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Everything posted by Ann.without.an.e

  1. We sponsor through Compassion International. They are a Christian organization. A friend visited their headquarters and was very happy with the simplicity. Some of the aid organizations build monuments to themselves and so little go to the children. Not so with Compassion. We get letters from our child.
  2. I guess, haha. I haven't had any signs of menopause and I am still a few years from 40?
  3. Actually everything I have read says days 6-12. That is why I am concerned. Since tea would have come first with ovulation less than 24 hours later, implantation would probably fall on the earlier side of things and not later. or it could just be a period. Who knows. I really need to not worry about it, I suppose.
  4. I think I need to wait a few more days for that to be accurate. I think I read 7 days after implantation? I'm not good at waiting. It kills me. Surely I'm not pregnant though.
  5. Bless! Seriously? Was it really almost like a light period?
  6. We are not planning a baby. I was due for my period the end of June. Dh and I went to have tea on 7-4 and found that we were shockingly out of protection. We have no idea how that happened :confused1: We decided that the risk was very low since I was already overdue for my period. Well the next day (7-5) I felt distinct ovulation pain in my right side. I was not expecting that :blush: Sometimes I do have quirky cycles and ovulate late though. So yesterday (7-10) I started a very light period. This would have been the first day for implantation. Or it could just be my period and it is light this month. If I did ovulate on 7-5 then it is really too early for my period. Maybe it wasn't ovulation on 7-5 but it felt so much like it. And I just don't feel normal, kwim? Really...I'm just rambling thoughts. I think I am on a very light period and shouldn't be the least bit concerned about any of this :banghead: I'm a little crampy like a period and it is red but just so light. Any experiences like this? UPDATE on 7/14 I had one day of very light spotting and three days of lighting bleeding. It seems to be done now :confused1: I'm really thinking this was just a crazy cycle. No, I haven't tested yet - for those who are antsy :blush: It is too early. Even if I am preggers then it shouldn't show on a test any earlier than Sunday. Does that sound right? Update on 7/17 I took an old test I found in my cabinet and it was negative. I think I might be in the clear. I ordered a pack of test strips on amazon and they should come in tomorrow. I will test on Sunday or Monday one more time to make sure :thumbup1:
  7. Thank you. She wants to stay 2 hours from home and is adamant about not going more than 5 hours. I believe the only full need met schools (Without loans) in that radius is Davidson and W&L. We are planning a trip to visit W&L soon. That may end up being a better option even though it is a bit farther than she prefers.
  8. I would never push her toward Davidson if she wants to hold out and see all of her options. The counselor was encouraging her to apply ED to Davidson and I am hesitant because of finances. I am just seeing what the feelings here are for ED when you know you will get a nice aid based package without loans.
  9. She is very interested in W&L and we plan to visit soon. We haven't made it there yet. It is a tad farther from home than she wants to go but I could see her falling in love and counting it worth it ;) She has been very enamored with the idea of W&L. A visit is the only way she will know for sure.
  10. It would be need based. It would continue to be based on income so unless our income rose significantly, it would be stable. We would have another entering college her junior year so the EFC would probably go down rather than up.
  11. DD likes Davidson but it isn't her absolute first choice (at this point). Don't get me wrong, she really likes Davidson. She is in love with Wake. The problem is that Wake has good aid but the aid isn't guaranteed and it includes loans. She could end up getting a great package from them or ....well....you know.
  12. The meet 100% without loans (not even Stafford) but they do require about 2,000 contributed from work study. NPC says the family contribution would be dd's work study plus $5,000/year. That is running with a higher income (anticipating a raise) and we do not own a business or having anything complicated. I know that ED increases chances and Davidson is a good school but I still hesitate.
  13. I just want to talk about this again since we are bit further down the road with dd. Maybe there will be some new thoughts/ideas? She is amazing with literature, writing, English, and art. She is also strong in math. Dh thinks she should put all of her eggs into one basket, the one she has passion for - literature and writing. Maybe a lit professor or high school lit teacher? She truly excels in this area. For example, she didn't even take an AP Eng class but scored a 5 on the exam and she always tests in the top 1% nationally in the English/Reading/Writing portions of the PSAT, SAT, ACT, etc. She is gifted here. DD is scared to put all of her eggs into the English basket though. She is great at math. Is it her love? No. Does she like it? yes. She thinks that as a female she has greater opportunities in math and science fields so she wants to keep that door open at all times. We, as parents, can see that the math and science are not a passion for her though. She comes to life when she talks about writing or art. She trudges through the math and science (with awesome grades, but none the less trudging). There is just something about loving what you do. Thoughts? Experiences?
  14. Because she is very likely to get in ED (says the counselor). She also suggested that while Davidson doesn't love giving merit aid to homeschoolers, they give the same need based aid regardless of whether you are homeschooled. What does the Hive think? I never really considered ED before because it isn't smart financially but if a school guarantees to meet all need without loans then is there anything to lose? * Just to explain the "likely to get in ED"... She says that dd is just what they love - strong in all areas, lots of AP classes, and good test scores? Her words, not mine.
  15. Two 5's - yay!!!! She took the exam for Human Geo and English Lang. I'm especially relieved about her Eng. Lang score because she didn't take a class at all - she decided last minute to prep and take it. She worked through and prepped for Art History but we lost our test site. Oh well!
  16. I've considered having ds apply for that when the time comes. He always wanted to be military but then he got sick with a life long illness that makes him medically unqualified for military service. He is a science kid so it is appealing to him :)
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