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Everything posted by Negin

  1. You're most welcome. :) Okay, I looked up "magnesium kids" on vitacost and came up with lots. Some are liquid. I don't know if she'll like the taste. There might be some with smaller-sized capsules which she might be able to handle, as opposed to horse-size tablets. At the same time, as you alread know, you do want to make sure that the magnesium is the right type. You may need to search each one. I've never tried these for kids, so I don't know. Plus, I don't know what flavor she'd like for the liquid ones, etc. HTH.
  2. Good for you. :grouphug: Not that I know you or anything, but I'm happy for you. It's always nice to make a positive move. :)
  3. So very, very happy for you. :grouphug: :D :grouphug:
  4. For most people on a healthy diet, 400 mg of Magnesium daily should be sufficient. But for those who have symptoms of deficiency (and most of us are deficient), I would recommend more, but probably no more than 1200 mg. Add in more magnesium gradually. Your body knows how much it can handle according to how much your bowels can tolerate. The stools should feel soft, but not excessively loose. Take in divided doses and with meals to ensure optimal absorption – preferably more at night I have read that it’s preferable to not take magnesium at the same time as calcium. Others say that it’s fine. This is where I am confused. I think the former makes more sense. The most absorbable forms are: Magnesium Citrate Magnesium Glycinate Magnesium Taurate Magnesium Aspartate Magnesium Malate Magnesium Succinate Magnesium Fumirate Avoid: Magnesium Oxide Magnesium Carbonate Magnesium Gluconate Magnesium Sulfate These are not absorbed well and are the cheapest forms Side effects from too much magnesium include diarrhea, which can be avoided if you switch to Magnesium Glycinate. People with kidney disease or severe heart disease should take magnesium only under a doctor's supervision. NATURAL SOURCES Almonds Avocado Barley Beans Brazil nuts Brown rice Buckwheat Dark Chocolate Dates Figs Garlic Greens (including Collard Greens and Dandelion Greens) Kelp Molasses Millet Parsley Pecans Rye Sea vegetables (seaweed and kelp – but make sure they come from non-polluted waters and are high-quality) Shrimp Walnuts Whole Grains Wheat bran Wheat germ EPSOM SALTS BATH Taking a bath or a foot soak with Epsom salts is one of the best ways to increase the body’s absorption of magnesium. Epsom Salts are Magnesium Sulfate and are easily absorbed by the body. Take a hot bath with up to 2 cups of Epsom salts and 1 cup baking soda (optional) to help draw toxins out of the body. Try to do this once a week, but for no more than 20 minutes. A foot soak can also be very beneficial. Epsom salts are so helpful in bringing relief to: • Arthritis pain, stiffness, soreness, and tightness of joints • Muscle aches, pains and tenderness • Painful bruises, sprains and strains • Pain from over exertion as a result of exercise • Insomnia and Sleep Problems • Stress • Insect Bites and Splinters
  5. I absolutely LOVE Maeve Bincny. I prefer her older stuff. I've read all her books starting when I was 18 or so. I would just love to meet her someday. :) Have a fabulous trip! :D
  6. Yes, magnesium is something that most of us are deficient in. Magnesium helps keep adrenal stress hormones under control and also helps maintain normal brain function. Crucial for the synthesis of serotonin and other neurotransmitters Magnesium is usually lacking in those with depression. In fact, one study reported “rapid recovery from major depression†after treatment with magnesium, and found that magnesium helped relieve the anxiety and insomnia often associated with depression. Many women have an undiagnosed magnesium deficiency, which can contribute to anxiety. For most people on a healthy diet, 400 mg of Magnesium daily should be sufficient. But for those who have symptoms of deficiency (and most of us are deficient), I would recommend more, but probably no more than 1200 mg. Add in more magnesium gradually. Your body knows how much it can handle according to how much your bowels can tolerate. The stools should feel soft, but not excessively loose. Take in divided doses and with meals to ensure optimal absorption – preferably more at night I have read that it’s preferable to not take magnesium at the same time as calcium. Others say that it’s fine. This is where I am confused. I think the former makes more sense. The most absorbable forms are: Magnesium Citrate Magnesium Glycinate Magnesium Taurate Magnesium Aspartate Magnesium Malate Magnesium Succinate Magnesium Fumirate Avoid: Magnesium Oxide Magnesium Carbonate Magnesium Gluconate Magnesium Sulfate These are not absorbed well and are the cheapest forms Side effects from too much magnesium include diarrhea, which can be avoided if you switch to Magnesium Glycinate. People with kidney disease or severe heart disease should take magnesium only under a doctor's