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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Dr. Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution. He is a respected conservative writer and thinker; he is hardly the crank some would have you believe him to be. He is, however, conservative. That deems him worthy of derision by some of our oh-so-open-minded prolific posters.
  2. Well, that tends to be how the word is used. By intelligent people? No. Just loud ones.
  3. Someone at College Confidential speculated that the scores were too high based upon the ease of the practice test. I tend to think this may be the case based upon my 8th graders practice scores.
  4. I dunno. Tex may be a little old fashioned, but it IS seriously BA.
  5. Another MONTH?! Yikes! Thanks for the update, though. :001_smile:
  6. Holy cow. A dentist that I might actually be able to stand. Without throwing up in the waiting room. Sadly, I'm thinking 1000+ miles away might be a tad far.
  7. I think that's great! Molly can have the nickname Myrtle. Myrtle the .
  8. I would ask, but I strongly suspect that "Shovel Poop and Run!" will never, ever be a thing.
  9. Hmm. Looks like ikslo's auditor friend is more entertaining than I am. How tragic. I shall slink off to do something productive.
  10. ITT friends: I love you from the heart of my bottom.
  11. Same source: My ESL students try so hard and are so appreciative. One student paid me the ultimate compliment when she said, “You teach English good.†Another assured me, “I will always forget you.†And a third insisted, “I thank you from the heart of my bottom.†Ellen Israel, Alamo, California
  12. From Reader's Digest: A man called, furious about an Orlando, Florida, vacation package we had booked for him: He was 
expecting an ocean-view hotel 
room. I explained that was not possible, since Orlando is in the middle of 
the state. “Don’t lie to me,†he said. 
“I looked on the map, and Florida is a very thin state.†Source: hotelstories.freeservers.com
  13. HI, everyone! This is great! Everything thing here is great! (Well, compared to ikslo's reality! Thanks, ikslo!)
  14. Well, if you try to put "Charlotte Manson Last Name" on Molly's birth certificate, I may have to put my foot down. :toetap05:
  15. Hey, now! Hold on there a minute, little missy! You aren't including ME in "all these people" are you? Because that would be WRONG. :lol:
  16. :lol: :lol: The Fjord is always good for a laugh this way. When I turn her out, she runs and bucks and TOOTS like a freight train!
  17. If SIL has anything negative to say about little Molly Grace, I'd suggest she say it my face.
  18. Oh, boy. That's headed our way now. Happy, happy, joy, joy. :glare:
  19. Okay, my kid cracks me up. She's taking a Playing with Poetry class through Brave Writer. She has struggled a bit with Japanese poetry and really, really did not bond with Tanka. Here's her second Tanka: I can’t write tanka, It’s just much too strict to write. Yep, this is haiku. Except that now it isn’t, So now I have succeeded. :lol: ETA: Oh, look! I posted something educational! Done!
  20. I'm really sorry that you experienced that. :sad: On the flipside: I usually read the posts from mamas of large families with sick envy in my heart (I only have 1 for medical reasons), but your post made me really, REALLY glad that I only have one. Thanks, BlsdMama!
  21. Great question, Rose! Definitely listening in. :lurk5: (And can I say that I share your faith in the ladies of this board. "I'm sure it's here somewhere..." :tongue_smilie: )
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