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Status Updates posted by Belacqua

  1. We need a word for that feeling of disappointment you get upon fumbling around in your bowl of pistachios only to discover that they're all empty shells.

  2. I think it took us longer to decide on a name for our coffee maker than it did to name our kid.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jean in Newcastle

      Jean in Newcastle

      That's a very pretty name.

    3. quark


      You name your appliances too? I thought I was the only one!

    4. Belacqua


      I'm convinced they work better if you do.

  3. Why has my normally aloof pet turned into Velcro Kitty?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Belacqua


      I know! I can't help thinking of that nursing home cat who always knew who was about to die. Not that this cat would care, though.

    3. happi duck

      happi duck

      I think of that too!

    4. Kevin'sMom


      Could she be pregnant? Depressed?

  4. Kale chips: Proof that enough olive oil and sea salt can make anything taste good.

    1. ScoutTN


      Hahahaha!! Very true.

    2. Belacqua


      I suspect my husband sides with you, Plum.

    3. PinkyandtheBrains.


      My boys eat kale chips, they love them. We change it up with different seasoning mixes.



  5. The Farmers' Market makes me lose all sense of moderation.

    1. quark


      Happens to me at Staples too. And at a certain online bookstore that shall remain nameless.

    2. Annabel Lee

      Annabel Lee

      Oh hey! Today is Farmer's Market day. Thanks for the reminder! :)

    3. Belacqua


      You're welcome! And if you have any ideas for using sunflower shoots, as I now have lots, do tell.

  6. When the box of parchment paper says its cutting edge is sharp? It speaks the truth.

    1. quark
    2. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      I'm sorry about the cut! I read the warning on the mower's muffler yesterday and still got burned!

    3. Belacqua


      I guess I can never again scoff at seemingly obvious warning labels.

  7. A deer just kicked out the window of my parked car. Jerk.

    1. *Lulu*


      My goodness! That is crazy!

  8. The cat's snoring sounds freakishly like Scotland the Brave. Just thought you'd want to know.

    1. SunnyDays


      Of course... Inquiring minds and all... ;)

  9. My potted blueberry has been denuded and that chipmunk has suspiciously purple lips...

    1. Stacia


      What would Inspector Clouseau say?

  10. Having unkind thoughts about the bird outside my window.

  11. Amusing myself watching a chipmunk wedge his entire body into the birdfeeder.

  12. There's a hawk outside my window giving me the side-eye. Creepy. No wonder mice always look so jittery.

  13. When you blank on the word "fawn" and urge your family to "look at the deer cub!" they will laugh at you. A lot.

  14. Gouging old caulk from around the bathtub = weirdly satisfying

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