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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Yes, that's the difficulty. If you do have an infection, even something mild like a cold, the blood shouldn't be used. It's difficult to know if you have an infection or not, though. It might be a good idea to discuss it with your oncologist, since that is really a clinical question and they have much more clinical experience than the blood bank physician. The more I think about it, I'd recommend calling your oncologist first. They can always discuss it with the blood bank if they feel the need. :grouphug:
  2. Dissenting opinion here-- Bacteria aren't usually transmitted by blood transfusions, but many viruses are. Many (not all) of the viruses that cause upper respiratory infections are associated with viremia (virus in the bloodstream). So if you have a virus now, and receive the blood transfusion in the future, you could possibly be giving yourself the virus again. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem because you should have antibodies to that virus.* If you are immunocompromised though (cancer, chemo) your body may not fight the infection as it normally would. While cold viruses are rarely a problem in a healthy person, they can cause severe problems in immunocompromised people. I would call and ask to speak to the doctor in charge of the blood bank, not the tech, and explain the situation. I know that's not what you wanted to hear. Sorry. ~Perry (infectious disease epidemiologist in another life) *I'm assuming the blood is for autologous transfusion and will be discarded if you don't use it. If the blood is transfused to someone else, they likely would not have antibodies to the virus.
  3. I pay $150 for a cut, color and highlights, about every 2 months. It takes about an hour and a half.
  4. I can now, thank goodness. Awhile back I was on Paxil for some anxiety issues. It was great for the anxiety symptoms, but after taking it for several years, I gradually realized I had stopped getting any pleasure from music and could no longer "hear" music in my head. Music just began to sound like noise rather than something pleasant. It eventually returned to normal after I stopped taking the medicine, but it took awhile, and for months I was afraid I'd never really be able to appreciate music again. I later found that this isn't an uncommon side effect of SSRIs.
  5. My son starts hockey lessons tomorrow. The rink loaned us the helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads, shin guards, gloves, socks, skates, and a stick. What else does he need? What kind of pants and shirt is he supposed to wear? This is new to me. None of us know anything about hockey. TIA.
  6. I can't drink milk either, but yogurt doesn't bother me. I like grape nuts with plain or vanilla yogurt, sliced fruit and a little brown sugar.
  7. We started Idea Chain last fall, but had to put it on hold because we also started VT around the same time. I decided to put IC off until we finished VT because I just didn't think we had time to do both. We only did it for about 2 weeks, but I was very happy with it and am looking forward to starting up again next month.
  8. I wouldn't assume his ear is better. He may have something that isn't treated by amoxicillin. I'd take him for a recheck. Also, are you giving him ibuprofen? If not, I'd definitely add that. Sorry.
  9. At my son's VT session this morning he used a computer program that had him reading text in a small moving window. As he read, the words would disappear as the new ones came on the screen. It seemed to work really well for him, and this looks like something he could really benefit from. Are there any programs like this on the market? Has anyone made something like this themselves? I'm fairly computer savvy, although I don't program. I was playing around in PowerPoint and found some animation effects that are similar, but not exactly what I want. Thanks.
  10. I'd like to hear from people who have done this. Do you have any book suggestions? I've Googled but the lists I'm finding all have contemporary books that I'm not familiar with. Do you attend with your daughters? How involved are you in the discussion? I wouldn't want it to be too schoolish, but if there is no adult present I doubt if they'd talk about the book at all. I'd appreciate any ideas and recommendations. TIA.
  11. Google torus palatinus. They usually don't cause a problem.
  12. From Myocardial Infarction in Young Adults With Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels * 100 mg/dL
  13. I want to search for "Reading Detective", but it searches Reading OR Detective, so of course I get a zillion hits. I've tried using AND, quotes, and +reading + detective but none of these work.
  14. I like Pottery Barn but need to branch out. Any other suggestions?
  15. Self-reported doesn't make it worthless. There is always the issue of false, incomplete, or incorrect information when you do research. But when you are comparing groups, it's only a serious issue if the difference in quality of information occurs at different rates between the groups. In the Virginity Pledge study, they matched the subjects on as many factors as possible, so the groups were as alike as they could possibly be, with the only difference being whether or not they pledged. Obviously, the groups can never be EXACTLY the same, but this matching technique is pretty good. It is assumed that there will be some errors in the information- technically we would call it "misclassification bias". Here is a discussion of misclassification bias from an epidemiology lecture: In the Virginity Pledge study, non-differential misclassification is assumed, meaning there is some inaccuracy in the reported information, but it should occur at about the same rate in each group. There is not likely to be any differential misclassification because of the study design. The effect of non-differential misclassification is well known - it UNDERESTIMATES the true association. So if anything, if the kids in this study are lying, it means that the difference is actually larger than reported.
  16. This has happened to me numerous times. You can request they do a search for it, but I've always found it easier to check myself. I've always found the books reshelved. I eventually got so fed up with it I started having them check the books in while I waited. One of the librarians got a little snotty about it, but she backed off when I explained the situation. All the other librarians have been very understanding.
  17. My biggest time saver is to make a weekly menu and grocery shop only once a week. I no longer stress about meals on a daily basis, our meals are healthier, and we eat out less.
  18. Confessions of a Pioneer Woman I read a lot of education blogs. These are two I read every day: joannejacobs.com kitchen table math, the sequel
  19. I agree with the Flylady recommendations. Start with your sink, like she says.;) The conventional wisdom is to tackle a little project each day. Well, that does NOT work for me. I need a big block of uninterrupted time so I can start and FINISH a big project (like one room, or a closet, etc.) all in one day. Since your kids are young, could your dh take them somewhere for an afternoon so you can get a good start on something? Once you get started and make a big dent in the problem it's much easier to continue with little projects.
  20. My oldest was like this. One thing that helped a lot was to arrange times throughout the day that I would do something with her. I would tell her she needed to play on her own until 10:00, then we would play XYZ. Afterwards, she had to play until 12:00, then we would have lunch. I did this all day long. For some reason, she would entertain herself fine if she knew there was a definite plan for the immediate future. A craft that my kids would spend hours on is Perler beads.
  21. My favorites for struggling spellers are Sequential Spelling, Megawords. and Apples and Pears. Of these three, I like Apples and Pears best.
  22. My dyslexic son liked it at first, but is now finding it very frustrating. He's not making any progress and we put it away for awhile. We'll try it again when school starts back in January.
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