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Everything posted by kimmyandgracie

  1. If she'd like to include pictures in her book of centuries, you might be interested in the resources on this page: http://www.homeschoolinthewoods.com/HTTA/timeline.htm
  2. Hmm... This rule sounds interesting. Am I right to assume that this time frame is time spent in pure academics, and doesn't include things like read alouds, crafts and nature walks?
  3. I would love a PM on the Scholar's Reading Lesson as well. It sounds like it might be just the thing for my youngest ds to break more into the logic stage without overwhelming him.
  4. Hey Karen,

    Good to hear from you again. Work is good. A new nurse just started on our unit on night shift who is also a homeschooler! She is very sweet and it has really been a blessing getting to know her. My family is good as well. My oldest stepson recently graduated from basic training in the Air Force. We went down to San Antonio for a few days to visit and support him. I am so proud of the way he is maturing. My stepdaughter was recently married and is expecting her first baby (a boy). Homeschooling is still a work in progress, but I feel like we at least have a real structure now. Homeschool Tracker Plus has helped me a lot with this. My youngest, dd5, will be starting Classical Conversations in August, which I am very excited about.

    I hope all is going well with you and yours. Talk to you later.


  5. We have used the story chart here and like it really well, but the rest of it is still a work in progress.
  6. This is pretty close to the situation we are in now. I work FT night shift as an RN on a hospital psychiatric unit, and dh is a WAHD . He only has to work part time hours, so he is pretty much a SAHD. He is a better housekeeper than me, and he is better with the dc than me. I plan the home schooling and dh and I share the implementation. This isn't how I planned for things to be, though. I wanted to be a SAHM , but dh was able to take a job working from home that pays almost as much as he was earning at the job he left, and he hated his job. I like my job, and it isn't feasible for me to work from home, so I didn't feel right about asking him be the one to work a public job. Also, he is a biological parent to all five of our dc, and I am a stepparent to all but one. He was working long hours at his job, and we both felt like the dc needed him at home, so the rest is history. I would love to be able to stay home with dc also, though, and be the full-time teacher. If the right opportunity arose for me to join dh at home and we could retain most of our current income, I would turn in my resignation at work ASAP.:)
  7. Thanks for your thoughts! I think I will start learning myself and try periodically to use it with dd5 until she seems ready to participate. If I also use it with the older two after I learn it, she will surely pick up some by listening in with them.
  8. I have looked at both programs and both look really good. It's hard to decide. I really like the cultural emphasis and the crafts of La Clase Divertida, but I also like the picture approach of Rosetta Stone. DD5 played with the demo on the Rosetta Stone website. She did really well with it, and she picked up on the accent better than I did! She has also been begging me to play with it again, so that makes me feel like I should go with Rosetta Stone. I am a little concerned about some reviews that I have been reading about the Homeschool version of Rosetta Stone, though. I have read that if you want to repeat a lesson, that the student management system starts the whole thing over at the beginning. I like to repeat lessons until they are really ingrained, so this kind of bothers me. Does anyone know if this is true or not? I have considered just getting the personal version to sidestep the grading issue. I appreciate any advice you can give me related to this.
  9. How do you know what age to start teaching the Socratic method? Could the socratic method be useful for my dd5, or is she still too young?
  10. I have a golden opportunity right now. My BIL recently married a lady from the Phillipines who is fluent in both English and Spanish. DD5 has been visiting them a lot lately as my SIL has a 3yo DD. My SIL has been teaching DD5 some Spanish words when she goes to visit them. Since I don't plan to start latin until 2nd or 3rd grade anyway, and I know that learning a language at a young age is the best time to gain fluency, I feel like this would be a great time to teach DD5 Spanish. I also know that she is interested right now because she has also been asking me some lately how to say different words in Spanish (not that I'm much help):). My question is, considering her age, but also that she would have the opportunity for regular conversation in Spanish, what curriculum do you suggest I use for her to help her learn Spanish and why? Thanks in advance for your help.
  11. I ended up getting and using both programs and I agree that they are great. Dd5 loves RS Math (We are using A right now). I was also surprised at how well dd5 liked the Mathtacular video. Thanks for your response. It was very encouraging and validates what I have been seeing with my own dc. I hope when we have been with RS for three years that I will be able to say the same things that you have said. I do have a question for you, if you don't mind. How well have your dc learned their math facts from the games? I really want my dd to have them down cold when she finishes the RS elementary sequence. Were the games enough, or did you need to supplement with something else for that? If so, what did you use? TIA for your time to respond to these questions.
  12. Just in case there is anyone with high-schoolers using this program, I just found an awesome website that has questions and activities for each of the lessons from the 4 units of BSGFAA at the adult level. Here is the link: lemmonsaid.net/bsg/bsg-list.htm Hope this helps someone.
  13. Is that episode online by any chance? If so, what station's website would it be on?
  14. Way to go! You look great. I can't wait to see how you look when you lose the other 20 pounds.:)
  15. That is really sad. I agree that birth control is not going to help kids who want to get pregnant. That is like trying to put a band-aid on a broken arm. I think as a society we are way too interested in immediate gratification and not nearly interested enough in real answers. Those poor girls.
  16. That is utterly absurd. It seems like right and wrong is turned upside-down more and more all the time. It makes me so angry when I see things like this. Apparently, these judges are so abysmally stupid that they don't realize that decisions like this are only compounding the social problems they portray that they are helping. Or else they just don't care. And people wonder why kids are the way they are today. God help us.
  17. Did you start with levels 3 and 4, or have you worked up to that point over a span of time? I was actually thinking of just starting with level 1. Would that be too easy, then? Does anyone know what the lessons in level one are like?
  18. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my prayers.
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