supervision. NATURAL SOURCES Almonds Avocado Barley Beans Brazil nuts Brown rice Buckwheat Dark Chocolate Dates Figs Garlic Greens (including Collard Greens and Dandelion Greens) Kelp Molasses Millet Parsley Pecans Rye Sea vegetables (seaweed and kelp – but make sure they come from non-polluted waters and are high-quality) Shrimp Walnuts Whole Grains Wheat bran Wheat germ EPSOM SALTS BATH Taking a bath or a foot soak with Epsom salts is one of the best ways to increase the body’s absorption of magnesium. Epsom Salts are Magnesium Sulfate and are easily absorbed by the body. Take a hot bath with up to 2 cups of Epsom salts and 1 cup baking soda (optional) to help draw toxins out of the body. Try to do this once a week, but for no more than 20 minutes. A foot soak can also be very beneficial. Epsom salts are so helpful in bringing relief to: • Arthritis pain, stiffness, soreness, and tightness of joints • Muscle aches, pains and tenderness • Painful bruises, sprains and strains • Pain from over exertion as a result of exercise • Insomnia and Sleep Problems • Stress • Insect Bites and Splinters REASONS FOR MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY Diets that are highly-processed and refined – mostly white flour, red meat, and dairy – none of these have magnesium. Food processing removes much of the magnesium (as well as other minerals) that’s naturally found in certain foods. Antacids and other indigestion medicines disrupt magnesium absorption. Modern farming practices deplete magnesium and other minerals in the soil. Medications including diuretics, birth control pills, insulin, tetracycline and other antibiotics, and cortisone lead to magnesium deficiencies. Too much calcium often leads to an imbalance . These two minerals need to be in balance.
  7. Like you, I LOVED The Help and hated WFE as well as Angela's Ashes. Didn't finish either. I also couldn't finish The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I HATED Bridges Over Madison County. Me too. I agree. This also. Couldn't finish it.
  8. Oftentimes, estrogen dominance is due to a lack of progesterone. Balancing out estrogen with progesterone is important. Progesterone is the brake pedal for estrogen. Consider progesterone cream if your thermogram shows that you have too much estrogen in your breast tissues. Not all progesterone creams are alike. Make sure to get one that is natural, organic, bio-identical and not synthetic. Emerita is a very good one. Ann Louise Gittleman also has one called ProgestaKey. I don’t know much about it. Please keep in mind natural does not imply organic. Many of these creams have not only the main ingredients based on phytoestrogens, but also have the toxic xenohormones, parabens and mineral oil too. They are far from organic. So be aware and ask questions about your creams! Apply ¼ to ½ teaspoon of the progesterone cream directly to your breasts morning and evening. More progesterone is absorbed into breast tissues when it’s applied to them directly, and that’s ultimately where you want most of the progesterone to go. Do not apply it to other areas, even if the instructions tell you to do so. Progesterone receptors are only found in the breasts (and ovaries), so apply directly to the breasts to decrease vascularity. Repeated thermograms prove this is the only correct application method to reduce vascularity and risk. Or to explain this easier, if you cut your thumb and you apply Neosporin to your elbow how effective is that? Apply the cream directly to area that it is needed. It can reduce some signs of menopause when applied indirectly, but when you move it to the breasts you will see a greater decrease in menopause issues and more importantly you are reducing the vascularity in the breasts. For those who turn up their nose at progesterone creams, do know that that Prempro is very different from progesterone. The former is a synthetic, the latter natural. The effects on the body therefore are much different. Also, many women who took Prempro also took Premarin, which aggravated everything. Beware of synthetic progesterone (progestin), which won’t work the way natural or bio-identical progesterone does. Your body has difficulty breaking down the synthetic form, used in birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy, so this altered form creates a potential for toxic effects. In fact, after progestin was added to HRT, women’s cancer risk increased! Many do not feel comfortable taking even bio-identical progesterone indefinitely. They may use it for, a year or two, and then find that it is no longer as helpful as it was initially. Progesterone creams can be helpful for a short period of time, but over time the progesterone may build up in the fat layers of the body and is continually released over time from these cells. So, it’s possible that it loses its efficacy over time. I think that many things lose efficacy over time. It's often good to take a break from supplements and such for this very reason. And then to re-start again.
