.


    As for us, they usually do the same thing! LOL! So DH and I usually get matchbox cars and things. :001_smile: I usually have the kids do something for DH. Like last year, I got him a mug from Starbucks that had a special marker with it that the kids were able to write on. He loves that mug!

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