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Everything posted by MommaOfThree

  1. This is what I'm doing w/my ds. We are using a multiplication skills builder and skip counting projects to master the multiplication facts right now, while taking a break from CLE. My son was in ps & since being home CLE is our 3rd math program.. My ds 'hates' math but believes that CLE teaches him better/easier than anything he's used before. Since doing both the lessons and daily drills was too much, I am taking a break just to focus on his weakness and then we'll jump right back into CLE. I would definitely avoid 'jumping ship'. CLE really does seem to be an excellent program, so just take a break & reinforce any weakness..
  2. Right there with you .. My son is now 5th grade and he was ps'ed for K-3rd. I am still getting him up to speed in math and thought I'd figured spelling out last year (w/word roots) but nope! My son recently made it known he never learned phonics when I was working w/my dd7 and he was listening to us. Call me slow!!!:confused: Why I didnt diagnose that as the problem is beyond me, but needless to say we are back to basics w/that as well. I'm still trying to figure it our myself .. If you find a good 'cure' let me know!!! Funny thing is my ds12 is an awesome speller .... Go figure:)
  3. I picked up 12 at Office Max for $0.30 each this week .. I dont know if they still have them, but they were 1in. & 1 1/2in. Good Luck!
  4. So funny .. We just got a brand new KIA Soul .. LOVE IT!!!!!! We are in financial trim down mode in our house, so when we sat down to look at gas prices, car pymts, insurance, etc. we realized we could sacrifice our Kia Sedona (that we purchased used) to save a little money. ((while I loved the space, the occasional usage of the extra space wasnt worth the little extra in gas & insurance for us)) -I started comparing smaller cars that one booster seat and two boys could fit comfortably in (while still having cargo room for my kids football equipment). -I also looked at the lowest prices (because after all we are trying to save money). -Then insurance MPG ratings. -Of course, insurance agent got the call for comparisons. Then, I check out the comparisons here: http://autos.msn.com/research/compare/compare.aspx This website is great because you can compare side by side.. We ended up with the Kia Soul for these reasons: -Price (got the base model, starts at like $13000) -Cargo Room -Seating room (out of its competitors it had the most leg, hip, shoulder & head room) -MPG -Insurance (@$10 less a month than the van) -Warranty -Return customer discounts & trade in's offered at our local Kia dealer We were able to stay within $10 of old car payment (saved in insurance) and have the piece of mind that the 10 year/100,000 mile warranty offers, while saving on gas!! Kids love the cool factor (shoot, so does Mom) & it's quite affordable!:auto:
  5. My ds12 (brought home from ps) had the same problem. I tried quite a few math programs & nothing worked. The whole 'drilling facts' thing just irritated him, and he didnt really understand that or division. When I read about LOF and showed him the website, he actually got excited about it. I told him "a prerequisite was multiplication & division", so he decided to 'hunker down' and learn it! I purchased Math Tutor's Mastering Multiplication & Division by Carson Dellosa AND he's got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mind you, it took us a while to get through this little workbook but the explanations were to the point (which kept him focused) and with me working out 1-2 problems with him each day, he was able to comprehend all function taught in the book. Good Luck! FWIW .. I was working on phonics w/my ds7 today when my dd10 (who I've been having the worst time w/spelling-also brought home from ps) chimed in and said "I never learned that". Ugh!!! Now it looks like I'm back to basics w/him too...
  6. Have you checked 4-H curriculum for this? I am using the 4-H curriculum for Health right now with my kids .. We're currently doing the First Aid in action and they will have all prepared their own First Aid kits by the end of the unit. BTW: the books are reallly cheap which helps! http://www.4-hmall.org/Curriculum.aspx
  7. YES!!! I purchased three curricula & changed my mind. I think my DH was getting a little frustrated w/me..... But, it all worked out. We started our new school year up last week & so far, so good (w/all my final decisions anyway).
  8. My DH is also in law enforcement and the schedules can be quite a hassle .. Right now we have two weeks of day (6am-5:30pm) & then two weeks of nights (3pm-2:30am) AND the days are even wierder-two days on, two days off, three days on, two days off, two days on, three days off ... Repeat. We have tried the whole, have school while Daddy's at work but it just is too hard on "ME". And, honestly by allowing my DH to sleep in/have time for himself while we have school, it gives him the down-time he needs (its been a stressful year at work for him). As far as eating together, we have had 'drunch' (dinner-lunch) before DH goes to work before and that worked out well. BUT, on this shift w/no more than 2-3 days working at a time the kids and I have had to kinda' keep a normal schedule of our own to be able to survive life outside the home as well (4-H meetings, football, etc.). My DH tries to help out w/school when he can - usually whichever dc decides to take his work out to the living room/dining room for peace & quiet - he'll get involved with that one, so that helps me by having one less needing my help! I know its a long response, but I think our DH's truly have an understanding that we would change our worlds upside down for them (lets face it, being the wife of law enforcement isnt easy), so whatever schedule you choose will be fine with him.