  9. Keeping the liver healthy is essential since the liver is the organ that removes estrogens. A weak liver fails to remove estrogens efficiently and may lead to their accumulation. The most important thing to help with estrogen dominance is making sure your blood sugar is regulated. That helps the liver to detoxify the hormones. Taking specific herbs to help with a liver cleanse is a bonus. Daily morning exercise helps to activate the liver. Most medications are damaging to the liver and kidneys. Take them only if they are absolutely necessary. Eating too much sugar can lead to liver problems – high-fructose corn syrup—common in today’s processed foods and drinks—has been associated with liver scarring or fibrosis. A persistent roll of fat at the waistline could be a warning sign of a fatty liver. Go easy on the acetaminophen and all OTC headache meds. Even at recommended doses, just 4 days of using acetaminophen and other OTC headache meds may cause short-term liver damage. A small amount of acetaminophen (Tylenol) taken occasionally may be safe. Yet your risk of liver failure triples if you take 1,000 tablets of acetaminophen over the course of your lifetime. That sounds like a lot, but it's less than 20 pills per year! Many naturopaths recommend a 2-week liver detox twice a year to clean out your system. They also suggest asking your naturopathic doctor for a heavy-metal urine or blood test to make sure your body isn’t overloaded with toxins from lifestyle and dietary choices. Sweat out heavy metals and other toxins in a sauna or steam bath a few times per week. Start with a 10-minute session and increase by 5-minute increments to a maximum of 30-40 minutes. You can also take a hot bath with up to 2 cups of Epsom salts and 8 ounces of baking soda to help draw impurities out of the body. Other methods for removing toxins: • Daily Dry Body Brushing • Saunas • Exercise Begin each morning with hot water and lemon to help tone liver function. The following foods, herbs, and spices are good for the liver: Garlic – high in sulfur and good for the liver Onions – high in sulfur and good for the liver Egg Yolks – high in sulfur and good for the liver Daikon radish Artichoke Asparagus Beets Cruciferous Veggies Lemons and Limes Spinach Leafy Greens Brussels sprouts Celery Dandelion-root tea Capra Mineral Whey Powdered Psyllium Husks Organic Apples Pears Berries Ground cinnamon Ground ginger Ground nutmeg Each day, drink half your body weight in ounces of filtered or purified water – this is important for the liver. Don’t overdo grapefruit and grapefruit juice – these contain a compound called naringen that can interfere with the liver-cleansing process. Dandelion root tea provides gentle liver decongestion. Drink one to two cups of this tea daily. Dandelion Root Tea speeds the liver’s breakdown of toxins. Yellow dock is a time-honored liver purifier and tonic.
  10. EXERCISE, WEIGHT, AND STRESS Physical activity reduces estrogen levels. Fat cells manufacture estrogen. Just 30 minutes of aerobic activity (moderate to high intensity exercise) three to five times a week can make a difference. A study showed, however, that those who only did stretching exercises showed no change in their estrogen levels. Stress causes your adrenal glands to produce more cortisol. Exercise helps lower cortisol levels. Excessive cortisol can lead to cancer by binding to progesterone and blocking its utilization. Low progesterone and high estrogen is an environment that lends itself to breast cancer. This explains the link between stress and breast cancer. Stress will impact your progesterone levels which may account for the fact that progesterone, unless you are already taking a topical cream, is so universally deficient. • It’s important to not allow stress to “get†to you and cause anxiety. • Use prayer and meditation to help you relax and to bring down anxiety • When very anxious, use a tincture of kava Try to lose weight if necessary. Many breast cancers are fueled by estrogen, a hormone produced in fat tissue. Experts suspect that the fatter a woman is, the more estrogen she's likely to produce, which could in turn fuel breast cancer. It's hard to lose weight, but it's not impossible. The potential benefit of preventing cancer is worth it. Stay within 12 pounds of your ideal body weight. In many studies, obesity has been correlated with a higher risk of breast cancer. Excess body fat produces estrogen which can then be stored in breast tissue and trigger the growth of cancer cells.
  11. SUPPLEMENTS AND HERBS TO AVOID OR LIMIT Limit Evening Primrose Oil – EPO contains estrogenic activity and is a popular supplement for PMS sufferers. It offers quick relief for PMS symptoms but long-term use may aggravate the problems. The following are some of the herbs with estrogenic activities and should be avoided as much as possible: • Anise • Hops • Fennel • Black Cohosh • Red Clover • Don Quai • Licorice • Ginseng • Royal Jelly • Peony • Nettle • Sage • Fenugreek • Evening Primrose Oil • Chamomile
  12. Vitamin D3 May help reduce estrogen levels High levels of D3 have been linked to lower breast cancer levels. If you're under 50, take at least 2,000 IU per day. If you're 50 or over, take at least 5,000 IU per day of vitamin D3. Always take your vitamin D with a fat-containing meal to ensure absorption. Your need for vitamin D3 is affected by age, skin color, and the severity of any deficiency Cod Liver Oil is rich in Vitamin A. Vitamin A is a precursor for progesterone, so make sure you are getting enough of it. A natural food source like cod liver oil is perfectly safe, whereas the synthetic forms have been linked to toxicity. Furthermore, cod liver oil also has Vitamin D in it, which moderates Vitamin A, helps your body use it better, and also prevents toxicity. You can buy it in pill form so that you never have to taste it! Take a dose that will give you 20,000 IU of Vitamin A daily until you get your body back in balance, and then reduce to 5,000 or 10,000. Be sure you are taking adequate amounts of selenium, iodine, and vitamins A, C and E. Consult your clinician to determine this. Vitamin E (d-alpha only, not dl-alpha) helps to regulate hormone levels. Zinc increases progesterone production and curbs copper from being absorbed. Bring on those zinc supplements and make sure that your multivitamin does not contain copper. Magnesium helps the body break down excess estrogen and ease stress. Load up on almonds, spinach, black beans, and leafy greens. Most need a supplement also – 400-1200 mg daily The most absorbable forms are magnesium citrate, glycinate taurate, or aspartate, although magnesium bound to Kreb cycle chelates (malate, succinate, fumarate) are also good. Avoid magnesium carbonate, oxide, sulfate, and gluconate. They are poorly absorbed (and the cheapest and most common forms found in supplements).
