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Everything posted by Perry

  1. We don't have them in our neighborhood, but there is a small lake nearby and many of the families drive around the lake in golf carts. Several days before school started in August, one of my dd's 9th grade classmates was killed in a golf cart accident at the lake. Last week, a coworker of a close friend of mine was in a golf cart wreck (they were drunk) and ended up with a serious head injury requiring surgery. I hate the things.
  2. Unfortunately, a consequence of mass vaccination for chicken pox is that the risk of shingles in older people goes up. Shingles is prevented by periodic exposure to chicken pox, and since chicken pox is disappearing, that natural exposure is no longer occurring. Chicken pox vaccine associated with shingles epidemic
  3. I'm on the fence about the seasonal flu shot, to be perfectly honest. There is very little of it circulating, but it's early in the season and the old strains might come back with a vengeance. Historically, when a pandemic strain emerges, it replaces the previously circulating strains, which then become extinct. The exception to that was in 1977, when an H1N1 showed up, and did NOT replace the previously circulating H3N2. Both H1N1 (human, not swine) and H3N2 have been present since. Prior to that, only one strain circulated at a time, for as long as we have records, so it's reasonable to expect the seasonal strains to die out. But it's just too early to know what's going to happen. One sure benefit of getting the seasonal vaccine is that it will protect from Influenza B (which will continue to circulate), while the new H1N1 vaccine won't. I would recommend it for elderly people, since they are more at risk from the seasonal flu than swine flu, and for other high risk groups. One option would be to wait and see if seasonal influenza rates begin to increase. If they do, there ought to be plenty of vaccine available. If they don't, you probably don't need it. I think this is what we'll do. You can keep your eye on trends here. There is a long post about this at Effect Measure, if you are interested.
  4. I understand what its initial purpose was. I still don't see the part where it assures people that's all it was ever to be used for. Lots of things start out one way and turn into something else. That is *different* than promising it will never be used for another purpose.
  5. Also, I'm not trying to be argumentative. It may very well be true, and it wouldn't really surprise me if it were. But I searched and couldn't find it, and that sort of surprises me. If there were quotes or speeches, I'd expect them to be easy to find.
  6. How about a speech? Or a newspaper article? Or a quote attributed to Roosevelt?
  7. I just don't see where the government actually said that. Maybe they did, but this isn't it. That's what I'm looking for.
  8. I wouldn't want a litter box in the the kitchen. We've bought some decorative boxes large enough to hold the litter box and cut a hole in the side. We have them in the bathroom and den, and you no one even knows they're there. These are expensive, but we made ours for much cheaper.
  9. Do you have carpal tunnel syndrome? Gripping the handlebars makes my hands numb and tingly. They don't usually swell though.
  10. But didn't they just mean that the individual couldn't use it to prove their identity?
  11. Must be regional. The junior high school that I attended was built in the early 1970s and it was built completely without windows. It was not a pleasant experience, and I remember feeling very claustrophobic. The district we now live in is growing rapidly and they have built several new schools in the last few years. The buildings and grounds are beautiful, with lots of windows and open space. I'm not so impressed with the academics.
  12. :ack2:We had TERC Investigations which was like EM but worse. It was the last straw and is what pushed us into homeschooling. Where's that barf smilie?
  13. Huh. My kids don't think school is a prison. They love it, and are having a great time. They are a little disappointed they aren't learning much, but they sure as heck don't hate school. OTOH, I am a huge fan of Daniel Willingham, and can't wait to read his new book.
  14. Must have been two of the moons then. They were little bright points just to either side of Jupiter, lined up. I thought they were the edges of the rings. Jupiter was awfully bright, so I didn't see any stripes. We'll try again tonight. Thanks!
  15. Yes, if she has a phone and calls when she leaves practice.
  16. I thought we were seeing the rings, but maybe they were moons. Were they on opposite sides of Jupiter? I just read that the rings are visible only with large telescopes, so that must not have been what we saw.
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