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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. The first thing I'd do is go room by room and get rid of things you don't want to move. Have a yard sale, donate it, or throw it out.


    You will be surprised how much better you feel after that.


    Is the new home bigger or smaller? If you need to downsize, be ruthless about your belongings. I guarantee you won't miss a thing anyway. BTDT.


    I wouldn't start packing just yet, but I've been known to procrastinate. :001_smile:

  2. As someone who's a bit on the lazy side athletically? I would be embarrassed to wear it. If I were a relatively quick runner? I'd love it. Especially because it happens to be my kid's baseball team's colors. I'd buy one for him if it came in a men's small size. He's a big fan of Nike and he's a pretty darn quick 13 year old...he recently ran a mile in just over 5 minutes. ;)


    That's an awesome time.


    Oh, to be young again...

  3. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with problems using iTunes. I'm pretty sure I'm not an idiot.


    You most assuredly are not, nor am I. And although I ♥ my iPod Touch, I loathe iTunes and I'm forever questioning why they made it so difficult. I can do it, it's just not the way I think it should be done.


    Now, kids of Kleine Hexe, do play quietly so she can figure this thing out. :D

  4. I would probably use the same curric, but I'd put the kids in all the extracurriculars we could fit in: Karate, swimming, gymnastics, music, art, etc.


    My dream curriculum actually has nothing to do with money, but I would use SL or another lit based program if I were the one learning. It has taken me a while to finally realize it's just not a good fit for my kids!

  5. Yeah! That is awesome!


    One of my boys has struggled similarly. Recently at our fellowship group's passover meal, he (of all people!) was asked to read aloud in a room of 30+ people. We're new to the group & no one knew of his struggles. And they still don't - because he did well! I have a hard time not getting all teary when I hear him read aloud, because I know that it has not been an easy road for him (or me!).


    So, all that to say - good job to you & your son!!


    :hurray: That is fantastic!!

  6. I just had to share this with people who would understand. And maybe sharing here will prevent me from shouting it from my rooftop and, you know, disturbing the neighbors and stuff. :D


    Background for context: I have posted before about the struggles with my 8 yo son with reading. He may be dyslexic although he has not been tested. We have tried so many different things and I was really wondering what else I could do. I got some really great advice and encouragement here (thank you!). We had been reading through the I See Sam books since January and he was making great progress. It really helped him to blend more instead of sounding out. every. sound.


    So, I decided to order AAS and we're about halfway through level one. That is going great, too. He has made improvements that are noticeable. I printed off the four sample stories on the AAS website for their readers and he really enjoyed them, so I decided to order the other two readers that go with level 1. They came in the mail yesterday and we looked at them right away. He was immediately engaged, although he didn't read them yet because we aren't quite ready for them (the stories are assigned in AAS). (I don't mean to sound like a commercial for AAS, I just think the OG methods are clicking with him. I'm not an affiliate or anything. :001_smile:)


    So now for the praise! After supper last night, I came into the living room to see him on the couch reading one of the books. You have to understand, this is a kid who will say "I can't read." :svengo: Then, he brought one of the books to bed with him and read there. And this morning while I was helping DD with her math and he was waiting for me to do spelling with him, he took the book outside to read more and told his brother "be quiet, I'm reading". :D He could have played with any number of toys while he waited, but he. wanted. to. read.


    I am so excited, I could cry, scream, and yell like a crazy person. I knew you would understand! Thanks for listening. I know we still have a long road ahead, but right now, I am basking in this victory. :001_smile:

  7. I did not know that Zev had Aspergers, but I commented to my DH that I wondered about it. So I'll have to let him know. I think he also has a very dry sense of humor that is deliciously funny. We were cracking up at the Matterhorn comment as well as the captain obvious one. :001_smile:


    The pinks were so incredibly annoying, I'm so glad they are gone. DH was so irritated that he was such a wimp! Always whining and complaining. She would carry his bags for him, etc. :ack2:


    ETA: I did feel bad for Vixyn (or however she spells it) when the Globetrotters accused her of taking their candy mold when she clearly didn't.

  8. You have a great attitude! I hope you get some answers, though. You are entitled to an explanation, at least.


    The day before we were closing on our last home (we were the seller), we were told we needed to bring close to $5000 to the closing. We thought we were breaking even on the sale so this was a complete surprise and unlike you, we did. not. have. the. money. :svengo: I was able to get an advance on our credit card and brought the bank check to the closing.


    Another time, we were closing on the sale of our home and the purchase of a new home the same day. The night before the closings, everything fell through - both sides! Our entire home was in boxes packed and ready to go. My DH was on his way to our home with the moving van when we got the call. Everything ended up working out a few weeks later, but talk about stress!!


    Anyway, I know how crazy this all can get and I hope everything works smoothly for you from here on out. :grouphug:

  9. I'd say yes, like Jesus! Jesus asks us to be like him. Feed the hungry, comfort the afflicted, forgive those who sin against us, lay down our lives for others. When we do those things, we are being like Jesus.


    Similarly, when your child imitates you, she is being like you. She is not you; you are you, and she is herself. But she is being like you.



  10. I'm really surprised there is no problem with the way this was handled. Our government committed an assassination. Why was he not captured, taken to trial and then executed? I know he was evil, I know people suffered, but really, when did we just say it's okay to implement wild west justice?


    Um, no, this was not an assassination. There was an intense period of fighting and bin Laden was killed.

  11. I admit I really cringe when I hear people describe peoples' quest walk in a manner worthy of His calling as legalistic. Legalism is about trying to fulfill law. It might surprise you to know that people I know do it because they actually want to be pleasing to God. There really is a difference.


    scripture often exhorts to:


    dwell on things that are true, noble, good, etc.


    set no evil thing before one's eyes


    avoid what is unclean


    I mean, really, if one reads the Bible, there are plenty of exhortations about these things. I agree that people interpret and apply them differently. Just because the majority of Christians do not go as far in what they limit as other

    Christians doesn't mean they are any more right.


    I humbly disagree with your definition of legalism. Since I used the term in my original post, I want to clarify what I mean when I use that term.


    Jesus came to fulfill the law. I do not see that as a definition of legalist and I don't see Jesus as legalistic. The Pharisees were legalistic. They were trying to do all sorts of things to look good on the outside and they were always trying to catch Jesus doing something unlawful.


    This link sums up what I think legalism is better than I ever could.

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