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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Thanks. We are flying this fall out of Honolulu, and as long as they don't scan or grope the kids, we should be fine. I can handle the pat-down for me.
  2. This is for you: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=282438
  3. From: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=281894 This is for nono. She was looking in the wrong thread for ideas. :tongue_smilie:
  4. The Millionaire Next Door Imperial Hubris - Anonymous Freakonomics Practical Theology for Women - Wendy Allsup Knowing God - J. I. Packer
  5. Little Savannah Juliet is due to be born! The whole family is excited. Especially proud of dw as she is trying all kinds of new things with this pregnancy - midwife at hospital instead of doctor, going to try to do it with no epidural, and going to use cloth diapers. All in the same year we are first trying homeschooling!
  6. Can't say I expected the blatant sexist responses.
  7. Isn't 7 the age when they are supposed to get their boob job vouchers?
  8. A kilt is like a plaid skirt, right? I may be able to find some pictures to post... ;-)
  9. Would this work for a male who wants to lose only 10-15 pounds?
  10. The people that I know IRL that are most opposed to circumcision are also the most pro-choice. I wanted to see if this was true in a larger sample size. Boy did this thread grow fast. You folks do realize that if you aren't willing to discuss things without getting "all stirred up" or whatever, that these threads are completely voluntary to post in... Thank you, those of you who voted.
  11. I was just curious if there was any correlation between people's views on abortion and circumcision. Please don't argue! :)
  12. I love the Senate races too! I really wish Gary Johnson would run for Senate instead of President - he has a much better shot at winning that.
  13. She also has trouble with the hard "g" (as in Goodwin). "Girl" sounds like "whirl." Also, "blue" sounds like "woo". "Love" sounds like "wuv." I think that is trouble with the "L" sound. "Ball" sounds like "baw."
  14. My 3.5 year old seems to be a bit behind when it comes to speaking. She is difficult for most people to understand. DW and I even need dd5 to translate her speech for us occasionally. She has particular trouble with the "s" sound. "Yes" sounds like "yet." We try to get her to say Ssssssnake, and she can't. Any ideas?
  15. I would recommend the Canon T3i. It is less than 900 dollars on amazon, with a basic zoom lens.
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