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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. Because my kids have no medical/psychological issues related to food, they eat what they are given or they do not eat. I don't make different meals for each person, I serve one meal for everyone. I don't allow them to choose to eat something else if they don't like or don't feel like what I've prepared.


    And, because I love my family, I try to prepare food that they will like and I always make enough for them to have seconds.

  2. My youngest has tooth decay, and the dentist blames sippy cups. Just wondered if I was a bad mommy for using them. (Even though I have NEVER put her to bed with one.) :)


    I would think it has more to do with what is in the cup than what kind of cup it is. I gave my kids juice with breakfast, and milk with lunch and supper. The rest of the day they drank water from their sippy cups.

  3. I have had manicures a couple times. Would love a pedi. I color my hair at home. Wouldn't mind a massage or a spa day.


    I don't see anything wrong with doing those things. I don't find them self-indulgent in the least. There is nothing wrong with not doing those things, either. To each her own.


    I will, however, find myself in the minority when I say I find buying books to be a waste of money. I rarely buy books that are not curricula. We have a fantastic library nearby and we make good use of ILL. When I buy a book, after I read it, it just sits there. I'd rather borrow.

  4. Ds likes quarter pounders, but not w/cheese. I always have to specify no cheese or it comes w/cheese. Despite the fact that there is a quarter pounder w/cheese as a separate item.


    Also, I've ordered a plain cheeseburger that came w/just a hamburger and a bun. Apparently the plain request nullifies the cheese request.




    Or you could go all metric and say "royale with cheese", or you know, without cheese. :coolgleamA:

  5. BTDT too. I had an AP English teacher take me to task when a relative mentioned that I homeschooled. She ranted about how I was going to *cripple* my children when it came time to take the SAT/ACT and then they will have issues with college English.


    I just listened until she was done and let everyone give her the big *hurrah* and then I told her that she need not worry. My eldest earned a 32 on the ACT, was a National Merit Finalist and earned perfect scores in English on both tests which put her in Advanced Freshman English in college, WHICH she completed LAST semester with a perfect A.


    Then, I put another bite of food in my mouth.


    **rolling my eyes**


    Love it!

  6. I skimmed the other replies, so please forgive me if I'm repeating someone here, but...I see the movies as just a peripheral of the larger problem here, which is that the GPs do not respect your wishes in front of your children. In fact, they are undermining you in front of them. Honestly, it's very serious and I would be very blunt with them that your wishes are to be respected or else they need to come to your house to see their grandchildren.

  7. I'm sorry I clicked on that link-I don't want to give her any sort of stat jump.


    Ugh, I didn't even think about that. I clicked, too.


    This whole thing (not this thread, per se, but the whole "issue" with Ken Ham) is a disgrace to Christianity. And I say that as a Christian that is YE, although I tend to focus more on the born-again aspect of my faith. ;)

  8. I am at a point where I refrain from recommending books/movies/whatever to anyone because there are too many people that are offended by too many things. Honestly, if you are ok with your son reading the MTH books, fine. Your friend seems a little uptight, imo, but to each her own. Am I correct in reading that she threw out your copy? That's a little over the top.


    Personally, I will do backflips when my youngest, who has seriously struggled with reading, can pick up a MTH book and read it.

  9. Do a search on here for free curriculum threads. There are a couple with many resources that you could look into. I have also used http://www.homeschoolforfree.net at times.


    Homeschooling for very little money is not what I'd want to do. I like all the new, shiny curricula out there. But if you need to spend very little, it can be done.


    Are there things around your house you could sell to "earn" extra money to put toward schooling? Do you have a good library available? Do you know other homeschooling families that have some things you could borrow?


    ETA: Here are a couple threads that I referenced above: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109114&highlight=free+curriculum and http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=118355&highlight=free+curriculum

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