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Everything posted by Negin

  1. I also used to visit them and stopped. My reason: they began writing against foreign students (what I used to be) getting student visas to study in the U.S. It infuriated me. I got my BA in Oregon and MPH in NY. And then they were against people like me who wish to study in the U.S.? They seem to be in favor of the U.S. becoming more and more insular. :confused:
  2. Yes, CarollineUK is very sweet and incredibly kind. I miss her. Is she still active here? BTW, I love your user name. :D
  3. I no longer subscribe to any. Most are really conservative and not at all my cup of tea. Plus, some (I know of one for sure who does this) only rave about products that give them advertising $$$. Not exactly fair and unbiased, is it? I also stopped reading Reader's Digest a few years ago, since they said that they plan to be the equivalent of Fox News. :ack2: I get all my homeschooling info from you fabulous folks here. :D :grouphug: :)
  4. I had no idea. Wow! Are you excited? Is this for real? We sometimes go to MI!!! :D :party: Where in MI? Major climate change ... but at least no scorpions in the bathroom. :D
  5. :grouphug: Cyndi, we need to chat, we need to chat, we need to chat :D. I'm jealous that you and Nakia will see each other next year. :)
  6. Talked to ThatCyndiGirl on the phone and she's mailed me stuff. Stacia has mailed me stuff also. Love them both. Never met anyone IRL.
  7. I need to read this thread a few times, since I am known to be quite gullible. My question, and I don't want to hijack, is why? Why on earth do such whack-jobs/trolls do all this? They must have waaaay too much time on their hands or something ... I just think it's crazy and really immature, as well as quite sick. :glare: I wish I was better able at figuring these things out.
  8. Nakia, though it sounds a bit Kindergarten-ish :D, but will you be my friend? I'll send you a request and if you don't want to be my friend, I won't take it personally. :)
  9. Is TT - Teaching Textbooks? I think so, but just wanted to make sure. Thank you.
  10. Thank you so much. :) My dc don't have to do standardized testing. Not yet, anyway. So, I guess completing each series is fine, right? Yes, me too ... especially since we live outside the U.S. and returning things is one giant pain. :glare:
  11. Kai, thank you so much. Your post was very helpful. :)
  12. Yes, I know that feeling :lol:. :iagree: Love, love, love this thread. :D :lol: :smilielol5:
  13. Dh loves Star Wars far more than I. I never understood them until he and the dc sat and explained them to me. Now I love them. Return of the Jedi is our favorite. Dh's 2nd favorite - Revenge of the Sith.
  14. :lol: :smilielol5: :lol: I just woke up and am laughing too much :D. I'm almost done with Morality for Beautiful Girls - similar title, but not quite the same :lol:.
  15. How far is your and dh's work from your home? My first thought/choice - would be to move closer to your sister, if that's possible and if her family is willing and able (sounds like she is). Other than that, option #2 - your friend sounds like 2nd choice for me. But yes, the commute is a pain. #3 sounds okay, but you really need to know who you're getting. Hard to do and expensive ... #4 is not bad, but then again ... a total $$ drain. Don't know much at all about homeschool co-ops, since we live outside the U.S. Sorry that I'm not of much help. :confused:
  16. This is the info I have on fish oil. Make sure to get a good, high-quality fish oil – such as Carlsons’s. You want to avoid fish oil that may come from polluted sources or that may be high in mercury. Other good brands are Nordic Naturals, Enzymatic Therapy, and Metagenics. Fish Oil is good for your heart partially because it decreases blood clotting and reduces blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, high triglycerides, or other signs of heart disease, 3-5 grams may be helpful. Talk with your doctor or pharmacist if you’re taking medications to make sure there are no negative interactions. Fish oils thin the blood just like aspirin, gingko biloba, and garlic. You don’t want to thin your blood so much that it causes bleeding. For all others, 1 gram (1,000 mg) is fine. Stop taking fish oil and any EPA supplements 2 weeks before surgery – as well as possibly avoiding a fish dinner the night before any surgery. Do not take fish oils if you are on any blood thinner.
  17. We love this series. I have a few questions: 1. If a child need extra drill and I mean, the type of child, who really and truly forgets math rules, etc. - would you keep repeating this series OR would you move on to other books? Ds has an extremely short memory when it comes to math. :banghead: 2. Do you think it's more effective to work through one entire series at a time or switch around? For example, do all of the Fractions books, then move on to say, Decimals, etc. OR to alternate one book of Fractions, then one book of Decimals, back to Fractions, or whatever? 3. Most importantly, what program/books can you recommend after completing the Key To series? Thank you so much. :)
  18. We love this series. I have a few questions: 1. If a child need extra drill and I mean, the type of child, who really and truly forgets math rules, etc. - would you keep repeating this series OR would you move on to other books? Ds has an extremely short memory when it comes to math. :banghead: 2. Do you think it's more effective to work through one entire series at a time or switch around? For example, do all of the Fractions books, then move on to say, Decimals, etc. OR to alternate one book of Fractions, then one book of Decimals, back to Fractions, or whatever? 3. Most importantly, what program/books can you recommend after completing the Key To series? Thank you so much. :)
  19. I just ordered this and am waiting for it to get here. I think I heard about it on these boards.
  20. Stacia, I have this book and read it a few years ago. I became like a woman possessed :lol:. I was simply obsessed with Feng Shui and did make a few good changes in the home, but some of it was just impossible and parts of it were a bit weird for me. My fil happened to be talking on the phone with dh during this time and asked how I was. Dh mentioned that I'm really into Feng Shui. Fil could not stop laughing. Being from So. Cal. and having seen so many get into all that, he, for some reason thought that this was the funniest thing ever. :smilielol5: He loves garage sales and offered to get me some crystals :lol:. Thought I would share my funny memories with regards to this book. :D :D Love, love, love HP! How lucky you are to go there. :D
  21. Love your avatar. :) Brings back memories of reading that book to my dc. My dh says the same thing. Can never see them on Google Chrome. :confused: He slides his chair over by my computer every time to see them. :)
  22. I only buy Carlson's Norwegian from vitacost or amazon. I never buy such stuff at Costco, Walmart, etc. Carlson's is fabulous.
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