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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Okay. New philosophical question: Can an evil alacorn be redeemed?
  2. A bit off-topic (sorry OP!), but I think I read on the College Board website that the online scores are replacing the printed report. I'm not sure that's accurate, though. :confused1:
  3. Tex: Here's what I wrote on the "when do you start prepping thread" FWIW. DD took the PSAT for the first time this year, 8th grade, for a pre-high school baseline. We did not do any organized preparation, but I did give her the official prep book and gave her time to go through it, more for familiarity than anything else. I did not want her to get freaked out by completely alien questions. My DD is an easy-going kid and does not mind test-taking. I was actually somewhat surprised how difficult she found the process. The loooong delay filling out the forms did not help, nor did the fact that her blood sugar crashed late in the game. Although I will leave the decision about whether to take the PSAT next year to her, I will likely encourage her to do so, simply to address the process issue above. When it matters, I would like her to have a certain comfort level developed. For 11th grade, I will provide study materials, as well.
  4. Thank you, Renai. It's good to hear from an expert on these matters.
  5. Well, that was interesting. It appears that their method results in a jump for the lower population states and a drop for the densely populated ones. I wonder how accurate that will be? Thanks for sharing!
  6. I don't know if this will help or add to the frustration, but I got to the same place, logged out, logged back in later, and Voila! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you; what a mess!
  7. No answering until the next page! Thinking only for now! :lol:
  8. Philosophical question for the next page: Can the devil be redeemed?
  9. See, there's the whoopsie. I would have never left you!
  10. Still praying here, Krissi. ETA: Can we have a prayerful Booya? A booya dedicated to praying for Krissi's dad, for Krissi's mom (a uniquely awful place to be), Krissi, and the rest of Krissi's family. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  11. I wouldn't worry about it. Freak of nature, remember? :wacko:
  12. I'm not the OP, but my 8th grade daughter is half-way through DO Physical Science and absolutely loves it! This has been the first time that I can say that about science. WRT math, she has taken AoPS Intro to Algebra A and has had no problems with the math. I think doing Algebra concurrently should be just fine, but if you are concerned, you might want to email Mr. Owens. He is very, very good about answering questions and is very approachable.
  13. I think Queen Ellie should come and decree that there shall be no more illness amongst the ITT Peeps henceforth and thither. :sad:
  14. DD took the PSAT for the first time this year, 8th grade, for a pre-high school baseline. We did not do any organized preparation, but I did give her the official prep book and gave her time to go through it, more for familiarity than anything else. I did not want her to get freaked out by completely alien questions. My DD is an easy-going kid and does not mind test-taking. I was actually somewhat surprised how difficult she found the process. The loooong delay filling out the forms did not help, nor did the fact that her blood sugar crashed late in the game. Although I will leave the decision about whether to take the PSAT next year to her, I will likely encourage her to do so, simply to address the process issue above. When it matters, I would like her to have a certain comfort level developed. For 11th grade, I will provide study materials, as well. National Merit is a highly realistic prospect here. HTH. :001_smile:
  15. I didn't get a link from Khan, but there are links from the online results to Khan.
  16. YAY!!! Congratulations! And I am in awe of your persistence. :hurray:
  17. I won't tell you what peanut butter does to my blood sugar... :leaving:
  18. Caveat: My blood sugar is truly a freak of nature. Example: I have SEVERE reactive hypoglycemia. In fact, the drop can be so sudden and so far that I had an endocrinologist (and someone whose opinion I respect and wholeheartedly would and have recommended for diabetics) told me that the reaction I described to him is physically impossible. Until it happened in a hospital setting. Oops. As for the secondary part, if I were to regulate that part of me, there's be nothing left! :laugh:
  19. If you can install firm mental shields, it can be kind of entertaining. It does not speak well for human nature, though.
  20. I'd vote banana. Oatmeal does HORRIBLE things to my blood sugar. I don't know how helpful that is to you, though.
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