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Parker Martin

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Everything posted by Parker Martin

  1. Ah ha. I'd never heard of using nitrous oxide. I think I'll probably also try the pudendal block. The contractions were crummy, but it was the end that made me think, "Natural childbirth is HORRIBLE!" Now to figure out how to set these things up with the hospital so that they're ready to give them...
  2. Last time I got to have a surprise natural birth because of the issue with the epidural. Was not a fan.
  3. We ended up with a leopard print Snuggie out of a white elephant version of one of these. All of us fight over it when it's cold.
  4. ....? This is assuming that you wouldn't have a natural childbirth. I've been told that I can't have another epidural. I am one of those unlucky few who has an extreme sensitivity to this form of analgesia. Are there other good options these days? Anyone used any of them?
  5. If that's true, we're theistic evolutionists. I've never had any problem with this. There's no conflict for me between Christianity and evolution.
  6. I prefer cloth. Leather gets too hot for my taste. In my experience, car interior cloth is pretty rugged and cleans up pretty well.
  7. Someone around here just started his bachelor's degree at thirteen, and his father has never once registered him as a homeschooler in the state. Heh. I think the university decided he was ready for the work and didn't care about whatever the K-12 requirements were supposed to be.
  8. I've wondered what I'll do in my next chapter of life when the kids are grown and gone. Petroleum engineering, here I come. :D
  9. Same. Whew, glad that's over. Let's talk about something less controversial now like the 2012 election or gay marriage. :p
  10. I'm guessing it means that it would self-regulate itself at some point. Perhaps that with access to modern technology, as resources and therefore raising children became more expensive, populations would naturally have fewer children. Also that as population increased and demand for new technologies to improve water cleaning and food production efficiencies increased, such technologies would be developed, and the planet would be capable of supporting an increasing number of people.
  11. Aw, well, I think it's probably harder to keep family harmony with two, all the rivalry being concentrated on each other, so don't be too hard on yourself.
  12. Is the hope that they're spanking so that it's okay to wish ill on them? :tongue_smilie: I don't understand why some people don't like them either. Our family is much different than theirs, and our beliefs certainly diverge, but I love them, and I think they do an excellent job with their kids.
  13. Finished chores and waiting for the boys to finish their long and detailed imaginary play session so that we can read a book. I should probably be studying or something. (Not for school. Just certain interests I have.) Hrm.
  14. I don't agree. There are all sorts of things I did that I would disagree with now as my beliefs as an adult are completely different than those I had as a teen. Yet, if I talk about those things, I will probably be smiling. I have noticed friends doing the same. Part of it is having a sense of humor about your young self and your mistakes. Another part of it is having a sense of humor about youth in general. And yet another part of it is that remembering things generally causes one to remember many other things and cause a mini mental trip into nostalgia. ETA: I have one friend who had issues with enormous regret, regret that would sometimes leave her weeping. Yet, when she talked about these things, even she smiled. It seems like a very human phenomenon.
  15. She talked about this when I saw her speak at a friend's Bible study. She said that when she only had five, she lost her temper a lot and yelled a lot. Then she noticed that when she'd turn to scold them, they'd cower a little knowing she was going to yell. That made her think about how they were going to remember her as they grew up, and she didn't want them remembering their mother as an angry, scowling woman, so she quit yelling. That's why she does the sing-song voice when she's telling them to do something. Gives a person something to do with his voice that keeps rising frustration from taking it over. She also said that when someone in the family, including herself, gets snippy or starts to show a rising temper, anyone in the family is allowed to touch that person's arm and say, "Mom/Dad/name of other kid, it sounds like you're getting a little angry." That helps the person who's getting angry keep it in check and maintain self control. I don't know why that answer wouldn't have been given on television, but there it is.
  16. :iagree: I don't see any evidence that they're of the "be like me or get out of my life" type.
  17. I'll also say this for the Duggars: I live in the area where they live. It's common to see them shopping at the store or attending local events. I've yet to hear a single bad thing about them, and it isn't as though this area doesn't have any gossips. As famous and controversial as they are, I think that speaks volumes. They are exceptionally nice people.
  18. I recently saw Michelle Duggar speak at a friend's Bible study. She was impressive. A much better speaker than I would have guessed, and I would have guessed that she would have been good. She definitely has it together. A very competent executive personality in my opinion. I'm all for them having as many children as possible. They seem to do a great job with them.
  19. My husband is profoundly gifted. This giftedness extends to his social skills. He was always extremely popular and can get along with anyone. Finding intellectual peers is, obviously, tough for him, but someone doesn't have to be your intellectual peer to be a dear (or dearest) friend. In fact, I'd say that his closest friends, apart from those within the family, are not his intellectual peers. It doesn't seem to matter. Things like loyalty, curiosity, shared interest, sense of humor, kindness, character, etc. can all be found from end to end of the IQ spectrum, and those things matter a lot more to the success of a friendship than IQ. Now if you were talking specifically marriage, which is something of a form of friendship, my answer would be different. But for friends, I think IQ is less important.
  20. Keep in mind that you're also comparing boys with girls. Girls are more likely to be of the disposition to sit and do that kind of work.
  21. I use coconut oil in pretty much all my dessert baking. Everything comes out great. As others have mentioned, if you don't want any hint of coconut oil taste, an extra light olive oil would be great. Don't use extra virgin olive oil unless you'd like to add a hint of olive flavor to your cake. :tongue_smilie:
  22. That's very strange, but maybe it's just pregnancy weirdness. I would just avoid her for now. She'll most likely mellow out when she has her sweet girl. If you correspond with her at all via email or talk to her on the phone, you could talk up the fact of having so many girls. "How wonderful for your girls! Just think, they'll have each other for life. That is so special. What a neat thing having best friends in one's own house. They'll enrich each other's lives so much!"
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