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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. I want the marching band to visit! Do I have to get sick now? :scared:
  2. On the high school thing, I think it's just the uncertainty. Which really isn't. Math is just do the next thing. Science is just make sure she does the usual thing. Latin is just do the next thing. Add a modern foreign language and do it in order. The whole humanities thing is up in the air, though. Dd wants to do Omnibus. We may school through a charter. She may or may not take a few classes on campus. I may let her try to test out of some subjects through SAT subject tests. But I want decisions now.
  3. I am an anti-social, independent homeschooler. Which is another way of saying weird.
  4. I am overthinking this whole high school thing. And wine is NOT on my diet.
  5. :huh: More evidence that you should stop hanging around real people and just stay here.
  6. I would second Tex's suggestion to look at Lively Art of Writing. It's cheap (may be open source; check Google books) and is quite good. I would use it, but I needed to stop "doing things" and to start doing what what child needed to do. (What a revelation, right? Only took me until 8th grade to figure it out. My poor child.)
  7. I am waiting for DH to set up an eBay sales account for me. So I can offload the *shocking* amount of curriculum I have acquired. :blink:
  8. *Snort* :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: You people should love having me around, because I am so, SO funny!!!
  9. Writing, IMO, is another one of those "really depends on the kid" things. I got a natural writer; at the appropriate age, we will learn the appropriate skill. She learns it and applies it beautifully. Because I am a super-awesome-ninja teacher.
  10. Jean: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  11. ILOVETHENARWHALSONG!!!!!!! You are so my bestie! :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub:
  12. I'm telling you, EVERY parenting question can be honestly answered, "Duct tape."
  13. On the crustless pizza front, portabello mushroom caps make excellent pizza non-crusts.
  14. I'm sorry that you're not feeling well, Jean. :sad:
  15. Get back, Evil Dentistry post! (But I am glad for you, Ducky.)
  16. Looking at this, I am afraid that I am transforming you peeps into some kid of accountability group. Double :blink: :blink: . And I'm quoting myself. :wacko:
  17. Good morning, all! So far, I've kept to the devotions-instead-of-computer thing and have not broken my diet! Yay, me! The outside chores are done and breakfast is in the works (DD starts slowly with fruit, so I'm not starving my child-honest!) We are slooooowwllly starting back to school out of respect for my student who needs transition time. So far, so good in 2016. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: for all in need. I completely agree; adulting is hard. I wish someone else would do it for me. :blink:
  18. Oh, in response to Slash's earlier question: I'm strictly low carbing. It's the only way for me to diet with my ridiculously reactive blood sugar. My goal is to not die. I am certain that my misery is just like a near death experience.* Losing weight would be good, too. *Actually, that's a total lie. But I am really not good at self-control and deprivation.
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