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Everything posted by Soror

  1. Never heard of Oceania, sounds like it is from some old book to me as well. WE always learned Australia is a continent and a country.
  2. I have searched here and google with absolutely no luck. I bought a Zutter bind-it-all this summer. I now have a printer coming that does 2-sided printing at 1c a copy and plan to be printing a lot of books. What I cannot figure out is what size of coils fit how many pages. AND can I use generic coils? Any cheap sources of this? Thanks in advance as I said my searching has yielded nothing :( So, I am much appreciative!
  3. If it was all over I would think diapers BUT a rash right around the rectum is called an allergy/intolerance ring likely due from the baby not tolerating what the mom is eating- dairy is the most likely offender.
  4. I enjoy art myself but am not the best teacher. I wanted to say thanks to those that recommended Drawing with Children. I put it on our wishlist. Our local gallery has classes but they are just 2 hrs once a month of random things. I like the idea of bartering for classes but don't know anyone to do that with yet. However, this looks like a good place to start. As it is now we do art projects from Discovering Great Artists but without specific instruction I feel we are flailing along and it is more crafts than arts.
  5. Having all of history planned out is very appealing to me as well but I don't exactly care for the options either. We are Catholic and not personally young earthers either. Also, don't care for a lot of fund. Prot writing either(obviously). I am considering doing a sec program perhaps next year.
  6. thanks looks like something to try out.
  7. He was reading several words backwards last night. As I said the odd thing is that it hasn't been too much of an issue w/ him since starting ISS. Here and there but nothing like that at all. Words that he has read before no problem many times. It was weird. I misspoke on comprehension I meant the review sentences. Since he failed it said to go back 5-6 bks. Perhaps, it was just a bad night and lots of things going on w/ learning. As I said I think we will spend the week reviewing, but today I am giving it a break. I have decided to take the rest of the week off from formal schooling as well. I think we all could use a break. Hopefully when we start back it will be better. Shay- thanks for the thoughts on what and was. I remember reading about that now on the irregular words it is just the first it came up so I had forgot. That will likely help the confusion with that.
  8. Daddy does nightime reading from 8:30 to 9 currently(will go earlier when time changes). Sometimes the 3.5 y.o. falls asleep during. Usually he reads a picture book or two to her then part of a chapter book to ds. Currently they are working through Magic Treehouse. I let them pick whatever they want for that reading. After lunch we do reading and usually that is more classic lit and the same w/ after bfast reading but at bedtime it is their choice(within reason we only keep certain books in the house).
  9. WE do here as well, we live somewhat in the country. There are not a lot of other houses close by, none that can be seen from the front door. My 6.5 and 3.5 play with each other. Of course when the oldest was the only it was different as he didn't listen well. However, he is very responsible now and they play out together. Sometimes she is out on the deck by herself while we school but that is directly behind the dining room w/ french doors. I don't worry about kidnapping and such, child molesters would have to drive to get here in which case the car would be easily noticed. The only worry would be going in the road, even though it is pretty empty. However, they haven't broke that rule.
  10. WE LOVE Let's REad and Find Out my 3.5 yr olds always begs me to read them to her and just likes to sit with them. My 6 y.o. enjoys them as well and so do I it presents info in a way that is easy to understand. There are some Dr. Seuss type books as well that are good and other series.
  11. Ok, I found the info, it is an irregular word, I see.
  12. Well, we had a breakdown last night. No, I haven't added anything new. I think perhaps it is all the new stuff and he got to a breaking point. He was doing book 21, we made it through but he kept reading words entirely backward, which he hadn't had an issue w/ since starting ISS. There was a comprehension test at the end and he certainly didn't pass. I think we are going to spend this week in review. Also, we had the word 'what'. Now, I guess I missed the part when it tells me that I am supposed to introduce a new sound for 'a' as he wants to pronounce it 'wat'. Of course even with knowing that in which context is he to know to use that sound? This is going back to my initial frustration, how the heck are they supposed to know where all to apply the varying sounds without giving them that information. Looking at the last book again, it looks like I was supposed to introduce it as a sight word, I think? I will have to read the instructions again. UGH. Anyway, review this week and give his brain time to absorb all of this. Anyone, else have that problem w/ the kiddo reverting back under stress? He was reading the words backwards, letters upside down and backward.
  13. Oh, thanks so much. It just doesn't make sense to me to not give him some rules. Heck, I was trying to think why is it that the sound is this one place and different someplace else. I surely don't remember if I ever did know.
  14. I think I will get AAS if I can find it used. I will however be on the lookout for making sure we just introduce sounds that we have already done. For him and his learning style I think it would be helpful to approach the sounds in different ways. I have seen the light go on w/ RS Math and the multi-sensory approach there. I think he would really benefit from the letter tiles. I think it likely depends on the student and why they are struggling. Although, to be honest he hasn't had any other reader instruction except ISS. I just know before I thought he had to know the alphabet first and he could not learn that for anything.
  15. For the horse one it did, I haven't checked for all of them. However, it really hasn't been a trouble to find ones online and quickly print them. It is up to you though. For winter I compiled my own study w/ old winter blog posts found some few notebooking pages online and coloring pages.
  16. Totally agree! We spend lots of time just outside enjoying it and exploring whatever we find. I like having the specific studies for some of our time for just ideas of things to look more at but just going outside we always find something to explore. It is amazing how much we see when we open our eyes. My oldest has a nature journal to draw pics and such. We also have a nature 'table' area as well to place our collections. My youngest loves to collect wildflowers. Ds likes picking up interesting rocks and such. It is such a blast.
  17. We used a card at first but he hates it so I let him not use it until he starts guessing then we start it back. I will try the tapping to see how that works. As I said he can usually sound things out he just likes to guess. Now, I do recall reading a previous posts of yours about how doing things physically stores the information in different parts, so perhaps switching some things up and working on some more hands-on things w/ the sounds he is working on would be helpful. I was stuck in the mode of doing just the ISS because on the email list it is pretty strictly against doing anything expect just the books. However, I think perhaps it might be helpful to him to add in some of the other things. Perhaps, it would help him progress a bit faster and easier as well.
  18. Thanks for the thoughts on all of this, it is a lot of help. It probably would him his confidence and his fluency to do review w/ the starter books. Thanks for the info on the AAS levels and such, that is helpful. He was spelling some the other day on his own and seemed to do ok w/ some basic spelling- he could spell his friend Sara's name although we haven't went over r's yet. He does like hands-on and moving around it is a bit of a challenge for him to sit still w/ ISS but he manages it and is progressing.
  19. The study really is basic- read about the topic in HNS, then take them to observe(if at all possible). Then they can do a coloring sheet if they want and a notebook sheet. I probably wouldn't mess w/ anything but the coloring at that age. That is what I do w/ my 3.5 y.o. anyway.
  20. We are in the 4th week of the Autumn Nature study- it is only 10 weeks, personally I wouldn't buy it now. You can always wait until Friday for it to be posted and do it the following week- or do some of the previous fall studies. We do have the Handbook of Nature Study by Comstock as well-even just reading it you can get wonderful, basic ideas- just take what they can get and leave it at that.
  21. I have wondered about the AAS vs Apples and Pears. He is certainly not diagnosed but seems to fit some checklists. For the AAS though I worry will it be confusing with ISS and push him faster than where he is with it? I am a newbie and have never done spelling program before so I am clueless.
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