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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Do you know how high the arms are? I would want to be able to slide it in when not in use, and the arms may prevent that. Maybe that isn't an issue for you though. Otherwise I think it's nice.
  2. I guess it depends on the context. I'm envisioning preparing food alongside my sil and having her say, "oh, btw, dad likes his sandwiches without stuff hanging over the edge, just so you know." I wouldn't think anything of it. OTOH, if she called me up and told me to make ham sandwiches, and be sure not to let anything hang over the side, I'd think that would be very weird.
  3. It looks as if the results aren't published yet, since the findings were presented at a conference, so I can't look at the actual study, but... It appears to be a cross sectional study, which means they are doing a survey and looking at the causes and effects at one point in time. So they can't possibly draw a conclusion that one thing causes another, because you don't know which one happened first. They can show associations between things, but not (usually) causation. Those types of studies are great for certain things, and are often helpful for generating new hypotheses to be studied further, but they aren't good for determining causation. Unfortunately, the study's lead researcher says this:“The startling results of this study suggest that when left unchecked texting and other widely popular methods of staying connected can have dangerous health effects on teenagers,” said Scott Frank, MD, MS, lead researcher on the study. Shame on him. It says no such thing. He should know better.
  4. That's how I make my sandwiches. But I would never ask someone else to do it that way. Although I don't eat sandwiches that other people make. I'm a little OCD. ;)
  5. Please go get tested for pertussis (whooping cough). We are in the midst of an outbreak here, and two of my kids were diagnosed with it on Thursday. A cough that doesn't go away, especially with shortness of breath, is very suspicious for pertussis.
  6. I need some new enchilada recipes. Here's mine. But I want to try something different. Chicken Enchiladas
  7. What about schools then? Many people here have expressed extreme displeasure with how schools and teachers usurp parental rights, by teaching things that they personally disagree with. I frequently read about how schools make parenting so much harder because we have to un-teach and counter-teach. (And I have made those complaints myself.) So what's the difference? Why do corporations get a pass, but not schools? Hope this doesn't sound snarky, it's not intended to be at all.
  8. But they aren't. :confused: I can still buy a Happy Meal if I want. I can still buy the toy if I want. It doesn't change my ability to feed my kids the way I want. It just makes them unable to tempt my kids with something I don't want them to have.
  9. It's the marketing directly to kids that bothers me. That is a relatively new approach.
  10. But the deliberate marketing to young children by corporations interferes with my ability to parent the way I want. I don't want the corporations making my children's food choices. They market this way because it WORKS. (I still parent my way. But this kind of marketing makes it so much harder than it ought to be.)
  11. Here is a form for evaluating Reciprocal Social Interaction. It will give you an idea of what kinds of behaviors are involved. Some other Asperger's rating scales are here.
  12. :iagree: I never did anything competitive and I regret it. My girls do competitive dance and poms, and my son does swimming and cross country. He used to figure skate but doesn't do that anymore.
  13. I recently posted a picture of an antique bench here and asked if anyone knew what it was or what it was worth. I was planning to sell it on Craigs List for $50-100, but thought maybe I should check into it a little more first. While googling and trying to figure out what it was, I ran across the site WhatsItWorthToYou.com , which offers appraisals for $9.95. I got my appraisal back this morning, and they gave me a great description of the bench and when it was likely built. And that the value is $750-900! Good thing I didn't sell it for $50. Anyway, I just wanted to recommend the site. Although now I really don't know what to do with the bench. Suddenly I like it better. :)
  14. My child was asked questions that I thought were really inappropriate. I coached her to say that I told her that she wasn't supposed to answer those questions until she called me first. She was to be polite, but insist on calling me. It didn't happen again, so she was never put in that position. We had been thinking about homeschooling for months, but the nosy guidance counselor was the last straw, and we pulled the kids out within weeks.
  15. Only in combination with foods that neutralize the acidic pH, though. Like potato salad. By itself, mayo is very unlikely to cause food poisoning.
  16. Well, I'd toss it because it's easy to replace (I always have an extra jar in the cupboard) and it's cheap, but it probably isn't necessary. Here's an interesting article about mayo, potato salad, and food poisoning.
  17. It's not necessarily that they don't know. The pharmacist isn't the one who's going to be responsible if something goes wrong. It's easy to "solve the problem" when you're not the one whose butt is on the line. :grouphug: Hope you find something that works.
  18. My favorites are in red. Some of the names are nice, but too trendy for me. I prefer Rosie over Rose, and Brooke but not Brooklyn. I like Ellis for a boy, but LOVE Ellery for a girl. Since we didn't get to use it for a kid, my next dog is going to be Ellery.
  19. Here's mine. This is one of dh's favorite meals. Cut ~1 1/2 pounds of stew meat into 1 inch chunks. Dredge in 1/2 c. flour. Brown in vegetable oil (in small batches) over medium high heat, along with an onion cut into chunks. Remove to crockpot when browned. Deglaze the pan with 8 ounces of red wine, scraping up browned bits, heat to thicken, and add to the crock pot. Add chunks of rutabaga, turnip, parsnips, potatoes and carrots. Sprinkle another 1/2 c. of flour over all and mix up with a large spoon. Add 1 Tb garlic, pinch of thyme, cube of Knorr vegetable bouillon, and salt and pepper. Add 1 C. water and a bay leaf. Cover and cook in the crock pot on high for 6-8 hours. Even better the second day, if there are any leftovers.
  20. Right. You send them a description and pictures and pay them $9.95, and they'll tell you what it is and what it's worth.
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