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Everything posted by Ann.without.an.e

  1. Dd would love to hit a particular score that could cause her to just breathe a bit ;) She has never taken the SAT and based on her PSAT scores it should be her better test but with all the changes :/
  2. This is exactly why I blew it off when I called the college board and they told me to have him take AP bio and they would make sure there was a site with accommodations. What??? Just like they did with dd and AP Art History this year. We lost our testing site and they "helped" by offering a new list of schools to call each time I contacted them and none of them were willing. We ended up not registering for the exam even though dd worked her tail off for Art History all year...over 2,000 pages of large book, small print, college text reading....ugh.
  3. We have a difficult school system. Our local school that our kids would go to won't even let my non-accommodation child take an AP Exam that they are already giving to other students. Silly, in my opinion. We have had to work outside of our county. The counselor out of county is wonderful but she said they couldn't accommodate.
  4. DS can get a medical accommodation for extended time in case of a bathroom break because he has a documented disability. Basically, if he needs to go to the bathroom during the exam, he will probably fail because of the time it will take. :( He wants to take AP Bio and AP Human Geo next year. The problem is that being a HS student, no one will test him with an accommodation. Accommodations require a completely separate proctor, which is not something they are willing to allow for a HS student :( Should we risk the AP Exams and hope for the best or consider them a non-option :crying: Any thoughts?
  5. Just so I understand...dd doesn't need to preregister at school B or she simply needs to take her sticker numbers from School A to her preregistration at School B? Ugh, this is definitely confusing. Maybe just because I haven't had coffee yet :coolgleamA:
  6. Dd goes to one school tomorrow for pre-registration for one of her exams. She will take the number which is given to her at the exam and use it at the second school for the other ap exam? I just want to make sure I understand :blushing:
  7. Is it already provided on the test or is this something my student should have before the exam so that she can bubble it in on the exam? The AP website isn't very clear on this. Thanks
  8. DS wants to take AP Bio in the fall. This would be at home and not through an online or outside source (just don't have the money for it at this time). He is Science and reading strong but his writing is not that great. His writing tends to be better with non-fiction topics, so that will help. He had regular Bio this year. He has a great head for understanding and remembering what he reads when it is science related. The FRQ type portion scares me though. What do ya'll think? Also, exactly how difficult is the AP Bio exam? I don't think his math skills are strong enough for chem yet or we would just move to chem this year and save AP bio for another year. Thanks a bunch
  9. Let's say your child takes the ACT with writing this year and nails the writing portion, getting a grade they are perfectly happy with. Next year can they just take it without the writing? When they send both scores to a college that requires the ACT with writing it will be okay as long as one of the tests has a writing score, right? Just thinking that it would save money :tongue_smilie:
  10. DD is taking it today. She takes it as her end of year test (state required).
  11. I wish the CC here was a good option. It is so close to my house. The private LAC is not as close. The CC is quirky, especially about following their plan and you can't jump around or pick and choose. Their plan doesn't include foreign language at all :/. The only other option we have is for her to take high school Spanish 1 and 2 but then she lacks 4 credits of the same language. I am hopeful that the first semester or two of Latin being review with a professional will make it click and work for her?
  12. DD was taking it at home and it wasn't intense. No NLE. She used Wheelock's and I know nothing about Latin so I think her foundation needs to be strengthened. She has had a difficult time with the memory work and feels shaky on it. She can think through it all, but she has to reference a good bit. She's hated it and it is her weakest academic subject. It is a private LAC so I would guess it to be more difficult than a CC. It isn't necessarily a rigorous school, but at least average in rigor (not a slacker schooler by any means ;) Yes, DE at a private LAC. Pretty great, right? :)
  13. If she was to have high school Latin 1 and 2 and then only complete College 101 and 102 and not go to intermediate, would that look bad? Can it count as four credits of HS Latin?
