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Everything posted by Ann.without.an.e

  1. I have a thyroid problem and I work and eat like I'm a size 0 or an athlete and my weight fluctuates like mad - between upper normal to out of the normal range to obese at times. There are times when I work and gain anyway. I'm pretty sure I was clear that this wasn't supposed to be a judgement on size or how hard someone works but just a discussion on what we do to try to fight bulge (for those of of us where it is such a battle) and why we even take the effort. I was hopeful for some encouragement. I'm at a point right now where I just want to quit so bad but I will regret it, I know. Please, please don't try to turn this into something it isn't.
  2. Ok we've just been through this. We also have a hundred year old farmhouse and we've had the smartest little buggers - licking the traps clean. We finally set some live catch mouse hotel traps from Amazon and bammmm....did the trick. I caught one every morning until we've seen no evidence of them. I released them at a park far from our house 😂😂
  3. I think it has to do with genetics and for me genetics is a bitch 😂
  4. Another thread has me thinking..... I fight tooth and nail for my weight to fall in the upper end of normal on the BMI chart because my body so desperately wants to be severely overweight. Sometimes I can't even keep it that low. If I continue to eat healthy but slack on really watching my intake or stop exercising then I pack on weight fast. As my mama always said....life ain't fair. It sucks, it isn't fun. I feel like so many others around me are either naturally thin-to-average sized or they embrace being large and make condemning comments about my efforts ("is it really worth it?"). I guess if I could somehow obtain an ideal body in the process then others would consider my efforts as valuable. Sometimes I feel like I just work way too hard for my size. This is MY choice but I do not judge those who are in my position and choose not to fight it. I must either eat strict paleo/whole 30 OR track every morsel that goes into my mouth. I need to hit it hard with weights and cardio for about 1-1.5 hours a day, 4-5 days a week. Why? When I let the weight creep up I am uncomfortable. I can hardly breathe and life is just harder. I don't like the feeling and tiredness it brings. It really isn't about vanity for me. I'm curious to hear from others who battle this issue. What measures do you take to keep from being overweight (food or exercise related)? Why is it worth it for you to fight this battle?
  5. My body naturally wants to be quite overweight. It takes alot of exercise and constant awareness of everything I eat to be on the upper end of a normal BMI. I can't slack, I can't relax about it. If I let go even just a little, my body packs it on. I eat very healthy. It sucks. I hate it.
  6. I'm so sorry for you. DS has crohn's and it isn't a fun road to travel, that is for sure.
  7. Two things you try not to scrimp on ... good shoes and a good mattress. When we first got married we bought a cheap mattress and it was terrible after 6 months and shot after 2 years. It was a few years of misery, honestly. We then spent good money on a mattress and still love it twelve years later :)
  8. Yes she does. She is not the kind of kid who has a million friends. She is on the quiet side but she does have close friends.
  9. [quote name="TranquilMind" post="6985500" timestamp I have one that could be dropped off on a desert island, who would dominate and conquer all, and let us know afterward. I have others who would not. Same parents. Personality. Yes! When my ds goes to college I will probably never hear from him. When this dd goes she will probably call or text daily and when my third goes I imagine she'll be somewhere in between.
  10. I forgot to even mention that ds is taking his first AP on Monday - AP Bio. He's super chill about it.
  11. I think it is a personality thing and not a patenting issue because my 8th grader and 9th grader aren't nearly so dependent on me. Dd leans on me a lot. We are very close - like BFF close. She "gets" me and I "get" her. When she is away she texts me...a lot. Pics of what they are doing, interesting stuff, etc. She seeks advice from me and tells me about everything. It was noted to me by someone else that this isn't normal for a high school girl and that I am feeding a bad habit. This person implored me to let her go for her own good. I definitely want what is best for her in the long run with life. I don't want our closeness to hinder her in some way. At the same time, I'm not sure that having a tight relationship with mom is hindering. Any thoughts? I'm putting this in high school and not in chat because I just don't think someone with only little kids can truly understand this situation. Eta: I feel like I will need to define what this person means by "let her go" - this person wants me to refuse to text dd so much and to ignore her about 50% of the time. The fact that dd texts me and I'm quick to respond makes dd too dependent on me? I just don't know that I agree?
  12. Has anyone ever dealt with these on a customer service level? Night and day difference. The college board is a nightmare to work with...period. The ACT is wonderful. I have had to call both the last few months to solve issues and the ACT, hands down, is lightyears ahead of the collegeboard. I'm considering having my other children only take the ACT for this very reason. I won't rant or vent but my experiences have been that bad. Just curious if I'm alone.
  13. I think she survived. She feels like she at least passed haha. Bless her.
  14. She was feeling a little better this morning. She used a neti pot for the first time yesterday (she also has a sinus infection) and it helped alot. She used it again this morning. Two doses of antibiotic hasn't hurt either. I hope she'll be ok enough to think through it all. Thanks for the well wishes.
  15. DD has Calc in the morning and she is so sick - double ear infection :( She is taking it anyway. Hopefully it goes ok.
  16. It is a great idea to do this, tcb. My dd is taking AP Bio this year so she coupled that with the Bio Subject test. While you don't have to do this, it kills two birds with on stone since the AP Exams are generally tougher than the Sub tests. If a student is well prepared for the AP in a subject then they should not need much prep for the sub test.
  17. Some of the tests have a super generous curve. I'm quite surprised sometimes at how many you can miss and still pass. Note that they use old test stats and it could have changed a bit lately? Not sure?
  18. I read an interesting article on this once. If he wants to appear very balanced for a rigorous liberal arts school then it is actually best for him to balance his AP courses/tests from all subjects. If he is "selling" himself as super-sold-out math and science kid then he wants to take as many math and science AP's as possible. Likewise, he would focus on taking all of the history AP exams he can if he wanted to be a history major and just wasn't into math/science. If he can do it skill-wise, the best thing is to have a balance. We met with a college placement counselor who suggested dd drop an AP in humanities and add a science for this reason. She is strong across the board so she needs to have about the same amount of APs from all subjects. ETA: I think that AP Human Geo is a perfect AP to start with! DD found it quite easy.
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