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Everything posted by freethinkermama

  1. It's a hoot. Some people will be offended about anything. Can't live your life by what 2% might think. This is a little nothing.
  2. To me, this way lies madness. It's said that Martin Luther spent hours in confession as a Catholic monk. He was convinced of all of his sins and the state of his heart and motivations. (And, I think, he perhaps had the right idea, according to Christian beliefs). But taking everything to much to heart, weighing every motivation of every waking moment leaves no time to live. Everything must be contemplated--and everything will be found wanting because of our "sinful natures" It's perhaps one of the underlying reasons I left Christianity. Too much navel-gazing, too little living.
  3. If I go to Redplum.com or coupons.com, my Avast antivirus goes bananas. Are these safe? Thanks so!
  4. I can develop my curricula to my children. I can take my kids to the library/museum/educational event during the week on the spur of the moment, and they can enjoy them without having 25 other classmates bugging them. :) Those are the first things that pop to mind. I'm transitioning out now, but these are still the things I enjoy for my youngest child.
  5. HA! You'd know better than I. I just saw it written Ya'el on Wiki. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yael
  6. Ohh, yes. My husband told the children their fairy tales in the original way. All dark and dreary. Molly Whoopie, and Bluebeard, and the real Little Red Riding Hood. Just for starters. Eek!
  7. I didn't care for them, but my 8 year old loved them. I think it was because of the breaking the 4th wall the narrator did. I think it was the dark humor. She often chuckled at the definitions, and did not find them demeaning--more just friendly, I guess. I think she liked the independence and bravery of the characters, and the mystery. Again, they aren't my cuppa, but she adored them. :) Tastes differ.
  8. It doesn't fit your criteria, but I wanted to chime in. I loved the name Jael (Ya'el), and would have wanted to name one of my children that if it had gone well with our last name. I just love her story. :) T. Oh, but my personal favorite of your top 6 is Lydia. I think it's just an elegant and classy sounding name. I know several Lydias, but I don't think it's overused.
  9. I could echo this. We recently moved from a place with terrible schools. Most of the parents who were affiliated with the university there homeschooled because the private schools were just horrific. When we moved, we put the oldest two in school. . and based on what I'm seeing here, we'll put the youngest in in the fall. What they offer here just goes beyond anything I'm able to offer at home, and the teachers--holy mackeral, the skills and the organization and the way the classrooms appear to be managed. . . . I only ever tested my oldest (SAT), and she hit PHS (Post-high school) in 4 categories. She's very challenged here, and is making Bs. I'm floored. I'm very pleased with what I gave my children as a homeschooler, but here--I'm definitely going with the PS.
  10. What is your point? The OP was asking, and people were giving perspectives, including examples of how it can be regarded in Europe. If you disagree, that's fine. Your response is snide.
  11. I bought some pretty shaped silicon cupcake "tins" for my daughter's birthday. Everything that comes out of them tastes like plastic. Horrible!
  12. I lived in Europe 10 years ago as a 20-year old college student. I was amazed by the number of 16 and 17 year olds from different countries who were traveling alone. I spent one afternoon traveling across France with a 16-year old girl from Brazil. Didn't seem to slow her down. :)
  13. Oh, my. I can't even dare hope. My Mom is staying with us for the month, and we've been watching an episode of Firefly every night that she's been here. It's her first time to see it, and she loves it. We got Serenity on Netflix today, so we'll watch that this weekend :) "You can't take the sky from me." :)
  14. I'm so glad to see folks with "I Love You Forever" here. I was given this book for my children for Christmas several years ago. I just hate, hate, hate it. It gives me the great horrible willies. And I agree with the Wuthering Heights haters too. I can't stand these characters. Not at all!
  15. After a friend's and classmate's healthy 7-year-old son died of the flu, we've been vaccinated every year. It's just horrible! A man from my hometown was just buried in an avalanche yesterday. It's always shocking how quickly these things happen.
  16. Here's one article on the staged scene. You can learn more about it just by Googling. http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/02/in-waiting-for-superman-a-scene-isnt-what-it-seems/ You might also want to read this. On-topic, but a different POV http://www.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/02/20/ravitch.teachers.blamed/index.html?hpt=T2
  17. ARGH! My scalded milk was cooling, and I got distracted. It got too cool. 85 degrees. What do I do now? Do I have to rescald? Can I just heat it to 115? Blast! That's why it's such a pain! I can't ever multi-task. Help, please?
  18. Very, very happy with my tubal ligation. Had it after my 3rd c-cection birth. No weight gain. No problems. No regrets :)
  19. Any suggestions? I'm looking for a good kids site to explain the political parties to my littles? I've found several sites that discuss the history of American politics, but nothing that really can explain the parties as they are today--for kids. Oh, my kids are 2nd to 5th grade. I'm cross-posting this to the curriculum board. TIA!
  20. Any suggestions? I'm looking for a good kids site to explain the political parties to my littles? I've found several sites that discuss the history of American politics, but nothing that really can explain the parties as they are today--for kids. I'm cross-posting this to the general board. TIA! T.
  21. My 8-year-old is the worst speller. I mean, painful! I've found some games online where I can plug in his words and there are some games he can play with them. Unfortunately, they are all arcade games, and he's not good at those. Are there any reasonable, non-arcade games he can play to practice his words online? Or, do you know any software that I can purchase or download online to help him? Thanks so! T.
  22. If you delete a few messages I'll be able to get a message through to you.
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