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Everything posted by Soror

  1. We are in the 4th week of the Autumn Nature study- it is only 10 weeks, personally I wouldn't buy it now. You can always wait until Friday for it to be posted and do it the following week- or do some of the previous fall studies. We do have the Handbook of Nature Study by Comstock as well-even just reading it you can get wonderful, basic ideas- just take what they can get and leave it at that.
  2. I have wondered about the AAS vs Apples and Pears. He is certainly not diagnosed but seems to fit some checklists. For the AAS though I worry will it be confusing with ISS and push him faster than where he is with it? I am a newbie and have never done spelling program before so I am clueless.
  3. Thanks for the tips, I looked it up. I think I am a Perfect Paula and a bit of a Sociable Sue- I was looking through her site some looking for grammar recs- but still trying to figure out what would work.
  4. Ok, let me read this over and think some on it. I was looking at the SPELL program and I understand it that it has a program that accompanies all the levels and how with the program it works to make sure that they are learning to apply the rules to all words not just the ones in the books. That is one thing I am concerned about. However, I don't want to make this overly complicated being that LA are not my strong suite I just feel lost though. I need to make another cursor he did well at first but then goes back and forth on guessing. He can always sound it out when I make him, he just doesn't always pick that as his first strategy.
  5. I use Comstock and the handbook of nature study blog for the kids- 3.5-6. However, mostly I simplify things take an idea- like say apples or geese and talk about the basics- I don't expect either of them to remember great detail but mostly it is about the exposure and getting out there.
  6. Thanks so much for the spelling and dictation ideas, I didn't know where to go w/ the limited sounds he know, but those are great ideas. As to the sounds, I mean know that we have introduced a new sound for e how do I let him know when that he is supposed to recognize that it is one sound versus the other, if he is supposed to sound it out? Does that make sense? I have done thus far the sound in this word is eeee or eh but as I said it seems to encourage sight reading a bit- I guess. I am new to this teaching reading! Also, he still guesses, not only and sometimes worse than others but still yet. As I notice we recently had fell and fit- he would guess or the other randomly- he can sound them out but if he has new words he seems to randomly guess them. Then he gets into his head whatever the new words are and if he comes to one he doesn't automatically recognize then he asks is it a new word- as then he remembers which ones to guess. He can sound it out as I said just doesn't always want to- this has been his only reading instruction.
  7. So, I did (very) well in highschool and college. However, those were a few(ha) years ago and I have since forgotten more than I know. Besides the fact that LA was never my strong suit. I never had confidence in it and honestly don't know how I always made A's. When I wrote papers I would just go by reading something and editing it until it sounded "right." Science and Math were always easy for me, I remembered the rules and did it. However, with LA whatever the rules were(beyond very basic things) I never could understand them- AT ALL. As I said I got enough of it somehow to make A's but I always felt confused about it. I would like to have a deep understanding. Usually with learning something new I have a very difficult time reading and understanding directions. Sometimes hearing it helps better but often I have to get my hands in there and figure it out myself. I would also like to improve my vocabulary and spelling. I notice my spelling seems to be getting worse every year. I would prefer cheap or free for myself but want something that will work for me. Thoughts and opinions very much appreciated- I want to know this well before I start teaching him!!!
  8. I am using ISS w/ my 6 y.o. who I have suspected of dyslexia. He is progressing well through ISS and is now at Book 20(we started in July but took off the mnth of Aug). We now have got to the point of different vowel sounds and I am confused as to what I should do. I know I am supposed to keep the instruction simple. However, in what way do I explain to him the reason why the sound is different in different words. Without having a reason it seems it is just encouraging him to memorize words certain ways. Also, I am wondering do others use just ISS? Seems that from what I have read most use it on it's own but I am wondering. It also seems general consensus is to start spelling after 2-3 sets- does anyone have any other ideas for me? I don't want him to end up confused or memorizing anything. I want to make sure he learns it correctly. I am also curious as to when others start grammar, it seems it generally is started at 1-3 grade in this area he is solidly at the K level- wondering other's opinions on this as well, in case I have missed something. Thanks in advance for any thoughts or opinions!
  9. Well, I thought it was funny. I do hope as well that they are teaching the whys as well.
  10. OH, thanks, perfect timing as Fri is a trip to the firehouse!
  11. Also, another thought Trelease does have some less than great books on his lists, however there are also many great books on there as well. We went through the lists last year and really enjoyed most of those- save for the Junie B. Jones series. I read one of those and that was quite enough.
  12. We just finished Mr. Popper's Penguins yesterday, loved it. Before that was Pippy Longstocking which was a delight for us all as well. We read My Father's Dragon last year and it was a nice first chapter book- as it had engaging pics and short chapters. We have loved almost anything by Road Dahl- although I detested The Twits, The Giraffe, Pelly and Me was my favorite. We have enjoyed many of the other compilations as well, Just So Stories, Aesop's Fables, Beatrix Potter and Winnie the Pooh. I do some readaloud for lit in the morning- that would be things like fables, fairy tales, poetries and Shakespeare. After lunch we do more fun reading maybe a picture book or two and then part of a chapter book- classic one. Daddy reads for 30 min or so at bedtime and that is whatever they want - usually a picture book or two and Magic Treehouse. Trying to decide our next chapter book for lunch time readaloud. I am thinking EB White or Holling maybe. Too many to choose from! I want to read Narnia in preparation for the new movie coming in December so I need to think and schedule that as well.
  13. I haven't done it on Fridays but part of lit has been Shakespeare for Children, thanks so much for all those great links.
  14. Great article, good encourage to keep on keepin' on as they say!
  15. Thanks so much for your thoughts. I am anxious about this for some reason. It is nice to get the perspective of someone who has been through it. I am happy to hear that for now it is just nickels and pennies- he loves all things money so perhaps that will help. Thank you as well for the thoughts on coming back to it later if needed, hopefully it works out but if not I have an idea of what to do without stressing. Again thank you so much!!!
  16. I started my 6 y.o. boy on RS B this Sep as well. He likes some of the songs ok- we do the Yellow is the Sun but we don't do the Writing Number song. He seems to be catching on well but goes back and forth on his mental math. Sometimes he is quick as a whip on it but then sometimes he wants to count it out. I have just been doing 1 lesson a day. I really want to take it slow, although at first he was really bored with it. We are on lesson 11 or so as well. We have been doing the number circles as well which he seems to have taken to pretty darn easy. I am anxious as the money lessons are coming up and am wondering if he will get it.
  17. I had never ever heard of the Goops, so excited to add that to our list!!!
  18. I did it last night and it worked but this am I keep getting an error message from the page as well.
  19. My husband trusts me to do whatever. I would sometimes like his opinion more and he has tried as of late to be more attentive. I am trying to involve him more especially in science, not that I cannot do it, but little projects and such seem to be a good thing for them to do together. He also in charge of teaching him various lifeskills around the house- mechanics, plumbing, electrical etc. It is important to us that those skills are passed down to the kids.
  20. For others reading I have to say Catholics are Christians, all of us, always have been.
  21. Just listening along here my son will be starting spelling sometime this year and I have seen A and P recommended for his learning style, currently going through the first set of I See Sam. I am curious of the actual differences as well.
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