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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. School. You've been discussing school. :svengo: We moved right before 4th grade, so I sent my kid to school. Tells you what a BA homeschool mom I am. :scared:
  2. :seeya: Day 2 of snot not starting my day with computer. Day 3 of diet. I'm not yet dead. Yet. (Edited the typo, but left it visible because it's so apt.)
  3. I've been on a diet for less than 48 hours. I think I'm going to die. ETA: Boo-flipping-Ya. Dieting stinks. Even if I'm fat and deserve it.
  4. Dagnabit! DH owns the tv and is watching football. One of the few things DD watches is Mythbusters (BTW, they came to Really Big City on Jamie's farewell tour. And sold out within hours. And I missed it. So I'm going to parent Hell. )
  5. Get out of my kitchen! And stop taking pictures!
  6. Improvement! Hygiene and humbug removal-what a deal!
  7. You certainly are not a flounce. You, however, are quite adept at flouncing! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. Personally, I would prefer here, but I will follow you wherever you go, Yoda! Flounce. I think either way would be good. It might be fun to read the same book, at least sometimes. Except for Slash. ;)
  9. Oooo, and Lynn: Tell hubby congrats on the book! That's awesome!
  10. Oh, I forgot something. I would totally be in for a book-of-the-month discussion. Can't handle one a week, though.
  11. :seeya: It was 8 degrees this morning. And windy. In addition, all THREE horses decided to do science experiments last night, so I had to dump and scrub THREE water tubs. And the poop froze into the ground and had to be chopped out with a rake. On the plus side, I started my morning NOT with the computer but with a devotional and then a book. And then did my outside chores. (see above.) And now, finally, am allowing myself to catch up here. Do I get points for virtue? :laugh:
  12. There is an excellent audio version of Frankenstein-makes it much easier to get through! No. Yes. What Tex said.
  13. My job makes me nuts sometimes, but I'm super glad that I can work in my jammies. :grouphug: for Renai and Mary.
  14. Slash hid it. You know how she is sometimes. :001_rolleyes:
  15. Yes. Hay infusions are popular simple science experiments to illustrate how to grow germies and bacteria. My horsey apparently majored in Biology. :glare: ETA: Hay infusion water is not healthy to drink, not for people or horses. Hence, the frequent dumping and scrubbing.
  16. Yay! I made a good question! Now I shall wait for a good answer! :001_tt2:
  17. Since we live in the frozen tundra, each of my horses requires a 16 gallon heated water tub in his or her stall. Miss Scarlet backwashes heavily into hers. Horsey-hay backwash + heated water = hay infusion. Which means that I dump and scrub the blasted thing at least every other day. I console myself by telling everyone that my horsey is a science genius. It's the little things that keep me going.
  18. Another homeschool-related post: Any feedback or information on Philosophy Adventure?
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