  9. We did the human body last year & I used to primary teaching sources: 1-The Wearable Body & Five Senses book I used this to copy body parts and made life sized posters with the body parts. We began assembling our posters at the beginning of our unit, then on the final day I wrote labels for organs, bones, etc. and we labeled the bodies. This was GREAT! Even my youngest knew most body parts!!! http://rainbowresource.com/product/Wearable+Body+and+Five+Senses/010426/1279711686-989717 2-Inside My Body Unit Study We completed this together in poster format instead of lapbook format. This provoke alot of discussion about the human body.. http://www.ajourneythroughlearning.net/inmybounst.html Of course we also checked out alot of books at the library and read them as well, but the two above are what seemed to get the job done for the dc. BTW - I had each of them choose a body organ to research & do a presentation to one another on (even my dd6 at the time-she chose the bladder) Attached is a picture of our bodies:
  10. I feel the same way all the time .. DH says he doesnt agree with these feelings. He actually thinks I need to take more time off because I do so much everyday - But, the guilt wont allow me!
  11. :grouphug::grouphug: I am so sorry. I know that while not my DH, my father had Stage IV lung cancer (while pregnant w/my 3rd dc) and since my Mom couldnt deal all that well I took on many of the reponsibilities during that time. Please seek comfort where you can, dont hide feelings from those you love, and most importantly ACCEPT HELP when it is offered. Dont feel you have to be strong for everyone else, this struggle can be emotionally draining so let others in to help. And, I agree w/elegantlion .. Take notes on everything! Keep a notebook with you at all times & take notes from phone calls, at dr's appointments, medicines, etc. You may also want to invest now in a file box that latches (to carry with you while you go to appointments, just in case you need any paperwork, it's all right there). Wishing you all the love & support you need. :grouphug::grouphug:
  12. I went to HS in Frederick County .. DH still works there but we now reside in Washington County. TT DH later this morning (he & kids are camping in mountains of Garrett County) and they never felt anything ...
  13. Anybody else in MD feel the earthquake this morning? While I'm sure minor to those more experienced in earthquakes, it was strong enough to make my metal fireplace screen & votives vibrate and make noise.....WEIRD! This happened at @ 5:05am..:001_huh: I just read on the local news that is was a 3.6 magnitude. Who would have expected that in MD???
  14. If it's an available option I would definitely get it. When my father became ill & was fighting his cancer it was the only income my mother had. I was the lucky one to deal w/the insurance during his battle w/cancer and I can tell you that w/o the diability insurance we would have been lost ..
  15. Thanks for the additional resources! I am going to move forward w/SOTW for now, and if I need to change up for my older DS I will at a later time. Here's my plan: 1. Reading from SOTW w/all dc (youngers will do AG activities & some suggested readings) DS12 will also do most AG (mapwork) also & all tests 2. Use The Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of World History & have him do a summary for the appropriate pgs via outlining/paragraphing. I will also allow him time to explore alot of the links (there are some good ones in the book) 3. Have DS12 read, research, and present reports/projects on historically appropriate books. These we'll him choose from the library or from one of the following sources: http://www.abookintime.com/ancients/egypt.html http://www.thegreatbooks.com/courses/ancient "Guides to History Plus' by Kathryn Stout (also using some suggested activities from her book) And, now your above referenced website... 4. Supplementing Geography further for DS12 w/World History Map Activities & ...... I am not going to stress him right now in this area since he is an avid reader (and I feel he already has a strong historical knowledge from his readings) AND because I already feel I have a pretty good workload on him this year. He will be finishing up Apologia's General Science & starting Physical Science - he's my science guy too! Thanks for all the feedback .. I know I'm probably choosing the unpopular choice at this age, but I feel I will probably make our own history course moving forward (using SOTW as a spine). We really enjoy this time together/learning as a family & I am determined to see it through.
