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Everything posted by yucabird

  1. I am considering the convention, with aim to purchase (secular) materials. Your list will be helpful in the decision-making. Thanks!
  2. I don’t know of a formal study, but this seems like it might be a fairly easy thing to tackle as you go…. Before reading, she should note who wrote the work. She should also read about the author, even if it is only a blurb. Require that she recall the name, etc. during discussions and on tests. Depending on the import of/interest in an author, add research and projects.
  3. Thank you both for responding. My Spanish example was incorrect; she does add a “th†at the end of gracias ("grathiath"). Casa is “cathaâ€. So the problem is occurring in both languages. She receives positive feedback from native Spanish speakers in our area (Mexican decent), so there may be a general unfamiliarity with the “thâ€. (I claim total ignorance, as my Spanish (and pronunciation) is atrocious!:blushing:) I am not worried about her receiving positive reinforcement….She is not the type of kid to do something to please others. She lowers her voice before the sound in either language, so the lisp isn’t glaring. (Before I called it to his attention, my husband hadn’t noticed it, but he admits it is there.) Otherwise she is exact in her pronunciations. There is a limited amount doctors here would know or could do about it, so I am going to relax and just mention it to a pediatrician the next time we visit the States.
  4. My younger daughter just turned three, and her language skills are quite good (She has English/Spanish fluency, uses advanced vocab, and is easy-to-understand.). However, she has a slight s/“th†lisp (example: Miss = mith). This isn’t a problem for Spanish (e.g., gracias = grathias); the concern is English. I have not called her attention to the pronunciation problem because doing so would probably not help. Does anyone know if this is something children can outgrow? Donna
  5. I am of the “ain’t broke/don’t fix it†view and would say if BFSU has been successful for you/your children, then stick with it.
  6. A relative gave me a copy last year. It didn’t appeal, but her rave reviews made me feel a little guilty pushing it aside. My MIL, a religious scholar, kindly offered to read it and give me her impressions. She sent me the following: “I waded through the book, with effort. The book of Job tackles the topic with more honesty, without sentimentality, and is an infinitely much better piece of literature!†So I read an Atwood novel instead! :D
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