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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. :seeya: Field trip to the local amusement park's SCIENCE DAY. Woot Woot! :w00t: Have a great day, ladies! :thumbup1:
  2. :scared: See! NO Texas! Maybe we can all meet in Hawaii or something?
  3. When I first read this, I saw "Jeans can be a real pain in the butt," and I was thinking, "Well, duh!" Oops!
  4. I only have one. Uh-oh. (Actually, the subject has actually been broached-by DD. I think it was last summer-so around the time of her 12th birthday-DH and I were talking about Nana's house [she has a house here but is only part-time] and I said off-handedly that one day we could live in Nana's house and give our house to DD. DD was sooo relieved. She said, "Oh, that's great! I was wondering if one of those stair lift things would fit, because the thought of you going up those stairs would have scared me to death! [We live in a 2 story house with a fairly narrow staircase; Nana's house is one story.] Me: :huh: "You've already thought about this?" DD: "Oh, yes. I was really worried and wasn't sure how I'd handle it." Me: :huh: Kid must get her neuroses from her dad.)
  5. Oh.My.Goodness. That is almost as annoying as a real-life cheerleader. Renai, you have outdone yourself.
  6. Mama. Llama. Slashabama. :huh: Me, I'm sticking with Slash.
  7. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: for Jean, Tex, Professor Mom. Taking care of family is a wonderful thing to do, but can be so hard. Sadly, we have virtually no one left. Just Nana and I'm gonna love the bejeepers out of her for as long as I can. :sad:
  8. Dear tex, :grouphug: I'm sorry that life is being challenging. You must be growing and becoming so strong. Yay, you. Eat much chocolate. And THANK YOU for the update. Your neurotic virtual friend, FA Sticky
  9. Anyone: Has texasmama posted anything today? I have limited ability to check- on my phone. I'm worried because of the weather there. :-(
  10. Sigh. All this productivity by others is resulting in a very bored me. :sad: Maybe I'll go into town and snatch my child from Nana; she'll play with me.
  11. And I say that, AMJ, because I'm right, not because I'm bitter at missing my booyas. I'm not. Not, NOT, NOT. Hair flip.
  12. Oh, yes we are. We are champion ignore-amuses. I, for example, am ignoring the education of my child. So there.
  13. :scared: There has been a tear in the very fabric of the universe!
  14. Hey, Tex! Is all well in your corner of Texas? I just saw on the news that there were more tornadoes. Hopefully, not in your corner of the state. :sad:
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