  13. Omega-3 fatty acids – A good quality such as Carlson’s Fish Oil Omega-3 helps cells use estrogen properly. Iodine has been shown to decrease estrogen's ability to adhere to estrogen receptors in the breast (which decreases the risk of breast cancer). Diets low in iodine can lead to more circulating estrogen levels in the body. Iodine helps to normalize the impact of estrogens on the breast. Iodine decreases or turns off the estrogen receptor sites in the breast. So when there is a lack of iodine, breasts overreact to estrogen, which then leads to pre-cancer and then full-blown breast cancer. Many researchers now believe that you may need 100 to 400 times the RDI. Unfortunately, depletion of iodine in soils, low consumption of iodine-rich sea vegetables and seafood, and iodine blockers have led to an iodine deficiency. You may need 1 to 4 tablets of Ioderal, a combination of 5 mg of iodine and 7.5 mg of potassium iodide. Additional research finds that vitamin C improves the transport of iodine in the body. I LOVE Iodoral and take 1-4 daily. Helps immensely. Chaste Berry (Vitex) or Chaste Tree Berry • Does not contain any hormones, but rather, works on the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, stimulating balanced production of estrogen and progesterone – balances and promotes progesterone • Indicated for a number of menopausal and perimenopausal concerns - It is often used to treat excessive bleeding, fluid retention and breast tenderness. • May inhibit the secretion of prolactin , which stimulates the growth of mammary glands. Excess prolactin may be a risk factor for breast cancer. Chasteberry's influence on prolactin and two other female hormones, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, may also help reduce the menopause-like symptoms of hormonal drugs like tamoxifen • Is a herb that is high in phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are forms of estrogen that are much weaker than the body’s estrogens, but that are capable of blocking the stronger, more damaging estrogens (they can fit into the same receptors in breast cells that estrogens can, thus preventing the estrogen’s ability to dock there). Phytoestrogens also expand the length of the menstrual cycle, possibly lowering the lifetime exposure to estrogen. • Chaste tree berry (vitex) may inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. It's very gentle and somewhat slow to show its full effects, so give it a couple of months before deciding if it's helping. Normalizes hormone secretion and helps balance estrogen and progesterone 40 mg daily Pregnant and nursing women shouldn't use Chasteberry. There are few drug interactions, but dopamine receptor antagonists can diminish its effectiveness. Rashes are a rare side effect. Because Chasteberry has an effect upon progesterone synthesis, it may not be appropriate for women who have strongly progesterone receptor-positive breast cancer.
