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Everything posted by GardenGirl639

  1. We've regularly schooled during the summer. It keeps them out of trouble. :D
  2. We did new beach towels for everyone one year. This year: Adventures in Odyssey CDs and Voyage of the Dawn Treader on DVD.
  3. OH Wow! Oh Wow! Oh...Wow!!! Really, just wow! Brownies on a stick? Yum! I've never tried the cake pops because I'm not a canned frosting kind of girl. Your chicks look adorable!
  4. My oldest daughter had them for a bit. They were the coolest things ever! I love seeing dreads.
  5. That's great! Another way to remember Ohio. It's the HEART of it all. (Looks kind of like a heart.) Also, the "man" in the map. Minnesota-hat Iowa-face Missouri-shirt Arkansas-pants Louisiana-boots
  6. I've never had a guinea pig, but we now have a rat and a bird. I've found it is harder to find someone who can care for them when we travel than it is to board our dog. It is especially difficult during the holidays.
  7. I really liked the Well Planned Day. I've used it two years in a row and plan to buy it again for next year.
  8. My husband voted: Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway Confessions by Augustine
  9. The Bible Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte something by Charles Dickens (yeah, I like Brit lit.)
  10. I found that my daughter needed a refresher course in *how* to wash her hair. I showed her how she had to massage her whole scalp with her fingers. Improvement was quickly noticed. :lol: We like Suave Daily Clarifying.
  11. I've been part of a group like this for about 13 years. It has definitely ebbed and flowed and had its growing pains, but has been a VERY beneficial thing in my life. Basically, we meet once a month on the same evening of the month (3rd Monday) during the school year. We usually have one summer get together. A handful of moms will get together during the summer and hash out a schedule for the year. A survey has been put out in previous years to see what people are interested in. Groups change as children grow. People come and go. Some years, we had lots of elementary kids, so our talks were geared around that. Some years, we had lots of teenagers, so our talks were geared around that. We've also had book club years where we go through a book in a year. When the group was first set up, it was not set up for the kids but for the moms. A natural outcome of this was that people would rise up with a passion in an area of study and offer to teach a class/series of classes. My daughter participated in many book clubs, art classes, etc. We had one dad who was a PharmMD/professor of pharmacology teach Biology and Chemistry including labs! My husband hosted a chess club for several years. I hosted many Brit Lit book clubs for girls. People organize field trips. (These were not co-op classes. ) Try to figure out what your vision is for your group. As we grew, new people started to want more activities for kids. A co-op was formed. The group split. We are now back to just the moms supporting each other. A new group has formed with the activity-type people. Had we been firm in our vision, I think we would not have been part of the starting of a co-op. There is nothing wrong with co-op if it works for you, but it wasn't why this group was formed. Here are some subjects we've covered during meetings: teaching math, home school burn-out (great for Jan/Feb), high school transcripts, curriculum review, styles of home education, once-a-month cooking. If you wanted a classical group, you could have Getting Started in Classical Education, The Grammar Stage, The Logic Stage, The Rhetoric Stage, Teaching Latin When You've Never Learned Yourself, etc. Usually, one mom would "run" the meeting because she was the topic "speaker" and then there would be great conversation after. When I say speaker, I don't mean that she stood at a podium or anything. It was all very informal. One of the beautiful things about the support group is the actual support. We take meals to members who have babies/surgery. We have taken collections for families at Christmas. We have an e-mail loop to send out prayer requests, field trip invitations, etc. Of course, food was always involved! ETA:This was not a classical group, just a home school group. Maybe you could set your meetings up around the chapters of WTM?
  12. Here's the link with the speakers/topics. http://www.schoolhouseexpo.com/?page_id=10150
  13. I received an e-mail about this today. It shows SWB as a speaker. Has anyone done this in the past? Thoughts? Anyone planning to do this one??
  14. Thank you!!!!!:hurray: Just ordered it from my library. Can't wait to see it!
  15. Found some more: http://www.timberdoodle.com/SearchResults.asp?Search=graphic&Search.x=0&Search.y=0
  16. There are quite a few graphic novel history series that we get from the library. I can't remember all of the "names." Here's one I quickly found on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Lewis-Clark-Expedition-Graphic-History/dp/0736896554/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1302279222&sr=1-1 Graphic novel science (Max Axiom character) http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=graphic+novel+atom&x=0&y=0#/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=max+axiom&rh=n%3A283155%2Ck%3Amax+axiom
  17. Yep! ;) I'm particularly interested to read it because I've been home educating my children for 15 years. I've seen a lot of change in that time. I want to see if my observations line up.
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