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King Alfred Academy

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Everything posted by King Alfred Academy

  1. We don't follow the WTM closely, but I do have a 5th grader. History/Literature/Bible/Geography/Arts & Crafts: Tapestry of Grace Year 1 Ancients Science: Apologia Zoology 3 Land Animals (This will be our first year trying this curriculum) Math: Teaching Textbooks and Math Mammoth Writing: IEW Ancient Theme Based Writing Spelling: IEW Phonetic Zoo Grammar: Rod & Staff and MCT (I know it's overkill, but...) Art: Meet the Masters Latin: I am undecided. Either Latin For Children or Visual Latin Other: Typing, Building Thinking Skills, Proverbs study w/ Dad, Handwriting Without Tears Cursive, Activities: Drama @ the local theater, Brazilian Jui-Jitzu
  2. A couple things we have tried that seem to work a bit: 1. Having him chew gum or suck on a piece of candy. 2. Wearing headphones and listening to classical music playing softly. I agree with the other poster about school not being a good environment. WAY more distractions.
  3. 594 sq. ft with 2 kids. It's tight, but we like it (most of the time).
  4. We skipped the modern time period this 4 yr. rotation without "messing up" our 4 yr. cycle. We just spent more time in American history from Explorers up to the Civil War. We'll hit it during the other rotations. FWIW...my rising 5th is pretty sensitive.
  5. 2011-2012 Plans...Subject to change ;) Together TOG Y1 Ancients Apologia Zoology 3 (Land animals) Math Mammoth Teaching Textbooks or ALEKS Meet the Masters (?) They want to learn to play the recorder 3rd-Thane AAS IEW PAL Writing Sonlight Readers ETC Online R&S English Typing Building Thinking Skills 5th-Magnus Phonetic Zoo IEW Ancient Theme Based Writing Parts of MCT Language Arts R&S English Latin for Children A Typing Building Thinking Skills
  6. Funny story about the bolded: We were looking for a different church and passed by a GORGEOUS building with a bright red door. We ducked our heads inside and met the Priest. He gave us a tour and invited us back that afternoon because they were having an "ol' time southern hymn sing-a-long/picnic". We decided to go and he introduced us to the Sr. Warden/his best friend. While we were visiting, he leaned over and asked us if we wanted a drink...he lifted up the lid to his cooler and pulled out a beer! A beer at a church picnic! My dh looked over at me and said, "I think we found our church!" We did indeed find our church. It was the greatest, most comfortable place for us. We, too, were a little unsure of what to do during the service, but it was only a matter of time before we understood what to do, when, and what it all meant. I wish you well on your journey!
  7. Thanks, Sarah, for your reply. Obviously, we haven't done any of them, but I am planning to next year. Just not sure which one/ones. Anyone else care to state your opinion? I know there are lots of apologia users. Pretty please?:D
  8. Which Apologia (Jeannie Fulbright) book did you or your kids enjoy working through the most? The least? Why? Which one had the most fun projects/activities? My boys LOVE hands-on projects. Thanks!:001_smile:
  9. WOW! This really makes me appreciate all of our 594 sq. ft! I did get some storage ideas from her though. :001_smile:
  10. I don't want to get into all the other discussions going on in this thread, so I'll just answer your questions with our experiences. We are a Christian family and I have used two different charters in CA. The first one had an actual building and provided classes for the students. My boys took science, classical music study, PE, computer, ect. In addition to the classes, they had a wide variety of curriculums to choose from for you to teach at home...Math-U-See, Singapore, Saxon, Latin for Children, Analytical Grammar, Spelling Workout, as well as all the state standard stuff. It was the parents choice though. You were required to keep a learning record and provide work samples to give to your adviser every 3 weeks. Standardized testing was also "required", but if you put up a big enough stink, you can get out of it. No other money was given. I used TOG and many of my friends used Abeka and BJU without a problem. God pretty much blessed me with our current set up. :001_smile: I have an AWESOME ES (adviser) who is a Christian, homeschools her daughter, and respects my views about state standards (we don't follow them). We receive $1600 per kid per year for non-sectarian curriculum, books, supplies, classes, lessons, etc. Since I have 2 kids, it just goes into our "family pot" and I don't have to divide it up into consumables, lessons, etc. It's just there for me to use. I am able to use Christian materials, but I have to buy them. Oh...I am using TOG, Rod & Staff, and Apologia. However, I have heard that it gets a little stickier and trickier once the kids hit high school. Apparently there is a list of curricula that is acceptable for high schoolers to use if they plan on attending a UC University. I can't really comment on that as I have not hit that point yet. If we are still in CA, I'll probably stop using the charters and go private then.