  16. The Caravan had compartments in the 2nd row floor board. It's a great option that I really wanted but I think overall the room of the KIA even won out over the Caravans 2nd row Stow'n'Go. (the price definitely didnt hurt)
  17. We love ours too! Although we bought it used and I would have liked another color.. FWIW - my family are big car buffs (I have always been a Dodge girl) so when looking for a mini-van I wanted a Caravan. So, we test drove that in comparison to the KIA (w/kids along for the ride). After the comparisons my ds now has a new phrase/motto he sings out whenever we pass a Caravan .. :lol:"You may have stow'n'go, but we have the get up 'n' go":lol:
  18. 'Kathie in VA' That sounds like what I was thinking. I was also thinking of having my oldest do research on some of the subjects we approach in SOTW and present research projects. I also considered vamping up the SOTW tests w/him. Have him write a paragraph/essay on something related to the tests/chapter activities. Now I'm waivering between SOTW and MOH (b/c ages listed are more appropriate), but so drawn to SOTW (and any curricula can be made to be what you want/need) AND w/TWTM as a guide I believe the oldest can follow along w/our SOTW reading while doing further reading/outlining/etc. at his age level. Decisions, Decisions ... I have everything else ready to go for this year, but History!! ((even the Hubby thinks I can vamp up the SOTW for my oldest - but he also likes MOH, so he's not much help in making the final decision)):tongue_smilie:
  19. That's a step closer to what I wanted .. I got way off base w/CHOW. That's not at all what I originally wanted. I did plan on supplementing w/Kingfisher and/or IL Usborne World History (like some of the links in the book for further exploration). I think I am going to go for it & see where time takes us. Any idea if/when SWB is looking to put out a History of Modern Times for HS/Adult?? That would be perfect for us once we get to those HS years.
  20. Okay, this is my third year of homeschooling. My two older were in public school before coming home to homeschool (now - ds12 and ds 10 / also have dd 7 who was never in ps). When I decided to start homeschooling I wanted to study history and base alot of studies around that, but being new to the whole hs scene wasnt sure how to go about it. So, needless to say yrs 1 & 2 have flown by and I dont feel I've accomplished much w/my children in regards to history. Year 1-we did whatever we found interesting at the time while "deschooling" and Year 2-we discussed the study of history (archaeology/anthropology), dinosaurs, and evolution vs. creation. .. I didnt think I was going to have time to continue the path I was on b/c oldest DS will be approaching HS in 2 yrs, so I purchased CHOW. I figured I could at least give each of my kids a good overview of history before my oldest DS had to do prepackaged HS courses. THEN I READ TWTM!!! :) Why didnt I read it earlier??!?!??!?!?? Now, I am totally re-thinking my history. I have been so drawn to SOTW since I started hsing but thought I'll never have time to do it all before ds12 is ready for hs. BUT NOW I'm thinking, what if I go ahead and start it? I can use the AG w/the younger two and beef it up for my ds12 (who by the way devours books & love writing). I can have ds12 follow along with us but do more in depth studies & present research to the family on our areas of study. *I have been lurking a good bit here lately so I know these discussions come up a good bit, but I feel I need someone to validate my thoughts/feelings. That I CAN make this work.* I've looked through all the history suggestions out there, but SOTW just calls to me. I feel like I can tailor it to my family and finish it while my ds12 is in 10th grade (counting the beefed up SOTW studies as World History credits -which I can do on # of hours- if I've read graduation requirements correctly). This would give him time to do gov't & US history for necessary credits as well. I know this is a long post, but I am looking for someone to say Yeah-this sounds possible, or no-your setting yourself up for an oops. I know this will take time on my part, but last years history was all me-no curriculum, just lots of good ol' research & ingenuity SO I think I could possibly do this with SOTW as a guide. Opinions greatly appreciated.....:bigear:
  21. So can relate .. After my 3rd dc I usually had my period for Approx. 3wks out of the month. I was also having UTI's and cramping (while worse than I'd ever had before, I wouldnt say severe). My docs tried me on a few different births controls to no avail. So, I was left with the option of ablasion or partial hysterctomy (just the uterus). I chose the hyster. (my husband already had a vasectomy) and the dr. explained, at my age the body can repair itself and I could possibly develop periods and such later in life again after an ablasion. WELL...best choice I ever made! I no longer have cramps, no longer have UTI's, no more periods, and I am oh so much happier. I am going on four years after my hyster. and I've had no problems. BTW-my Mother had the ablasion years ago and she has started having her period again, so make sure you take all pros/cons into consideration. Good Luck:grouphug:
  22. I'm in MD and currently go through the PS oversight/portfolio review. In our county it's fairly easy: 1-Simply provide examples of school work from "required" subjects 2-Provide info on what curricula/books are used 3-Reading Log for each child I am planning on sticking with the PS Review until high school because the umbrellas in the area are so costly, or they require a certain amount of religion to be covered (we're a little more secular). If you would like to pick the brains of some more MD Moms and maybe get more info based on the county your moving to, here is the link for the MD Homeschool Yahoo Group. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Marylandhomeschool/ If you're moving towards the Western MD region maybe I can help, let me know.
  23. My DH is a law enforcement officer and the county he works for hasnt had a cost of living pay increase in two years and no more overtime. On top of the pay situation they are working at minimum staffing and dealing with more calls (lots of thefts b/c of the economy). Personally it's putting us in a bind. Law Enforcement is a job you choose to help others, not to get rich in, so the pay's not great anyway. We are really starting to struggle with the prices of so much going up..
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