  14. EAT LESS Avoid food and products high in phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are fake estrogens that attach to receptors for estrogen in the breasts. Flax and soy products are high in phytoestrogens. Soy is a very cheap emulsifier and is used in most processed foods. Check the ingredients of all the processed foods that you eat. If you have been eating soy products, eliminating them will make a huge difference in your estrogen levels. Milk and Cheese Cow’s milk accounts for up to 80% of the estrogens consumed. This may stem from the fact that cows are milked frequently during pregnancy when estrogen levels are their highest. These estrogens end up in the milk supply and can promote growth of fibroid tumors of the uterus and stimulate breast tissue, potentially increasing the risk of certain types of both benign and malignant breast disease. Substitute with a non-dairy milk such as almond or rice milk (read the labels carefully, and make sure to get one without soy). Goat’s milk may be fine. I’m not sure. It’s always said to be very healthy. Cheese is also a source of exogenous estrogens. Goat’s Cheese may be fine. Again, said to very healthy. Sugar Refined sugar raises estrogen levels and negatively affects your health in many other ways as well. Investigate natural sweeteners that won't impact your blood sugar and aren't dangerous like artificial sweeteners. Less sugar, white flour, and refined foods Alcohol Avoid alcohol as much as possible and don't have more than one drink per day. Alcohol will dramatically raise your risk of breast cancer due to the increase of hormones it causes. Estrogen is metabolized or broken down by the liver. Alcohol consumption can impair liver function which makes it difficult for the liver to properly metabolize estrogen. This can allow higher levels of estrogen to build up in the body. Ideally, if you suffer from estrogen dominance, completely avoid alcohol. Less red meat and fowl Hormones in beef are amongst the biggest culprit when it comes to xenoestrogen in your diet. Eliminating food that was raised using artificial growth hormones and steroids can help lower your xenoestrogen levels considerably. Eating a meat-free diet is believed to be beneficial. Female vegetarians have lower estrogen levels than meat eaters. Carbohydrates Carbohydrate intake (particularly simple/processed carbohydrates/white flour/refined and processed foods) creates an insulin response, and insulin is a hormone. If you've got too much insulin, it causes a cascade reaction with other hormones, as your body tries desperately to keep things in balance. It increases estrogen and decreases progesterone. For a more detailed description of how excess insulin leads to excess estrogen, there is a book, “Life without Bread†by Allan and Lutz. Decrease fats, especially animal fats. Use instead unsaturated fats such as those in cold-pressed vegetable oils. Limit your daily fat intake to 20 percent of your overall caloric intake. A high-fat diet produces chemicals in the intestine that bacteria convert to carcinogenic estrogens. These estrogens can then be stored in the fatty tissue of the breast, making cells in this area more susceptible to cancer growth. Less methyl xanthines such as coffee, tea, chocolate, colas and other foods or beverages that contain caffeine Coffee contributes to estrogen dominance. The way that it contributes may be by making the body more acid. Once our bodies are too acid, the production processes of all hormones are altered. When a woman’s body is too acid, it produces too much estrogen and not enough progesterone. Dr. Michael Lam of the American Academy of Anti-aging Research reports that in a small study of 500 women, those who consumed 4-5 cups of coffee per day had 70% more estrogen that those who drank less than one cup per day. Excess copper – found in tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, water pipes, and soy – leads to estrogen dominance You can lower estrogen levels by slashing your copper intake. Copper keeps estrogen levels high. How do you know if you have too much copper? Brown spots on your face or skin are a good sign. This means the liver has filtered out so much copper it is depositing the excess amounts in your skin. If your nipples turn from pink to brown, that’s another sign of copper poisoning. Of course, a Tissue Mineral Analysis (TMA) is a good way to know for sure. Many of us are severely toxic with copper. Birth control is one reason. Copper is a primary component of the Pill since it helps control the ovulation cycle. There are other sources of copper poisoning. Copper pipes also leach the metal into drinking water. If you have a swimming pool, your green algicide is pure copper. And if you love your copper pots, guess what? They’re seasoning your food, too. Here are the aches and pain of copper toxicity: Frontal headaches Depression Fatigue Constipation Emotional volatility Weight gain and food cravings Estrogen-containing foods such as alfalfa, chick pea, carrot (or beta carotene) can be taken occasionally but not too often. I would only cut these healthy foods out if my estrogen levels were extremely high and all other measures failed.
  15. Iodine-Rich Foods such as seaweed Iodine has been shown to decrease estrogen's ability to adhere to estrogen receptors in the breast (which decreases the risk of breast cancer). Increase your intake with mineral-rich sea vegetables (agar, hijiki, kombu, nori, and wakame) at least twice a week. You can eat as much seaweed as you want. Brown seaweeds are highest in iodine. They include all forms of kelp. Fucus, also known as Bladderwrack - In a recent animal study published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers found that 35 to 70 milligrams of bladderwrack seaweed daily lowered estrogen levels up to 25 percent Hijiki and Sargassum are two other forms of brown seaweeds. Red seaweeds include dulse, nori, Irish moss, and Gracillaria. Since toasting doesn’t affect seaweed’s iodine content, you can eat it dried or dried and toasted. Toast some in the oven or in a dry frying pan to see if you prefer that taste. You can also powdered seaweed to your food or add larger pieces of seaweed to soups, grains, or vegetables. Seaweed should be an enjoyable addition to your diet, not an unpleasant experience. If you simply don’t