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Everything posted by Ann.without.an.e

  1. Saxon is solid. Whether you love the format and repetition or not, it is downright solid. My kids have excelled in mathematics with it. Two love it, the other two hate it but do it anyway :nopity: DD completed Advanced mathematics and had to take a very difficult placement test in order to take a competitive school's AP Calc class and she had no problems passing their placement with flying colors.
  2. Has anyone done this? I am not a techy person. It looks like I need to switch the SIM card and I can't figure out exactly how to go about that? There isn't a slot that pops out like there is with my iPhone 5. DD wants to use my old iPhone to convert it to straight talk so she has a phone. She will buy the prepaid cards herself. She doesn't want to commit to a contract plan with us because even though she babysits very consistently, it isn't guaranteed. Thanks for any thoughts on this.
  3. My kids love the Barron's cards for AP exams but I see that Barron's hasn't been rewritten to match current standards. Do y'all still use them? I think the test rewrite took some topics away so at worst they would be over studying, right? I'm not a Biology person so I want to make sure I'm thinking right on this.
  4. If you have an autoimmune thyroid problem I've heard you need to avoid gluten and possibly dairy. I avoid gluten and I also avoid dairy off and on. Do you avoid gluten? What about dairy? What difference do each of these make in your symptoms?
  5. I am not an avid FB'er. I go on sometimes to check up on long distance relatives and friends. For the last few months there isn't real life stuff anymore. It seems like 90% of posts are someone selling something, a repost of those generic pics with sayings/jokes, sales ads from companies, reposts of news articles, or rants. It is such a waste of time to sort through it all to get to 10% of good family updates and pics of family/friends. Is this just me/my account/my friends or is this a general trend? :confused1:
  6. Love this. Baby announcements are hard beyond #2. After #3 you get rude and weird reactions. I like how they handled it :)
  7. Which one do you like and which ones should I avoid? I was looking at Norton and McAfee...same price. Thanks for your thoughts.
  8. Thanks for sharing your experience. It sounds like your ds was a lot like mine. I would guess ds to read at about a 3rd-4th grade level. It sounds like my plan might be a good one since it worked for you :) Thanks :thumbup:
  9. I know a few here have done it. How does it work for transcripts? Doesn't the score archive after 5 years? DD (going into 7th) wants to take AP Human Geo. She loves Geography and she is a strong writer. I think she can probably handle it?
  10. If I didn't already own it, I would have definitely gone that route :thumbup: He's my fourth so I have it all :D
  11. DS is rising 1st and he has quite an advanced reading ability and comprehension. Rarely do I need to help him with words and he reads books like The Boxcar Children, etc. I got out his materials for next year and I see that he is beyond what they are doing but I lean toward moving through it anyway (just a faster speed?) so that he has the phonics knowledge to match his reading ability. What do ya'll think? I can keep challenging him by adding more advanced reading but keep with his grade in phonics to make sure there isn't any gaps? Does this seem like a good plan? If it helps to understand what I am using.. I use BJU for 1st grade Phonics because I like their approach. I am planning to add First Language Lessons to it though and transition of to SWB materials completely for 2nd grade and above. Thanks for any thoughts on this!
  12. Ok so funny that you post this...I've been wondering the same thing. I have very tight muscles and have been trying to foam roll before and after lifting and it hurts like h#$@ Seriously...it doesn't get better?!?!?
  13. It is going on a year. I stopped running in October because the pain was too awful. I still lift weights but stopped running or doing any training that included jumping, hopping, etc. I can only wear Brooks Glycerin tennis shoes and must work my wardrobe around them. I miss my activities and cute shoes. Is there anything else I can do?
  14. So sad. :grouphug: On a funny note...I guess I haven't raised my kids to think like that at all. DD had to list religion on a standardized test she took and she just stared at it. "It didn't have Christian...it had all of these different groups and I have no idea what we are :lol: "
  15. It was inappropriate. It was innocent since she was just showing concern for your dd because of her own belief system but it was still hurtful and inappropriate. She's a child and I think grace should be given. We have friends who lived with an indigenous people group. They (or their children) were often reprimanded for breaking religious code. Their children were told numerous times about some new religious code they broke that would upset the spirits and they were surely going to die because of their disregard for the gods. These were simple things like walking on the wrong trail, eating a forbidden food, etc. The parents didn't get upset because they knew that the things weren't true. If you really know there isn't a hell then let it go. We need to hold firm to our beliefs and know that others will not always agree....and it is ok. I had a good friend growing up who was Hindu. She often told me things that she believed to be true and I shrugged them off because I didn't believe them. We were still friends. I let it go and moved on. I'm sure I may have said things to her that she didn't believe and she did the same. We are still friends to this day and that was middle and high school. For what it is worth, we are Christians and my in laws are atheists. They are constantly pushing atheism on my children.
  16. In six months. Whoa...you DO win. If I didn't group so much together I'd probably have that much. I have Prime and I still tend to order several things when I order.
  17. Yes, thank you. :hurray: I also order quite a bit of subscribe and save.
  18. If you go to the order history then it will tell you _____ orders in 6 months. I've placed 65 :001_rolleyes: If I look and see how many orders I placed it in all of 2014 it might say 159 :blushing: So someone make me feel better about this....anyone have more orders than that? :001_wub:
  19. After years of battling it, I have been using something for a few weeks that has made a remarkable difference. I bought it to help with a dark spot because it was cheap on amazon. It hasn't really done anything with the dark spot but I have also used it on my whole face and the difference in my rosacea is unreal. It is only $9.99 and it is organic. It is called Belitae Vitamin C Serum. I am not sure I am allowed to link on here and this is not intended to advertise anything. I have simply found something that works (for the first time ever) and I wanted to share for other rosacea sufferers. Maybe this will help someone else? :thumbup1:
  20. Ya'll are depressing :lol: Seriously, I have no idea. Kids would probably have the shock of no mom and school all at the same time.
  21. I think you've gotten some great input. I am in the "start with incline push ups" club. That being said... Grab some dumbbells and start light and work your way up. I would like to suggest a little book called... New Rules of Lifting for Women. Many women only get through stage 2 or 3 before they move on to another plan but it is worth it for the introduction and those first two stages. Good luck.
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