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Everything posted by Ann.without.an.e

  1. Thanks. In general, is it adjustable? I have tiny wrists.
  2. Does the app subscription expire? I've been eyeing a jawbone. I have a polar heartrate monitor but I hate the bulkiness and that darn chest strap is obnoxious.
  3. The type of summer sausage that requires refrigeration? If it requres refrigeration then absolutely toss it. Some summer sausages do not.
  4. Did you realize these things through the jawbone tracking app?
  5. I have a kohls gift card plus kohls cash. I can't decide what to use it on. How about a steam mop? yay or nay?
  6. I think I will begin January 4th.
  7. I have no idea why the website isn't letting me reply to posts. ugh
  8. Even though I felt amazing on Whole 30, I've had a difficult time restarting. I stuck with it religiously for over 2 years so you would think this would be an easy hurdle for me, yet I've still struggled to begin again so I understand. :grouphug:
  9. Do ya'll use the regular or the paid/premium? If you use the premium then what are the advantages? Thanks :)
  10. For over two years I strictly adhered to the Whole 30 diet plan and felt fabulous. I would like to go back to it again. My inflammation has crept back up and I know that the Whole 30 approach works for me. Anyone want to join me? ETA - I'm thinking about a January 4th start. First Monday in January.
  11. Sometimes I stick with old things when there is something better available. I have used MFP for a while. Is there a better app for nutrition tracking? Thanks ya'll I guess I'm on an app quest, haha
  12. I buy many apps but then don't actually use them because in the end they are cool sounding but don't actually help enough for the effort involved. Which apps do you have that you actually use often? For me... Ibotta Starbucks :wub: My Fitness Pal Body Space Amazon Music
  13. Any thoughts? I think rather than buying a motivated moms calendar this year I'll switch to an app. I see Motivated Moms has an app but there are some other great looking ones too like Home Routines and Tody? Any experiences on which is best for you and why? Thanks ya'll :)
  14. I went through a period of about ten years when even a tsp of avocado would cause the worst vomiting spell ever. It was horrible. For some reason I can now eat it again. Go figure.
  15. We have never had boundaries with them so we have no idea how they will react. We are in new territory and we know that crazy may come but we don't know yet what may happen in the future. DH has a peace about the letter though. He feels like it was the best decision and him making any real decision that doesn't just go along with the crazy is new so I'm game.
  16. Get sick every holiday? You can't just go MIA and not explain. I don't think that is fair either.
  17. And, yes...I'm struggling with guilt. I always do. I feel horrible. Maybe I could have done something different to make this not happen? I never said a harsh word to them. I never told them I didn't want a relationship. So why do I feel so darn guilty. ugh
  18. They don't text. That would be so easy if they did. How do you not explain canceling a family tradition? They are going to be hurt or offended regardless of our reason. Honestly, his letter is so mild and to the point, it doesn't give much ammo. Also, if he doesn't send a letter then their imaginations are going to create something far worse. He wanted to call but his mom dominates conversation and you honestly can't get a word in.
  19. I read DH's letter before he mailed it. It is not detailed, it doesn't drag out all of their wrongs. It basically says that because of the harsh words spoken (without ever apologizing) we need some distance for now. He says that he would like to sometimes visit them alone as long as they are willing to refrain from speaking negatively about me and the kids. He says if they are willing to play by those rules then to please call or write him and let him know that it is okay to visit. It isn't high drama, it is to the point. It basically just says we need some space.
  20. How else does he cancel Christmas Eve? How else does he explain the distance we need right now?
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