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Everything posted by threelilbirds

  1. I have a friend like this that I have known since high school. She is very high drama, and everything is about her, her , her. Anytime I had an issue that I needed a friend for (problems with SO, parenting, etc.) she would back away from me, and wouldnt return phone calls..etc. But never failed the next week, she was calling me with her drama. SHe also always was the expert, in everything, from parenting, homeschooling, business, college, cooking, exercising, everything! She always made me feel inferior.. We hadnt talked for a couple of years, then just got in contact again a few months ago, talked on the phone, got together about 5 times, and it was the same old story. I decided it is NOT worth my time, and I have other friends who make me feel good..so I cut her loose :)
  2. DS is going to drive me to the looney bin!! He is constantly whining, for everything from asking for a drink, or a snack, to where he sits at the kitchen table, to how many ice cubes are in his drink, if he has a speck of dirt on his shirt...and it is a crazy all out whining, moaning, crying fest.. He is super sensitive, obviously, a little OCD, very people sensitive, very shy.. FOr example DH took him to panera bread this morning for breakfast with Grandpa. Apparently DS cried the whole way there, didnt want to go, and hid behind DH the whole time, didnt eat, and every time he was addressed, he just moaned and whined..he was fine when he got home. It has been so bad on many occasions that I had one friend ask if he had ever been checked out for autism...but he is only like this in certain situations, and once he is comfortable(to his standards), he is fine.. This type of behavior is very common..not sure how to stop the whining, which is my main concern. The shyness I can live with, lol. But the whining....geeeezzz..any tips??
  3. Hi, I just discovered this site, and was looking into opinions on it..It seems like a great resource! Has anyone used it for their homeschooling? thanks! :)
  4. No No, very helpful!!:001_smile: Ive heard of HWT, but wanst sure if it was for us. He loves to color, and I know thats a great start, but the thing is, he knew how to form all of his letters over a year ago, and now seems to be kinda losing it, becasue I cant get him to write anything..:confused:
  5. What do you do for a DS who hates to write??? Workbooks? Copywork? I have tried copywork, and he gets bored 2 words in..any good tricks or strategies you can share?? thanks!
  6. PLEASEEEE...very naive newbie here...can someone please tell me what teA stands for? If not ON the board, by PM? Thanks, and BTW, on amazon, you can buy large jars of organic Nutiva coconut oil for a very reasonable price :D
  7. When we have been to the doc, and my boys have had any type of scrapes, cuts, bruises, they are usually more than willing to explain what happende themselves..Kids dont lie about what happened, so just have her explain it.
  8. Thank you so much for all of the replies! We ended up discussing it, in a relatively calmer manner. (I will admit, it angered me at first, and I probably flew off the handle a bit, putting him on the defensive.) I explained to him, again, that taking money, or anything that doesnt belong to you , is wrong. I told him that the money was for Disneyland, and that it would be very much appreciated if he helped me find it. We then cleaned up his room together, but still did not find the money. He apologized, and told me the REAL story, which was that a neighbor kid who was at our house playing, had convinced him to go and take money out of my purse. I will be having a talk with this kid and his parents :glare:....and asking them to look for a fifty dollar bill. The funny thing is, I had found 2 $20's in his bedroom, and I had doubts about BOTH twenties being from my purse. SOOO, what I think is that the neighbor boy (who is slightly older and a bit more conniving) may have played a little switcharoo on my DS. :angry: Anyways, I DID take him with us to Disneyland, but he was unable to buy any souveniers, that was his "punishment" for the day. We went, had a great time, and he was on his best behavior, only needing to be reminded of his "infraction" about twenty or so times :lol: Thanks again, for the replies, definitely helped me sort it all out...
  9. Thank you for all of the replies..I am still on the fence, I am going to talk with my hubby tonight about it when he gets home. We have season [passes, so it is not something that he will never be able to do again. So I dont feel it is too big of a punishment. BUT...I am still on the fence...lol. Not sure that I WANT to leave him home, because I was looking forward to enjoying the day with him..but as a parent, I think that you need to be firm sometimes, and do things you dont want to do. He is still being very disrespectful tonight also, and it IS an ongoing discipline problem...