like its taste, you can get it in capsules. Not all seaweeds are safe to eat. Some come from polluted waters. Be more cautious and talk to a naturopath if you’re on thyroid meds and want to try seaweed. You can use iodine-rich Seaweed Gomasio to season your food. I get mine from amazon. Eat seaweeds such as kelp and nori often. Or consider taking blue-green algae such as spirulina (1 heaping teaspoon) and chlorella (3 g) in a glass of juice daily. Green Tea Extract may be protective against estrogen-dominant breast cancer. Drink at least 3 cups of preferably organic Green Tea daily. Zinc increases progesterone production and curbs copper from being absorbed. Eat more zinc-rich foods found in organic beef, eggs, and natural pumpkin seeds. Turmeric regulates estrogen receptors, and helps the body eliminate carcinogens. Turmeric needs to be mixed with black pepper and olive oil in order to be effective All of us should regularly consume a soupspoon of turmeric every day, with a pinch of pepper and olive oil. You can use it in your cooking Because powdered turmeric is a powerful blood-cleansing herb, don’t overdo it. CAUTION: Some brands of turmeric powder and supplements have been found to be contaminated with heavy metals themselves. If you decide to add turmeric to your diet, make sure to obtain a high quality brand. Regular consumption of turmeric has been shown to protect against fewer lesions of the liver. Turmeric acts specifically on bile and also has significant anti-inflammatory properties Turmeric is high in phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are forms of estrogen that are much weaker than the body’s estrogens, but that are capable of blocking the stronger, more damaging estrogens (they can fit into the same receptors in breast cells that estrogens can, thus preventing the estrogen’s ability to dock there). Phytoestrogens also expand the length of the menstrual cycle, possibly lowering the lifetime exposure to estrogen. Estrogen dominance can be at least partially controlled through an estrogen dominance diet. This diet recommends eating large amounts of foods that are considered anti-estrogenic each day. These foods include: • Most vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower • Most fruits, especially citrus fruits and berries • Raw nuts and seeds • Organic eggs and milk • Grains like buckwheat and millet Proponents of the diet stress eating as few processed foods as possible and consuming only organic produce, meats, fish and dairy products.
  16. I'm so sorry to hear that you're suffering. :grouphug: Triphala is a wonderful supplement that really helps with this. It's safe to take over the long-term. Triphala Take two to four 500 mg tablets just before bedtime – for a total of 1000-2000 mg per day Benefits of Triphala: Bowel-regulating formula – because it operates as a bowel tonic rather than a laxative, it is safe to take every day and for life Anti-inflammatory properties Anti-bacterial properties Anti-cancer properties Immune enhancing properties Treats entire digestive system Helps with constipation, hemmorrhooids, diarrhea, indigestion and bloating Helps with liver detoxification and cleansing Wonderful cleansing agent I don't have endo. Have you tried a natural progesterone cream? I love Emerita. Amazon and most good health stores have it. How's your diet? Are you able to exercise at all? Even a short walk may help. EAT MORE Broccoli, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, Bok Choy, Cauliflower, Kale, Turnips, and Rutabagas These cruciferous vegetables contain plant phytochemicals that help the liver flush out artificial estrogens that collect in the body from external sources like pesticides. Cruciferous veggies block breast cancer growth and have estrogen-blocking properties and Indole-3-carbinol (I3C). The breast-healing properties of Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) were recognized as far back as Roman times. I3C has been shown to increase 2-OH, the "good estrogen". It is recommended to cook (at least briefly) most cruciferous veggies, though, since when eaten raw, these veggies may interfere with thyroid function. Cabbage contains a compound that shifts estrogen to a safer form. Aim for 2 servings of cruciferous veggies per day. Juicing – there are specific vegetables that one can juice that are great for the liver as well as for maintaining a healthy pH. A weak liver fails to remove estrogens efficiently and may lead to their accumulation. • Beets • Cabbage • Kale • Celery Make a daily juice using a combination of fresh organic broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, kale, dark leafy greens, and an apple. These are high in phytochemicals such as I-3C and help to combat breast cancer. I-3C has been shown to detoxify xenoestrogens via the liver and to even reverse abnormal Pap smears. One of the most important nutritional changes you should make to fight estrogen dominance is to up your fiber intake. Fiber lowers estrogen levels and has estrogen-binding properties. Foods that are high in fiber help bind with and remove excess hormones. Consuming more fiber in the form of whole grains, vegetables, fruit, legumes, and beans can reduce harmful circulating estrogen levels. Since excess estrogen leaves the body by way of the bowel, if stool remains in the colon the estrogen will be reabsorbed. High-fiber diets can decrease breast cancer risk by up to 54 percent. Fiber acts like a sponge. It soaks up excess estrogen and eliminates it through the feces. High-fiber diets speed intestinal transit and promote elimination, thus keeping the blood and lymph cleaner -- which in turn keeps your breast tissue cleaner. Fiber is the reason that vegetarian women who eat lots of plant foods eliminate two to three times more estrogen than non-vegetarians according to a study published in NEJM. A study that was reported on in 'Human Nutrition: Clinical Nutrition' said that women whose diets were high in fiber and low in animal fat had a reduced risk of overexposure to estrogen and thereby a reduced risk of breast cancer. Sesame, sunflower seeds, and/or multigrain bread are all great sources of lignans, plant compounds that block tumor-promoting estrogen from being absorbed by breast tissue. Try to eat organic food and grass-fed meats Increase the consumption of garlic and onions.
