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Everything posted by golfcartmama

  1. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Just don't care for them-- 80's style, but I still think stirrup pants and shoulder pads shouldn't have some back either, so jmho!
  2. ACK! I amt not sleep tonight....and I might wet my pants before I get up in the night again! I found this with many pictures...http://www.ca.uky.edu/entomology/entfacts/ef631.asp
  3. :iagree: And Ridiculous has become ridikalus...just sounds stupid.
  4. I was wondering where to start if I begin this in the fall?? Any ideas? I will have a K'er/1st and 3rd grader then and we are doing RSO Life now...it's a great program (a little light for my now 2nd grader, but I add books and copywork and memory to it) but we're struggling to get it done. Should I start with Science 1 or 2?
  5. Thanks! I can't wait for the convention here in July, if they're even there...so I guess I'll have to pony up. It's just so pricey for only art!
  6. I'm ready to order Atelier Art, Level 2 for my 5 and 8 yo--does anyone know if it's ever on sale?
  7. I have Chronic EBV. PM me if you'd like more information. I can tell you that an infectious disease doctor will likely need to diagnose her though...maybe will help narrow down the specialist lists.
  8. Beautiful! It was too cloudy here in my neck of the woods to see it!
  9. I can't respond to the fertility portion of the question, but it took 6 months for my cycle to get back to normal after the Mirena removal--without any hormonal bc during that time.
  10. I don't know why, but I could NOT get through The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo. So many loved it, just not me!
  11. No, every fast food place has a dollar menu that is jam packed with thousands of calories. Plus, the junk food is always on sale at the store.
  12. I love my Kitchen Aid. I would get the bigger one (up from the Artisan...can't think of the name now) if you're doing bread, that way you can get more 'loaves' in at a time. Not one complaint about it.
  13. My FAVES (and I had lots of them...2 sets of grandparents, only grandchildren, etc)...are the Maclaren Triumph and the Joovy Caboose. If I was getting one now, I would opt for a Quinny if $$ wasn't an option!
  14. There are tons of threads on MTM, but I can't find specific info on the levels. My DD is 5 and artistically inclined. My DS is 8 and is not. Should I get the 5-7 or the 8-9 level A? I am leaning towards the co-op pkg that is 8-9 for levels a,b,c, BUT I don't want to frustrate them, so maybe start with 5-7??
  15. I would draw a ring around it with a sharpie and if it gets any larger, or starts with red streaks radiating from it, then go to urgent care
  16. Thank you for the links! I will check them out. sbgrace--We do use the activity guide for SOTW right now and usually do 1-2 per chapter depending on if I have everything. We're in volume 3 which we will not finish this year, so it will carry and then begin 4. It's a heavy volume, but my ds is so excited to study the world wars and dd just likes the color pages and maps. I did kind of want to stick with everything we have (saves $$ too!) and just add more fun, but I never seem to be able to find crafts I like just by googling, so I thought if I could find a book or something, etc. it might help me be more vigilant about making sure to incoporate them. Does anyone have any bookmarked crafts that you love?
  17. Hello! I will have to work on next year's budget after Christmas (for big purchases, like curriculum) and need some help. I will have a 3rd grade and K'er. We like what we have now, which is: MM & Saxon Math, OPG, Pathway Readers, AAS, GWG, Write Source & WWE, SOTW (may add HO for next year with the activity guide, not sure yet), RSO Earth and Space. I want to add Atelier Art and Calvert Music as well. My question is that I want to have a lot of crafts, hands on, etc for my K'er (and my 3rd grader would enjoy them too) so she gets that 'fun' stuff too. I've looked a FIAR, Moving Beyond the Page, OM, etc. but we like our math, language arts, science and history, so...I basically just want to add fun stuff linked to holidays, seasons and maybe like community helpers, etc. Bless you if you're still reading my rant and can offer suggestions on a book, unit study (light), specific lap books, etc! I am not super creative/crafty, so I need absolute instructions! THANKS!!
  18. There is a small mention of Han in SOTW 3....we didn't do 2 so I can't answer.
  19. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? HOT CHOCOLATE! 2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? He wraps, except for really big things (like a bike) 3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? White 4. Do you hang mistletoe? when I can find it fresh here! 5. When do you put your decorations up? as soon as I can near Thanksgiving 6. What is your favorite holiday dish? Pecan crusted sweet potatos 7. Favorite Christmas memory as a child? Getting my first Cabbage Patch Preemie! I am Christian, but my parents never took us to church growing up, so the reason for the season was presents back then. 8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? What?? There's no Santa? 9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? We let the kids open their ornament and matching pjs on Christmas Eve. 10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? Eclectically! I love all types of ornaments. We also use poinsetta leaves and ribbon garland 11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? LOVE IT! 12. Can you ice skate? Yes 13. Do you remember your favorite gift? see above 14. What’s the most important thing about Christmas for you? Jesus, of course and secondly spending time with my family. 15. What is your favorite holiday Dessert? Pecan Pie 16. What is your favorite Christmas tradition? Christmas Cookie baking! 17. What tops your tree? An Angel with a light 18. Which do you prefer giving or Receiving? giving! 19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? Silent Night or Hark, the Hearld Angels Sing 20. Candy Canes: Yuck or Yum? Yum 21 Favorite Christmas Show? Charlie Brown and A Christmas Story 22. Saddest Christmas Song? hmm... 23. Wish for Christmas? I have so many...
  20. Thank you for the recommendations! I will check out the links/brands posted.
  21. My dd (5) is in L.O.V.E. with all things horses. We'd like to get her some nice ones to play with for Christmas and of course Breyer came up in coversation when I asked around. There are so many choices though! They have the Pony Gals, Stableates, Classics, etc. I'm looking for a recommendation on which series/type to start with? We do have a limited budget, but this will be her big gift from us and her Aunt will likely get her some to go with what we get.
  22. For those of you that have timelines, do you put the people in when they were important or in order of birth? Does that make sense? For example, if such and such was born in 1574, but didn't actually become a ruler or 'do' anything until 1610 say, where would you put them at 1610 or 1574? We're moving from a wall timeline to a notebook timeline, so we'll be able to add more and now I'm having to reorder some people/events b/c the wall timeline is a mess!
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