  10. I seee what you mean, but I dont agree with the emerging personality part..to an extent. I would understand if it was just the taking the money part, but helping find it, and then the attitude that he is still giving me, blatant disobeying, the dirty looks, etc..its really bad right now from him. Im just not sure what to do..I feel like he needs to be punished for his attitude about the whole thing also..
  11. Well, and this is kinda how I feel. I have been having problems with his behavior for while now. I feel like he needs to have some sort of consequences for his bad behavior, and see that wehn he is good, THAT is when he gets rewarded with disneyland..
  12. Update post #56 with the help of my grandmother, I was able to get myself and 2 of my boys disneyland season passes. I had been saving money take a trip down there, and had about 150 dollars in my wallet. I just found my wallet in my room on the floor, and 70 dollars was missing, I asked them about it, and finally got out of DS 5 that he took it out, and was put it in his bedroom. (he has done this before, and been explained to that he should not take money out of mommy or daddys wallets)...well, I found the $20 bill, but there is still a fifty missing. The major problem is, He has such a bad attitude about it, I am trying to get him to help me clean up his room, to help find it, and he is giving SUCH attitude for a 5yr old boy...grrrrrrr... So, I promised DS 10 that we would go, his birthday, great grades and hard work in school. Is it too bad of a punishment to make DS 5 stay home this time? We will be going again this year. so its not a once in a lifetime thing or anything..but I just feel so guilty leaving him home..:confused:
  13. ok, this is what I was thinking, I just wasnt sure if its what we should be studying at this point, ya know...like some people think at this age it should be more american history, gold mining, pilgrims, colonial times etc.. BUT..Im sure he can get that eventually, right??
  14. Hi, I have been struggling with this, DS NEEDS a social outlet, he asks me everyday when he is starting "school" , and often seems angry with me for not letting him go to school. I met a woman who is in a co-op type group, who is moving on to a Middle ages study next school year..it sounds awesome, like maybe just what we are looking for..but even though there are many young children in the group, it seems the material may be a bit over his head? She assures me that there will be plenty of material for a younger age group( he is 6), and I can pick and choose what I think is appropriate. Should we join??? I would love any input, thanks!!
  15. 30 day shred is awesome, I second this, very fast, and you DEFINITELY get a fantastic workout. Love it.:)
  16. Huh! This is a great idea, I have been tryingt to get DS to enjoy it also, with no luck whatsoever. I will definitely try this! Thanks for the idea
  17. Could you give me a link so I can view out? Ote sounds very interes ting!
  18. Hello, can anyone recommend a good bible curriculum for prek-1st grade? Just for bible, not a multisubbject bible based curriculum, thanks!:)
  19. ;)Looks like Heart of Dakota is a pretty popular program around here, lol, Im finding lots of info, just by searching
  20. Hello, I am looking into next year, and was curious in others opinions on my "plan of action" which, actually is NO plan as of yet, lol. My DS will be in first grade, 6 years old. My littlest will be 4. 20 months apart. I am looking for a program that I can combine them in..and have been looking alot at Heart of Dakota. I really love Story of the World, also, and cant wait myself to start that, but it seems that it is way over both of their heads at this point..they are both very immature..Should I do Little Hearts for His Glory next year, and then move to Story of the World the year after, or should I just start Story of the World next year, and hope they retain at least some of the info? If I did story of the world, I was planning on doing Elemental Science, Intro to Science along with it.. My main goal is to start teaching them together, at least for SS, S, and read alouds,etc..butkeep them separate for math and phonics/reading..thanks for any input
  21. I cannot WAIT until the day that my DS's sleep all day! lol. Right now, it is 6 am and we have been up for almost 2 hours.:sleep:
  22. Hi there, I am really struggling with teaching my DS to read. We belong to a charter, and homeschool, and at the beginning of the year, our ES gave us Sing Spell Read and Write. It was such a struggle to get DS to do the work, at first he loved it, but very quickly, he started to get upset every time I brought the box out.. He does know his letters and letter sounds, and is starting to get the hang of sounding out short words..thats how far we have gotten. I thought about getting Ordinary Parents Guide, or Hooked on Phonics..but would like to hear suggestions. He is a very reluctant learner. I am always met with moans and groans with school, lol. :glare:
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