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Everything posted by SunshineMom

  1. We recently moved (in June) and I have begun to settle in however our routines have not developed. I am so unmotivated to begin homeschooling, I can't even think. My kids have been swimming, watching movies, reading a ton and playing with neighbor kids while I create our home. It should be a happy time, we love our new home and neighborhood. I am just feeling so isolated even though we moved within the same city. Our support system has blown up on me. My mother and I aren't talking, massive fight on Mother's Day. My oldest daughter, out of the house, is going through a horrible time in her life and wants to blame me for all her failures. I am consumed with worry for her as I watch her make the wrong choices. Our family friends from homeschooling have become distant and are no longer positive. One family in particular decided to "unfriend" our entire family because they were no longer involved in our co-op. I can't decide if the move was a blessing or an exile. Toxic relationships are all coming to a head, an end. I am going through an existential crisis of sorts when what I need to do is plan for our new school year.
  2. I would have thought that was a lot for a 6th grader but my 5th grader is currently writing a 3 pg persuasive essay citing six sources using MLA as an assignment from her writing instructor. She has about a month to complete it and meets with her instructor to go over her progress once a week.
  3. We have utilized resources and mentors which I am sure our area schools would not be able to replicate in elementary school, even in a gifted pull-out program.
  4. I have found that I am not the same teacher to all the children I teach because children are not all the same.
  5. My husband who is a commercial airline pilot suggests your son (1) get a private pilot's license (2) see if he has the aptitude for flying (3) build his flight time (4) and make sure he gets a four year degree (choose just about anything you want). The industry will be wide open for him by the time he graduates college. FYI-There were only 200 commercial pilot licenses issued in 2012, a very low number.
  6. Horrible...my mother informed me that she has been involved in a pyramid scam and lost $10,000 which she borrowed (she lives in poverty). She kept her involvement a secret for over a year. She proceeded to attack my happiness by picking a fight with me at which point I had to ask her to leave. My children thank goodness were kept occupied with movies her entire visit. I am pretty sure I won't see my mother for a very long time which actually may sadly be the gift I was needing.
  7. When my dd10 was younger, I would have her sit for 20min and practice the piano about five days a week. Now she plays through out the whole day, everyday but in increments of 5-10 min. I don't need to ask her to practice. She will often work on writing her own pieces as well as play current pop pieces for fun. Playing the piano has also become something that settles her emotions or is used to demonstrate her emotions. She enjoys learning to play well and has an excellent teacher who challenges her. Violin practice has not been as consistent however she still wants to learn how to play it.
  8. I know she is gaining skills (researching/studying) however there are different skills gained when used to create rather than test. It feels as if we have jumped into the "academic competition box". I am not saying it is a bad thing just that it does take time away from other pursuits. When she was doing her own thing, learning seemed more alive, purposeful and challenging. We just need to review her goals again.
  9. My dd10's passions have evolved but I am not sure I like where they are heading now. At eight she wanted to be a vet and then at nine, a wildlife biologist. We traveled to Peru, joined 4-H and she took up public speaking on behalf of endangered animals. We did numerous field surveys, watershed studies, attended trainings, nature walks/lectures, conducted a three month water monitoring of local river, field trips, etc. She devoured animal encyclopedias, and read tons of books on endangered animals. Fast forward two years later, after being involved and successful in academic science competitions, I no longer see the "passion" which is disturbing. She is the one driving her involvement in competitions but I think it is more of a social outlet than anything else. My concern is that I don't see her consumed by anything other than studying for upcoming competitions and I am not sure it is worth it.
  10. (Hugs, so sorry) How much does your dd understand about her sensory issues? I ask because in your last sentence, it occurred to me that it may be therapeutic for her to research sensory triggers/ adaptions within herself as well as in snakes. Just a thought. Wishing your family well.
  11. My dd10 competed in our state middle school science olympiad competition and got 2nd and 3rd place state medals! I am thrilled with her drive and work ethic. She also learned valuable lessons in working with her team mates; dividing up tasks, trusting her teammate to pull their load, kindness to others, patience and humility. My dd was profoundly touched by the opening speech from the hosting university's president in which he stated that these contestants were our future scientists and problem solvers. She took it all to heart and was rewarded for her efforts.
  12. I have a tentative plan but it may change due to how much or little we finish over the summer. Writing/Grammar/Literature-outsourced with local writing instructor over summer, online class for school year. Math-Dolciani Pre-Algebra/ to begin Algebra next spring History-Human Odyssey (finish vol 1 move to vol 2) Logic- Art of Argument Science-Science Olympiad 4 events Violin & Piano-continue with lessons Foreign Language- ? need to outsource Competitions- my dd10 wants to do the National Mythology Exam again, and You Be the Chemist challenge along with SO tournaments. Physical Fitness/ Team Sports- Softball (spring & fall), Basketball, Track and Summer Volleyball Forgot Latin--undecided
  13. I actually have talked to mom and encouraged her to get her daughter to a counselor. This has been an ongoing problem for the last year or more and is getting worse.
  14. Yes, a dad but no siblings living at home. Mom works during the day.
  15. DD10 in 5th grade using Dolciani Pre-Algebra, and probably Algebra 1 in late 6th grade. DD12 in 6th grade may be able to do Pre-Algebra in 8th.
  16. The intensity of learning can be rewarding yet exhausting.
  17. I have been pressed to make some decisions regarding my time spent left homeschooling my two daughters. My DD12 has some cognitive disabilities which makes going to public high school not even an option. I am not sure if I could get her to graduation for her progress is steady but slow. A GED might be her best choice. She will most likely either live with us as an adult or utilize some sort of independent supported living situation. On the other hand, my DD10 is just consuming tons of information; she has matured tremendously over the last year as she has thrived on being academically challenged. I think I can homeschool her through middle school but will need to send her to a public high school. She is the kid who would embrace leadership opportunities, become an exchange student; she thrives on activity and achievement. I just feel that that is the right decision for her and me. I want to go back to work. I am not sure what I will do but I want to feel that I have a life outside of my children's. Life is pushing me to get my goals in focus. I am trying to listen and I am fearful of how public school will affect my youngest however I don't think I can homeschool for another seven years. Is anyone else planning to put their children in public high school after they've been homeschooled since day one?
  18. Listen to my dd10 when she begged me to get her involved with a middle school Science Olympiad team. She has thrived with the acceleration and pressure of competition.
  19. I confess that my dd10 is smarter than my husband or I were at her age and I worry about being able to keep ahead of her.
  20. Thank you for posting this! My dd10 loves chemistry AND competitions:)
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