  17. I see hair loss being mentioned a lot. I myself didn't really experience it. Regular and daily scalp massages are essential. A big reason for hair loss as we get older is poor circulation. Scalp massage, to the point where it starts to feel hot and tingly, really, really helps. More tips here.
  18. One word: magnesium :). I can tell a HUGE difference in my monthly hormonal headaches when I take magnesium as opposed to when I don't. I do have other supplements, etc. to recommend, but if you want only one, magnesium is the way to go. Magnesium is a key mineral that many are deficient in. Anything that is tight, irritable, crampy, and stiff -- whether it is a body part or an even a mood -- is a sign of magnesium deficiency. Helps occasional headaches that can come with caffeine withdrawal Magnesium helps eliminate peripheral nerve disturbances that can lead to migraines There’s a strong correlation between migraines and hormonal fluctuations. Estrogen hormones (right before, during, or immediately after your period) can block the body’s absorption of magnesium, leading to low blood levels of this mineral. A number of scientific studies found low levels of magnesium in people with migraines. Many women with monthly migraines have low blood levels of magnesium. Remember that the more calcium you take, the more magnesium you need. Try cutting back on calcium while you increase your magnesium and see how this change affects your migraines. For most people on a healthy diet, 400 mg of Magnesium daily should be sufficient. But for those who have symptoms of deficiency (and most of us are deficient), I would recommend more, but probably no more than 1200 mg. Add in more magnesium gradually. Your body knows how much it can handle according to how much your bowels can tolerate. The stools should feel soft, but not excessively loose. Take in divided doses and with meals to ensure optimal absorption – preferably more at night I have read that it’s preferable to not take magnesium at the same time as calcium. Others say that it’s fine. This is where I am confused. I think the former makes more sense. The most absorbable forms are: Magnesium Citrate Magnesium Glycinate Magnesium Taurate Magnesium Aspartate Magnesium Malate Magnesium Succinate Magnesium Fumirate Avoid: Magnesium Oxide Magnesium Carbonate Magnesium Gluconate Magnesium Sulfate These are not absorbed well and are the cheapest forms Side effects from too much magnesium include diarrhea, which can be avoided if you switch to Magnesium Glycinate. People with kidney disease or severe heart disease should take magnesium only under a doctor's supervision. NATURAL SOURCES Almonds Avocado Barley Beans Brazil nuts Brown rice Buckwheat Dark Chocolate Dates Figs Garlic Greens (including Collard Greens and Dandelion Greens) Kelp Molasses Millet Parsley Pecans Rye Sea vegetables (seaweed and kelp – but make sure they come from non-polluted waters and are high-quality) Shrimp Walnuts Whole Grains Wheat bran Wheat germ EPSOM SALTS BATH Taking a bath or a foot soak with Epsom salts is one of the best ways to increase the body’s absorption of magnesium. Epsom Salts are Magnesium Sulfate and are easily absorbed by the body. Take a hot bath with up to 2 cups of Epsom salts and 1 cup baking soda (optional) to help draw toxins out of the body. Try to do this once a week, but for no more than 20 minutes. A foot soak can also be very beneficial. Epsom salts are so helpful in bringing relief to: • Arthritis pain, stiffness, soreness, and tightness of joints • Muscle aches, pains and tenderness • Painful bruises, sprains and strains • Pain from over exertion as a result of exercise • Insomnia and Sleep Problems • Stress • Insect Bites and Splinters REASONS FOR MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY Diets that are highly-processed and refined – mostly white flour, red meat, and dairy – none of these have magnesium. Food processing removes much of the magnesium (as well as other minerals) that’s naturally found in certain foods. Antacids and other indigestion medicines disrupt magnesium absorption. Modern farming practices deplete magnesium and other minerals in the soil. Medications including diuretics, birth control pills, insulin, tetracycline and other antibiotics, and cortisone lead to magnesium deficiencies. Too much calcium often leads to an imbalance . These two minerals need to be in balance.
  19. Nothing on Saturday, except lots and lots of walking in the heat and humidity. I don't count that as a workout. Today: Crunch Yoga Body Sculpt. I liked it. Simple and nice. :) Good and basic yoga workout for those who are cautious of the "weird" stuff ;). This one's about as mainstream as you can get.
  20. This recent thread might help. I take Emerita (got mine from amazon) and I love it. Let me know if you need more tips.
