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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I actually think the grammar on this board is exceptionally good, compared to the rest of the internet.
  2. Right. I don't think she is really Tom Hanks' daughter though. According to wiki and other online bios, he doesn't have a daughter named Sophie or a daughter that age.
  3. Dd16 does her own laundry. I do the rest. Dh used to "help" with it but there were too many ruined clothes, and clothes ending up in the wrong person's closets (i.e. disappearing). He's banned from the laundry room now.
  4. Any reason you want to get a separate GPS instead of a phone with GPS? There are other phones with good GPS systems. I love my Samsung Fascinate.
  5. I was about ready to give up on my dishwasher, but tried 2 things that I learned from previous WTM threads, and it's working much better now. 1. I switched to Cascade Action Pacs instead of the powder. 2. I keep the Rinse Aid compartment filled. I check it daily and need to top it off every couple days. Makes a huge difference.
  6. I defriended someone and within a few hours she sent me a message asking why. I was hoping she wouldn't notice. She must keep track because she is defriended very frequently. :D
  7. :iagree: Drawing pictures is a great way to become familiar with a new concept. It isn't an efficient way to solve problems once the concept is mastered. TERC puts way too much emphasis on using pictures to solve problems, and not nearly enough on mastery.
  8. I don't know, I think a bad school can do a lot of damage, even when the parents are involved and "good". And what about the parents who aren't "good" parents? Their kids are the ones who desperately need good schools, because it might be their only chance for success. There are certainly schools doing a fantastic job. Unfortunately, I do not believe they are the norm.
  9. I don't see anywhere that they've refused to transfer him.
  10. It's a major surgical procedure and the doctors don't feel comfortable doing it. Shouldn't they be the ones who get to decide? It would really be a problem if the courts started to order doctors to do a procedure they don't want to do.
  11. Seems like if they looked at the usage details online they would see the actual number that sent the messages, instead of the fake one. Should I call the girl back tomorrow and see if she would check it?
  12. No, but even if they had, it would have shown up as coming from dd's phone first, right? According to the verizon online "usage details", the first contact was a text from the other number to my dd at 1:09 yesterday, then dd texted her back at 1:10 saying she didn't know what she was talking about. Then there were a bunch more texts from the other number, and dd stopped responding. Which is exactly what I see when I look at dd's phone.
  13. My dd has received a bunch of threatening texts over the last 2 days. Dh called the number tonight, and the girl who answered started yelling at him that she was receiving nasty messages from dd's number. The girl told him her name, and my dd doesn't know anyone by that name. I looked at our online record, and this girl clearly texted my dd first. The first text said something like "stop messing with me" (but using very foul language), so it does seem like she was responding, not starting something. It's not a local number. I called the police, who called the number and spoke with her. She claims someone from dd's phone texted her first, and she read the text to the policewoman. Policewoman says she believes both of us. She thinks someone else might have dd's phone number. Is that possible? I'm going to talk to Verizon tomorrow, and I blocked the number from dd's phone.
  14. Public policy shouldn't be determined by opinion and anecdote. It should be based on data and evidence. The evidence is clear that class size reduction does not necessarily result in better outcomes. We should be implementing the things that have been shown to work. When that happens, then drop those class sizes all you want.
  15. I wholeheartedly agree, but why aren't we seeing a rebellion from the teachers about this? With very rare exceptions, my kids' teachers all defended and fully supported the crappy curricula.
  16. There may be a correlation. I do not believe there is causation. And while they may be using class size as an explanation, there isn't good evidence that smaller class sizes improve results. Everything I've read is that you're far better off in a large class with an excellent teacher than in a small class with a lousy teacher. I'm sure small classes with an excellent teacher is ideal, but small class size isn't necessary.
  17. They might be, but they aren't doing it well. You're doing just fine.
  18. Has he tried using a neti pot or similar nasal rinse? They are really surprisingly effective at preventing and treating sinus infections. Around here, doctors don't even want to prescribe antibiotics for routine sinusitis unless you've at least tried the neti pot first.
  19. Wellbutrin can definitely cause agitation and anxiety. If you aren't seeing a psychiatrist for your treatment, I highly recommend it. They are the experts in these medications, not an internist or FP.
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