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Everything posted by raristy

  1. Thanks a lot for all the great input, please keep it coming. Tonight she was thrilled to show me her first green bar for the week. She even did a few problems for me to see she's getting a hold of that particular concept. A little light of hope. Just a few more bars to go. Thanks much, Rosa
  2. I taught my dd AoPS algebra 1 a few years back followed by Singapore Math DM. Now she is taking her first online class with them, AoPS Introduction to Counting & Probability Class. She did well on Week 1 but seems to be stuck with Week 2 Alcumus work. She will review and work on Chapter 2 again. She's becoming familiar with the online system and resources but I think she doesn't yet knows all it offers (she's watched the videos). What online help or resources does AoPS offers or are available to help learn, tackle problems, etc.? How do your students used AoPS community, forums etc? What do your students do when they're stuck? Any other resources apart from AoPS or Khan Academy? Please let me know. Thanks much, Rosa
  3. We love DM. Sporadically you can find them in Amazon marketplace or Ebay. If you're really interested you can buy used copies from locals through Gumtree (Singapore's ebay) and have the seller ship via Singpost Ordinary Mail (airmail is super expensive, but also an option). I believe there is also an online bookstore in Singapore which will ship books abroad. I can guide you, if you need to. Rosa
  4. What's the best way to get the highest discount for purchasing ALEKS's plans? I googled and the best I see is a 15% coupon. Any other ideas? Wishing for the days they gave discounts through Homeschool Buyers Coop :001_rolleyes: ... Thanks a lot!!!
  5. My 10th grader dd has forgotten some of her algebra. Any good books or websites to help her ace her ACT math? Please let me know. Thanks a lot. Rosa
  6. Anyone is aware of some online summer classes for high school students? Any good online summer classes your child has taken? I am particularly interested in a Logic one (ideally one that uses James B. Nance's Logic textbooks). Any recommendations on a good SAT or ACT online prep class. Please let me know. Thanks a lot!!! Rosa
  7. Has she visited Rice? You mentioned she doesn't prefer a large city. Rice is right in the heart of Houston, off a major highway. Heavy traffic. The campus looks pretty and is in a nice part of town, close to the medical center and the museums. I live just 40 minutes from Rice. Would be happy to answer questions about this area if you'd like to.
  8. My oldest three kids had a reasonably good grip at age 3, then came my cute fourth child :). I was really concerned yet thankfully calm about his grip. Besides using golf pencils, I had him put plastic beads into pipe cleaners just about every school day, pick craft store pom poms and put them back in a box, play with play dough, safely build with small Legos, use a magnadoodle, cut with scissors workbooks and other activities geared towards strengthening his fine motor skills. It worked! After a year or so he developed a wonderful pencil grip. Patience and encouragement were key. Rosa
  9. Maybe this recent thread has some answers http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/564413-high-school-spanish/. If none of these options are what you are looking for, please let me know. Rosa
  10. My daughter is using one of the Norton Anthologies book in an online class and really enjoys it. She reads a short story and then writes about it.
  11. Do any of you see any issues if I have my 10th grader focus on preparing for the ACT only? She's a hard working and bright student, but due to health issues with an autoimmune disease she needs to watch her stress levels. She's inclined in pursuing a degree that blends math, science and art (she's mentioned an interest in architecture, but this might change). Would the fact that she only submits her ACT score in her college application adversely affect her? Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks a lot, Rosa
  12. Maureen McInnis Again, I haven't used her but thought her videos along with Avancemos can be a great option. I own the Avancemos textbook and think it's very solid.
  13. In contacting the company they said if you buy the iPad version you didn't need to buy the print textbook, but you'd still need the print textbook. I bought the iPad book but I never used it. They recently updated the iPad book, so I would email the publisher to see if one still needs to buy the workbook or anything else besides it.
  14. Most welcome. If you don't like that one you can also look into the Avancemos (there is a teacher on YouTube who teaches the lessons, you an purchase the textbook and workbook used for close to nothing). Also some people like the Vistas 4th edition. Professor Gamache uses them in his class http://www.funclase.com/High-School-Spanish-p/hs.htm. They're pricey though. If neither of these catches your fancy, please let me know. There are other resources.
  15. Have you seen these http://www.tobreak.com/ibooks-textbooks/? I think it's a very solid curriculum and rather suitable for homeschoolers. Rosa
  16. I have a few Pinterest on this. My favorites are TPRS way to teach/learn Spanish and Destinos (free videos, can purchase corresponding textbook and workbook). For more advanced students Read and Think Spanish. Pinterests: 1. https://www.pinterest.com/raristy/learn-spanish-high-school-resources/ 2. https://www.pinterest.com/raristy/series-en-espanol/ 3. https://www.pinterest.com/raristy/tprs/ 4. https://www.pinterest.com/raristy/secundaria-programas-en-espa%C3%B1ol/ The first one is probably the one is more in line to what you're asking. Also depending on the TPRS book I'm doing, I create a Pinterest (Patricia Va a California, El Viaje de Su Vida, etc). These are the ones I'm using and for which I've seen best results with my own kids, but over the years I've tried a few others. Would be happy to guide you. Rosa
  17. Has anyone tried the official ACT ONLINE PREP? If so how helpful did you find it? Any pluses or minus? Please let me know. Thanks a lot, Rosa
  18. Thanks so much for sharing this. Was just looking for something like this!!! You made my day :). Thank you!
  19. Anyone has taken this class? Any feedback on the workload (medium or heavy?)? Approximately, how much time did it take your child to complete this class? How did your student enjoy it? Any other feedback will be greatly appreciated it. Please send me a private message, if you prefer. Thanks a lot, Rosa
  20. Sent you the info in a PM here on the forum mailbox. Rosa
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