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Everything posted by yucabird

  1. Sure! BFSU (K-2) http://outskirtspress.com/webpage.php?ISBN=9781432706104 Elementary Science Education (gr. 3 – 5) http://outskirtspress.com/webpage.php?isbn=9781432762360
  2. BFSU !!! The book is reasonably priced, but the pdf is only $5.
  3. Thank you for the responses. Guess what I am going to be doing the rest of the week? ;)
  4. I am looking for some phonics games for my girls, 3.5 and 5. Has anyone used Happy Phonics? If so, were the games engaging? (I doubt it matters, but I would be ordering the e-version.)
  5. If you decide to use a public school text, you might talk to teachers about allowing you to peruse their edition on a regular basis (monthly?) so you can take notes. That way you can gather teaching ideas and obtain answers to problems.
  6. For future reference, Nikon services its cameras and lenses. You send the equipment, the company sends a quote, and you decide if the cost is worth it. Serious camera shops sometimes allow trials on cameras and lenses (for a fee). The shop may apply the rental fee to the purchase of new equipment. If you purchased the D7000 what lens would you use? I’d buy the D90 and turn my thoughts toward lenses. :001_smile:
  7. Eliminate "if" or "that". It sounds cleaner (to me :)). You might say, "X is confirmed for the presentation on...." or "I'm confirming your presentation on....".
  8. My vet passed along a neat trick for medicating cats: powderize a pill, mix it with something sticky (honey, peanut butter, etc.) and spread it on the nose/face or paw. The cat will lick the paste and ingest the med.
  9. I like this illustrated one: http://www.amazon.com/Macmillan-Dictionary-Children-Simon-Schuster/dp/1416939598/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1297809067&sr=8-1 The reference section includes flags from the US and countries of the world.
  10. Thanks, Amy. I hate crowds, and try to go during off times. We were there in December a couple years ago and I think the longest we waited for any ride was 10 minutes :D. At the time it seemed about half the visitors were British. I was outlet shopping in Orlando about a month ago and was surprised at the number of tourists speaking Russian. Guess the Disney specials attract a serious number of international visitors.
  11. Amy, how crowded was it during the homeschool days?
  12. I agree too. Well said, AutumnOak! The school I visited appears quite nice, but my husband and I are avid readers, and both our girls show signs of following in our footsteps. I can’t imagine saying, “Sorry, Mommy made a mistake….I’m putting your books in the top of the closet until you are seven.†Waldorf may be a good fit for many families, but “no reading†is a deal-breaker for us. I’m planning to classically educate at home…so I am looking for a part time school that would be interesting and would allow for Spanish practice. My intention in posting was not to turn anyone away from Waldorf — I was just taken aback at a conversation and felt the need for some answers.
  13. Yes it helps! A couple friends who were thinking about enrollment for their littles were surprised when I relayed this exchange. The people I have met who have children enrolled at the school have glowing things to say about program, but I have never asked about reading at home. It makes me wonder what occurs outside of school…or if parents understand the philosophy. BBG580, my daughter sounds much like your oldest, and the posts from you and fairytalemomma confirm that Waldorf is not something which will fit the needs of my family. Thank you both for the responses. All the best, Donna
  14. I am planning to HS, but my older daughter (almost 5) is a social creature…and we live an in area w/o with few extracurricular activities/opportunities. She is also bilingual, and we do not speak Spanish at home (She currently attends half-day (Spanish) pre-school; continuing school would allow her to remain fluent.). I spend a lot of time reading to my two, and this daughter is at the stage where she is sounding out words. Nothing is forced; she is genuinely interested in learning to read. I visited a Waldorf school last year, spoke to the director, and felt fairly confident the program on a P/T basis could complement our future studies. I returned today, and the school rep (different person) seemed appalled that my daughter was near-reading. She asked, “She is asking you to read at four. What are you going to do when she is 15 and she wants to drink or do drugs?†I was flabbergasted, told her there was no way to equate reading and drugs, and cut our conversation short. Before her question, the woman said teachers at the school do not read to young children and picture books aren’t available (stories are told). Furthermore, parents are also cautioned not to read to their children. I certainly do not remember being told this last year. I know Waldorf doesn’t endorse the teaching of reading at an early age…but no reading period? No looking at picture books? Early reading compared to drug use? Is this really Waldorf?
  15. If the cans do not expire for a couple years, then they would make good emergency provisions (e.g., hurricanes). Otherwise, I'd make croquettes. :)
  16. http://www.allaboutreading.com/ After joining the list, you'll receive it via e-mail.
  17. Does anyone have a firm date for the release of All About Reading? My daughter loved the sample and is asking for more of the zebra!
  18. The missions are off the beaten track and are worth visiting (though I agree w/ RentheadMommy; don’t do them all). The McNay Museum is a lovely place (free adult admission on Thursday nights) http://www.mcnayart.org/ . The cathedral is easy to combine w/ a visit to the Alamo. Take a water taxi on the Riverwalk at night and scout a place to eat yummy food. I’m in Mexico, but there’s nothing like Tex-Mex! :D
  19. I would feel the same way. It sounds like Atlanta or one of the other conferences would be a better fit for us. Thanks for the help bonniebeth4, floridamom, and Lisa. Donna
  20. Sorry, Floridamom, I must have been typing and missed your post. Orlando is such an easy flight, but Atlanta isn't bad either (though the airport is a miserable place!). Thanks for the suggestion.
  21. Thanks, Lisa. I had never heard anything about FPEA...I really had no idea. Do you know if the conference might have directed/supervised activities for a couple little ones? I doubt my husband will wish to attend, and I am sure the girls would be happier playing than shopping.
  22. I would like to attend a “mega†homeschooling conference to review and purchase (secular) curriculum and materials. The most convenient conference would be FPEA in May, but the conference website doesn’t include a list of vendors. If there has been a variety of vendors in the past, then I would be inclined to attend. Otherwise, I would go to Midsouth or Southeast. Has anyone attended an FPEA conference? If so, what was it like in terms of vendors (number/quality/type)? Also, might the conference offer any activities for a couple of little ones (ages 3.5 and 5)?
  23. Mine too! It is a simple, beautifully written work which would make a terrific club selection.
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