  21. Hmmm ... the results of this poll, although, of course, it's by no means scientific ;), seem to indicate that having one child is the ideal scenario :confused:. I've felt for years that smaller families are closer (2 children are less). I could be wrong. Just my observation. I have noticed that in families with 3 or more, the dynamics change. Again, just my personal observation ...
  22. Thank you for the very helpful review. No, I'm not into dance stuff either. Coordination is not my area. :tongue_smilie: Stott Pilates: Basic - very good workout for those (like me) who are starting out in Pilates.
  23. KNOWLEDGE AND POSITIVE ATTITUDE Try to look at perimenopause as a wake up call to really take care of yourself. Exercise more – many suggest walking for an hour a day and some yoga Really take care of yourself with healthy eating and sufficient rest. Perimenopause and menopause bring out the imbalances that are already there and exacerbate them. You have to get really comfortable in your own body, be willing to experiment with yourself, and also, become your own authority. Sure, listen to other authorities, read books and websites, but take complete responsibility for your health and wellbeing and take a proactive position. Don’t expect a doctor or medication to rescue you. As far as supplements go, different things work for different people. Many find that chaste tree gives great relief, while others get relief from B6 or Evening Primrose Oil. Sufficient sunshine, healthy exercise and a healthy diet no longer become optional things that you joke about not getting because you just don’t have time. They become mandatory in your 40s – otherwise, you really feel it, or you develop serious health crises. Also, any emotional issues you have never really dealt with come up. Good to grieve, cry, journal, process however works for you (therapy if that helps). Most of us treat our bodies really badly and expect them to just handle it, and you just can’t do that anymore once you start the hormonal rollercoaster. OTHER TIPS Soak your feet in cold water to prevent hot flashes during night Even those with normal cholesterol levels can have heart disease. Talk to your doctor about getting a CT coronary artery scan after menopause. This test measures calcium accumulation in arteries (a predictor in heart attack risk), can spot trouble even when other tests, such as cholesterol ones, are normal.
  24. REGULAR EXERCISE can improve your mood, lower stress levels, and help you sleep. Increasing your level of activity can reduce hot flashes. Many yoga poses and the regular practice of yoga help relieve menopausal symptoms Practice deep breathing. Inhale deeply through nose, allowing your belly to rise. Exhale slowly and forcefully through the mouth, letting your belly fall. Repeat for 5 minutes 3 times daily, or whenever a hot flash strikes. Once the hot flash passes, ensure the body relaxes fully by inhaling one last time, holding for 3 seconds, and releasing forcefully. PROGESTERONE CREAM Balancing out estrogen with progesterone is important at this time. Progesterone is the brake pedal for estrogen. Not all progesterone creams are alike. Make sure to get one that is natural, organic, bio-identical and not synthetic. Emerita is a very good one. Karuna may also be good, although I’m not completely sure – worth looking into. Both are available from amazon. Ann Louise Gittleman also has one called ProgestaKey. Please keep in mind natural does not imply organic. Many of these creams have not only the main ingredients based on phytoestrogens, but also have the toxic xenohormones, parabens and mineral oil too. They are far from organic. So be aware and ask questions about your creams! Apply ¼ to ½ teaspoon of the progesterone cream directly to your breasts morning and evening. More progesterone is absorbed into breast tissues when it’s applied to them directly, and that’s ultimately where you want most of the progesterone to go. Do not apply it to other areas, even if the instructions tell you to do so. Progesterone receptors are only found in the breasts (and ovaries), so apply directly to the breasts to decrease vascularity. Repeated thermograms prove this is the only correct application method to reduce vascularity and risk. Or to explain this easier, if you cut your thumb and you apply Neosporin to your elbow how effective is that? Apply the cream directly to area that it is needed. It can reduce some signs of menopause when applied indirectly, but when you move it to the breasts you will see a greater decrease in menopause issues and more importantly you are reducing the vascularity in the breasts. For those who turn up their nose at progesterone creams, do know that that Prempro is very different from progesterone. The former is a synthetic, the latter natural. The effects on the body therefore are much different. Also, many women who took Prempro also took Premarin, which aggravated everything. Beware of synthetic progesterone (progestin), which won’t work the way natural or bio-identical progesterone does. Your body has difficulty breaking down the synthetic form, used in birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy, so this altered form creates a potential for toxic effects. In fact, after progestin was added to HRT, women’s cancer risk increased! Many do not feel comfortable taking even bio-identical progesterone indefinitely. They may use it for, a year or two, and then find that it is no longer as helpful as it was initially. Progesterone creams can be helpful for a short period of time, but over time the progesterone may build up in the fat layers of the body and is continually released over time from these cells. So, it’s possible that it loses its efficacy over time.
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