  14. My question for Latin ... DD wants to take Spanish but they aren't offering it (long story). They are only offering Latin and Greek. She is considering the Latin. This means she will start with Latin 101 (professor required). This is actually good for dd because languages aren't her strongest subject so starting over with an actual prof. who knows what they are doing could be great. She's had two years of HS Latin. If she takes 101 and 102 this year and two intermediate Latin semesters next year, would that be sufficient for four years of Latin on her transcript? The registrar did say that sometimes the prof will move students up to the next level if they are simply too advanced but that is at his discretion. He wants to make sure everyone has a solid foundation. I know that she wouldn't reach advanced work but she has no desire to major in Latin or Classics, etc. On her transcript, could I simply list it like this and let them interpret it how they wish... 9th - Latin 1 10th - Latin 2 11th -College Latin 101 & 102 (Dual enrollment) 12th - College Intermediate Latin 1, Intermediate Latin 2 (Dual Enrollment, can't remember the course numbers) I will have college transcripts sent as well. My question for Chemistry... They have Chemistry 105 the first semester and Chemistry 106 the second. She should take both semesters, correct? They are four credits each. I read that 3-4 college credits equals a HS credit so this would give her two credits in HS Chemistry. Is that okay or should she take a different course the second semester? She is considering the SAT sub test in Chem next spring so I'm sure that two semesters will help with that. She is only allowed to take two classes per semester Dual enrollment. ETA Just in case anyone is questioning beginning at the 100 level courses, this is a private four year college that requires first year DE students to take 100 level courses. If she does ok with that then she can move to 200 level courses her second year.
  15. This whole process is so terrifying. I'm not sure if your list makes me want to kiss you or punch you :lol:
  16. DD graduates in 2017 so she is one of the lucky ones (agh). She wants to try the old version once or twice before it changes. She will take the old version in the fall, the new PSAT in the fall, and if she scores nicely on the new PSAT then she will try the new SAT once or twice just to see if it is the better choice. I wonder... How will colleges compare the old and new scores since 2017 graduates can submit either version? Will they simply remove the writing section from the equation of those who submit the old version?
  17. Just to be clear...Davidson or W&L? Also, did you mention to anyone at Davidson that you homeschool? Did you sense the resistance that I have heard so much about. I keep hearing to avoid them but when I called and asked specifically about HS'ing they seemed open. They said they simply need more than mommy-grades.
  18. Yes, W&L....that is one we are interested in visiting, I just forgot to mention it. We hope to make a visit sometime in the next year.
  19. Elon is a school we'd like to visit. I had it on our list and then someone here said it wasn't a good fit for a motivated/high stats girl. To be honest, I don't know what I would do without the WTM'ers but sometimes some of them leave me befuddled. If I put a school like Elon on my list then they tell me it isn't good enough. If I leave it off, they tell me I appear to have no safety :lol:
  20. The other thing I meant to mention is that there is a 4 year private school close enough that she can commute. We are viewing it as her safety. She will probably DE there next year. She broke their middle 50% of the ACT in only 8th grade. They have a good reputation but dd would be high stats for them. They aren't super expensive either so if DD can get any bit of a scholarship then not paying room and board should make that school very affordable.
  21. She loves it all and that adds some difficulty. She doesn't seem to be interested in engineering (even though she is math strong). I think if she could plan her life out as she wished she would be an English/Lit teacher or an English/Lit professor and also write on the side. At the same time, she loves mathematics and has considered the accounting/finance/CFO route. She knows she would adore teaching early elementary too. If she didn't want to get married and stay home with her children then she would most definitely be a pediatrician. I know, I know....theoretically she can "be both" but the reality is med school requires such a mountain of debt that unless she marries someone with quite a large income she would be required to work for years and years to pay off the debt.
  22. Yes, I think we will visit Western Carolina or App to cover that territory ;)
  23. I just keep hearing that they are absolutely NOT homeschool friendly. Several people have told me not to waste our time :/
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