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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Just one Big Meanie. My beloved child's other genetic contributor.
  2. My computer has been upgraded by Tech Support. I am lost. And sad.
  3. :party: Congratulations to your DD on her persistence and growth! And YAY, Mama!!
  4. Personally, I think the answer to all of life's problems is duct tape. It may well apply here. (I'm kidding. I think. Maybe. Perhaps.)
  5. :hurray: Yay! I have purpose. Granted, it's comedic relief, but it's something! (I'm glad that I made you smile, Jean. I wish it could be more, like waving a magic wand and making you feel well, but I guess that's a bit out of my league. I'll just send you one of these: )
  6. I am very much afraid that Slash is forcing us to give her up for Lent. It's not fair. We should have at least been allowed to vote.
  7. Ruh-roh. Did you have a visitor today, by any chance?
  8. Well, I guess it's not surprising given how flat they are. ()
  9. If it ain't pork, it ain't 'que. Texans. Hmph. Flounce.
  10. Good morning! Susan: I think you need a bazooka. Duct tape is just not sufficient. (But you do make me glad that we don't do the co-op thing.) Lynn: Be strong! Be focused! Be Awesome! Go, Lynn, go! (And I hope you feel better soon. :grouphug: ) Tex: I cannot imaging BBQ without pork. :huh: Good thing you're in TX, yo. (And I love you, too. :001_wub: ) Jean: Gentle, gentle hugs.
  11. Oh, and for the sake of full disclosure, we live in a small district in a low population state. But she's going to (small) state! She's going to (small) state! :lol:
  12. I forgot to mention something about our Super Awesome Happy Day. The short person got to decide what we did after Mathcounts. Where did she want to go and celebrate? Barnes and Noble. That's my girl! :thumbup1:
  13. I liked this. Then I unliked it so I could like it again. :o
  14. I :001_wub: you, ikslo! (Jo was super hurt when they wouldn't let her participate. Mama Bear is still mighty cranky. :glare: )
  15. When I logged back in, I had 76 notifications. Yikes. :blink:
  16. And where the hodey-ho is Slash? If she ditched us for Lent, I will be very put out.
  17. Hi, everyone! We are safely home and glad to be here. Jo said to say "thank you" for the prayers and well-wishes. We had a super fun trip. We started off Tuesday afternoon with a reverse dinner (we had "gooeys" [really syrupy ice cream sundaes] at a fancy schmancy lakeside restaurant at 4 in the afternoon and supermarket rotisserie chicken and vegetables later in our room), followed by a prowl around a high-end toy store. There was a heated indoor pool at our hotel, so Jo got to swim for about 45 minutes before bed. That made for a really happy kid. :hurray: Today was competition day. I don't know if I said it before, but this was sort of a last-minute deal. We tried to join the middle school team at the beginning of the year (by law, homeschool students are supposed to have access to public school programs), but the teacher/coach is an anti-homeschool guy and wouldn't let her in. I could have pushed it with the district, but he would have taken it out on Jo, so NO THANK YOU. I then tried to find out about joining as a homeschooler and emailed the area coordinator. We exchanged one set, but then she didn't respond to one, so I figured we were out of luck. She got back with me about a month ago and apologized; her email had crashed and we fell through the cracks. I was allowed to sign up late; we got our Competition Packet out of the mailbox when we pulled out of the driveway on Tuesday! :laugh: Despite that, my little monkey TOTALLY KICKED BOOTY. :party: :party: :party: AND, even more impressively, I didn't go up to the middle school teacher coach and say, "Nanny, nanny, boo, boo! Stick your head in doo doo!" :tongue_smilie: Have I mentioned that it's been a great homeschool year? :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub:
  18. Thank you for the prayers! Jo was bee touched when I showed her the posts.
  19. Chicago was founded when people frm New York said, "Gee, the crime and poverty are great, but it just isn't cold enough!"
  20. The last person who got through Boston in under 3 hours was yelling "The British are coming! The British are coming!"
  21. There is a short person with me who is showing signs of stress (just nervous-nothing ominous.) Prayers for peace would be most appreciated!
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