  11. Another thing I am curious about. If someone is pulled off onto the right shoulder of a divided interstate/highway/freeway do you change lanes into the left lane if you can safely do so? I know in TN it is the law if there is an emergency vehicle present, but what if it is just another motorist? I do for safety reasons, but also because if I was the stranded motorist, I wouldn't want cars flying past me that close. Scary.
  12. Wow...that would be moving and definitely something of a memory. It just makes sense to me to do this. I don't remember learning it in driver's ed, I'm pretty sure it was just something my mom taught me and I remember others doing it. I also pull over for emergency vehicles no matter which side I am on for the same reason. I've seen where they have had to drive down the wrong side of the road or cross lanes to turn.
  13. I think you are on to something about it being regional which is why I mentioned learning to drive in IA. I remember cars doing it in IA, KS, and TN, but not in WA or CA.
  14. I was taught that if a funeral procession (military or not) is coming toward you on an undivided, two-lane road (highway or not), it is courteous and respectful to pull off to the right shoulder and stop until they have passed. I have seen where others have done this and I have also experienced some angry drivers behind me (I was far enough over for them to go around, however). Were you ever taught this? Do you do it? Is this the first time you have heard of such a thing? Is it something that was done "back in the olden days" but not now? I'm just curious. :001_smile: If it matters, I grew up and learned how to drive in IA.
  15. Oh, how tragic. I am so sorry to hear this. :grouphug: to you as you wait to hear updates.
  16. I don't know what can be done about it, but I've had two separate transactions with you and I can give you a :thumbup: here on this post! (I did on the itrader too!)
  17. We follow the 4 year cycle, but we took the past two years to study only American history (13 Colonies-Civil War...I have my own reasons for not going beyond the Civil War) and I am glad we did. I feel like it gave my boys a good foundation of knowing about our Country's origins. We used the Time Travelers cds and added in a lot of reading. I will say, we are way excited about starting our rotation over and doing Ancient next year! :001_smile:
  18. I didn't like it at first when I was using it with my older ds. I think it was because I wasn't using it as written. I tweeked it too much. He is a very strong reader but his spelling wasn't all that good. Fast forward two years later...my youngest son has some dyslexic tenancies and is very much a hands on learner. I decided to try the program with him as it was written. We are both LOVING it! He needs the review of the cards (and he is retaining it all too!) and the movement of the tiles. His reading has improved. He'll notice words within his reading that follow the rules he has learned and he'll run over and show me and tell me the rule. I NEVER thought this kid would enjoy reading. As far as the words all being alike...I think it reinforces the rule they have learned. I have been creating my own lists from the words he has learned already and we'll review them...all mixed up. :001_smile:
  19. Stuff we've loved this year: RSO Earth and Space...GREAT experiments and easy to implement MM...*I* love it...my boys tolerate it TT...*Boys* love it...I tolerate it Timez Attack...LOVE!! It has taught my boys their multiplication facts better than I could have! AAS...ds7 really likes it and is retaining what he has learned. It's fun to read with him and have him point out the phonics rules to me! HWOT Cursive...boys LOVE it! MCT...my son loves and excels with conversation style teaching.
  20. :iagree: We have thoroughly enjoyed working through RSO Earth and Space this year. Very little prep involved especially if you buy the supply kit. I have found that the experiments really do go along with what you just read and learned. They are simple to do and don't require a lot of time.
  21. Hi! I was wondering if anyone has experience with using Learn 360. I have a subscription to Discovery Streaming, but I was hoping someone would be able to compare the two. Do they pretty much have the same videos/materials available? Thanks!:001_smile:
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