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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. :huh: :scared: :svengo: Silly child. Now scram and do the google thing.
  2. Jean, this is terrible, but every time the essential oils thread pops up on "new content," I think of you!
  3. Good morning. I stayed up too late watching a Great Courses Tours of Greece lecture with DD. I had bad dreams all night about being tired and sleeping through parts of the day and forgetting to feed the horses and feeling awful. Hmm, wonder what that could mean? Oh, and it's Deadline Friday today. Just call me Mistress Grumpypants.
  4. If Princess Mary wants a pink cake with purple icing for her birthday, she should get a pink cake with purple icing. (It might be a really small cake here, because, well, eww. Like maybe a big cupcake, with shortcake and strawberries for the people who are smart who are not Birthday Princesses.)
  5. But mosquitoes. And don't wander into the bushes. Because water moccasins. (I'd still go,though. And I'm not super sure about the water moccasins out there. They haunt all of my memories of Florida. Some might be confabulations. But not the attack on the boat. That was the reality that started the nightmares.) ((I think I should drink more coffee.))
  6. Same situation here. (And, boy, was the format nicer than the Republican herd approach.)
  7. Congratulations to your daughter! :party:
  8. Do you ever get to actually go on these trips, or do you confine yourself to planning?
  9. DD is in her online Latin class. We live in a tiny corner of the world, but her teacher happens to live up the highway in an even tinier corner. The other students come from all over. ALL over. At break,the kids take turn presenting their favorite music. Today's selection was all Greek to me. Because it was. How cool is that?
  10. Well, Renai is the Icon Queen, so she is best qualified to answer this. Inspired by her awesomeness, I found a list online, and I just copy and paste as needed. :)
  11. Have you priced the Build-a-Bear party? It's been a number of years, but I remembering finding their party prices to be reasonable.
  12. I watch Great Courses lectures for fun. But not math.
  13. But, to me, the battle with math is mutual. So how 'bout... Math:
  14. Interesting article; thanks for sharing. As for your question, it appears that it does not. I've looked at that on the CB website and I read the article; to be honest, I still don't know against whom the "User Percentile" is scored. I did find myself agreeing with the author of the article in her speculation that all the percentiles are being statistically gamed to sucker more kids into taking the test. But perhaps I'm being unnecessarily harsh in my assessment of the College Board? :001_rolleyes:
  15. I just realized that I am almost through my first cup of coffee and am still barely functional. Uh-oh. Dawn: Praying for health and for wisdom for your doctor. Ellie: Where'd you get a wife? I need me one of them. Tex: The (poison-less) snake-less paradise was a plan. I spent many of my formative years in Florida. I have images burned into my brain of our small john boat (a little fishing boat) being attacked by a water moccasin. I hate scary snakes. (On the other hand, the cute little grass snakes we have here are A-okay.) Renai: I want your wisdom. It would go well with the slave wife that Ellie shall find for me. Slash: I think Renai's advice was great. I can't remember anything else. Need.More.Coffee. Oh, Friday. The fact that it is Deadline Friday takes the fun out of it. Bummer. Wish I hadn't remembered just yet. Stupid wall calendar.
  16. The part above the ankle is neoprene (think scuba stuff), so I don't know. Since we don't have poisonous snakes here (a MAJOR point in the plus column when considering where we'd land), I haven't really considered snake-proof-ness. But what a boot-y booya!
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