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19 Good
  1. Math Mammoth with Beast supplement and Right Start games. We started with strictly Right Start, but with 4 kids math was just taking too long. I needed something we could all sit around the table and do. With MM I can have everyone have their sheets out and float around giving directions and help. I also didn't love the scriptedness of RS.
  2. Planning my 2nd grade year. I am feeling fairly sold (at the moment) on the MFW Adventures program and loving the history cycle that happens after that. Many things I like about the CM/classical-ness of MFW and the fact that I don't have to plan certain things but still have freedom with the book basket, etc. For LA we currently do a mix of ETC and ELTL and I See Sam readers. But The Good and the Beautiful LA just caught my eye, and it seems that it could almost take the place of all of these things. But I do NOT want to over-do our curriculum at all. Would it be too much to be doing MFW Adventures AND TGTB LA? Does anyone have experience with both of these programs? Or TGTB and any other program and if it felt like it was too much or didn't blend well, etc.? I'm not interested in any other programs by TGTB, except maybe handwriting. I would love some feedback on this blend.
  3. I would look into Wayfarers if I were you. I love/hate all the same things you do about Sunlight. I bought PreK but never fully used it (just read through the books). But I LOVE the book selections of Wayfarers and the schedule is nice too. I like that I still have options, but not too many. Now, for the science, I'm not sure I would use Wayfarers, but since you are just buying the guide and not everything else, it is easy to fit in your own science on science days. We are currently using Mystery Science and my boys are loving it!
  4. Give Your Child The World by Jamie Martin!!! This is what you are looking for!!
  5. Also wanted to add... he did the Math Mammoth end-of-year test for 1st grade and scored 92%. So technically he could advance to 2nd grade math in MM. Even though we haven't FORMALLY covered some of those topics (measuring, telling time... he knows just through life). Thoughts on that? I appreciate any input!!
  6. I'm in the same boat!!! 6, 5, 4 and a 10 month old! Right now we do morning time together, then I'm finding it works best to rotate kids. 20 mins with my 4yo, 40 mins to do math and reading each with my other kids. They do copywork and handwriting by themselves. I really keep it as minimal as possible. Because someone always needs something - food, diaper change, baby won't nap, etc. We have time on our side. In the afternoon I read our content lesson - right now we're doing beautiful feet history for 3 weeks, then we'll switch our block schedule and do a mystery science for 2-3 weeks. We do notebook pages where they draw a picture and narrate to me. It definitely feels like a dance. Some days I do a lot with one child and the next day I balance it out by doing more with another. The beauty of it is that they DO have each other to play with while I'm busy with the baby or doing school with another. I love that they're learning to play independently and also deepening their friendship as brothers (some days). I understand the guilt - but I think there are positives to the way things are set up also. Hugs mama!
  7. We have been using Right Start Math this year. However, it has been difficult to get it done well. I personally have struggled with all the moving parts and feeling like it takes me too much time to wrap my mind around what they are doing and where they are headed before presenting it to my son. Some other factors here - I am teaching RS A to my kindergartener, RS B to my first grader, I also have a preschooler (with sensory needs) and a 10 month old. I really do like the method behind it - I see it working in the end. But my oldest is a math kid and literally can multiply simple numbers in his head even though we've never covered it. But the other day my son asked for worksheets and out of curiosity I printed of the Math Mammoth 1st grade test and he LIT UP and LOOOOVED the worksheets and asked to do it more often. So, here I'm stuck. I love the idea of RS but in my real life, it feels difficult to get done. It has too many moving parts and takes too long - especially when I'm trying to fit it in a baby's nap time. I love math worksheets and the idea of MM. My son loves worksheets and the idea of MM. But I see the benefit of visual math in a big way. I have heard of people using MM or Singapore "the Right Start Way".... can someone explain to me what this looks like? How do you use the manipulative in RS to emphasize the worksheets of MM? Would it be a mistake to switch to MM mid-year? I worry about losing the value of visual math, but also the days we did worksheets felt like a breath of fresh air because my son and I both felt more in our element. Help!!
  8. I am VERY MUCH in the same position. I have RS A and B. I have a 4, 5, and 6yo boys and then a 10 month old girl. RS is difficult for me to get done. Part of it is that it simply isn't very open and go for me. My oldest DS recently asked me for more worksheets like he did in K (we did Singapore essentials). I was looking at MM, but unsure if I want to totally drop RS. Although I think I would personally like it better and I think it would get done. Not easy decisions!! Hah!
  9. I’m glad to see some have skipped those parts. My kids really do resonate with this method of learning but sometimes I struggle to enjoy it for these reasons!!
  10. Slight vent. I love the hands-on-ness of Right Start Math, I do. But I bought SO many manipulatives they said I needed. WHY must I then print out 37 hundreds squares out of the appendix. I swear every other lesson has me copying pages out of the appendix and cutting shapes out, etc. It makes it not feel open-and-go and is irritating to me. At this point with 4 kids and a baby, I need open and go. Vent over. But also - might there be a curriculum that truly is open and go but with the same hands-on visual approach? Or perhaps as we progress there won’t be as much of the printing and cutting needed before we can begin? We are in Level B.
  11. I am part of one - and went to the conference in Nashville last month. Appearances aside, these folks don't push any certain WAY to homeschool or methodology. It's open for classical, charlotte mason, waldorf, unschooling. It really is as simple as it sounds, encouragement and community for homeschooling moms. Our group is really tight knit and we are doing weekly nature walks together and using Exploring Nature with Children curriculum together. So, basically, that is our science. We also do quarterly book clubs for the kids, where we all do the same read-aloud and our kids come up with a presentation. You'll find information about all of these sorts of things on their website in their content bundles. I've also read about handicrafts, note booking, nature journaling, the importance of reading aloud, and so much more. Their conference was largely about encouraging a mom in her relationship with her kids - no curriculum pushing, although Rea Burg did speak. But, for example, Sarah Mackenzie opened the whole conference by asking "Imagine your child in 20 years hanging out with friends, and one asks, 'hey you were homeschooled, what was that like?' What do you want them to say?" Many answers such as "interest lead" and "reading good books" and "hands on learning" were shouted out. And she pointed out that she had never talked to a group who said "We stuck to our rigorous curriculum". So her whole talk was about making curriculum work for you and your family and not feeling bad about shelving something that isn't working. A mom's relationship with her kids is incredibly valuable. People who spoke were Sarah Mackenzie, Sally Clarkson, Leah Boden, Rea Burg, Jodi Mockabee... and breakouts with others. I hear that Julie Bogart is speaking at their upcoming March conference! So, I'm a fan. It may sound soft and feel-goody, but honestly, I need that encouragement in these early years (schooling PreK, K, and 1st this year with a 7 month old in tow). Yes, on instagram it is easy to spark the comparison game. But I do love following these ladies for ideas, because when it comes down to it, they are all about simplicity. I LOVE the note booking methods that have been shared there and they have totally changed our homeschool. So, that said - I encourage you to learn more if you're interested. :-)
  12. I believe it is second edition. I just purchased it a couple months ago. I didn't think to look for a list, but I will.
  13. Has anyone else noticed this? Or do I have a dud? I'm doing Right Start A with my K'er and I'm only in Lesson 15 and have already found typos and content errors (like... stating to refer to Lesson 15, when I'm in Lesson 15... with no further directions). Also, typos and grammatical errors. I get that it is math and not LA... but really. I ended up skipping one portion because I really couldn't figure out what it was asking me to do. Please tell me the whole curriculum isn't so frustrating.
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