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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Just did Rebounding - using light wrist weights. I love rebounding. :)
  2. Hmmm. That's interesting. Now I'm wondering also. Yes, definitely, nasty messages, one would report. Hopefully, none of us get those. That's quite horrible. And I guess the person being ignoree cannot send the ignorer a message. Now, this is getting too much for my head. :lol:
  3. Well. Your posts are making me :lol:. Thank you. First, my apologies for the typo in the Thread Heading. :glare: I cannot stand that when that happens. Okay, thank you. That explains things. Never. :grouphug: If I choose to ignore you, take that as a sign to be worried about my mental state. :grouphug: No. What if they PM'd me? :lol: :grouphug:
  4. I think that using that word, particularly in the tone of voice that she used it (I only heard it once and that was enough) is sufficient. Using that word is racist enough for me. :glare: That was a very disturbing and horrible conversation. She yells, she screams, she rants, and raves. She's gotten worse and worse through the years. She started off very humble and sweet when she was only on locally and on very late night radio shows. Her original song was "You've Got a Friend". Then she went more Rush Limbaugh-like, got more and more political (huge mistake), and arrogant, etc. I remember how she screamed at her former DJ once because he played "Imagine". No self-control. :glare: I do dislike her for this reason in particular, and for several others. This is the main reason. I don't care how she used the n word. She used it and that's more than enough for me. This call, for me, was the last straw. :glare:
  5. This book looks cute. However, I've recently gotten frustrated by some of the free books. They're not that great. Some of them are a bit weird. I guess you do get what you pay for ... or don't pay for, as the case may be. :tongue_smilie:
  6. How lovely! This would seriously bother me. :glare:
  7. At first, it does take some time to get used to and you're all excited about it and all. Maybe for a week or so. Then, I have found it to be a wonderful way to relax, get inspired, get ideas, etc. when you have a few minutes. I use it mainly when I'm online with a cup of tea OR when the dc are doing independent work. It doesn't take up much of my time and I absolutely love it. I've gotten great recipes, find many of the boards inspiring, etc. Lots and lots of benefits. :) I had the exact same questions as you a few months ago and posted an exactly similar thread. I'm glad that I decided to pinterest. :)
  8. That's weird :confused:. I replied to you right away. This is getting too confusing for me this early in the day. :lol: Thank you for taking the time. :)
  9. I don't like the fact that (last I checked) they're very buddy-buddy with Dr. Laura, whom I really have a problem with. I have a problem with use of the "n" word. :glare:
  10. can they PM me? Or, the other way around, if I'm on someone's Ignore List, what happens if I PM them? Thank you.
  11. I just did a Classical Stretch workout. Loved it :D. They're each 25 minutes long. Perfect for busy days. When I have time, I plan on doing another workout OR doing 2 Classical Stretch workouts. Just a few of the many, many benefits of stretching and yoga-type workouts: Enhances body awareness, coordination, concentration, and sense of balance. Soothes headaches Helps prevent osteoporosis and is great for overall bone and joint health.
  12. :lol: :iagree: Villa del Re is my #1 choice also. Torre Etrusca is my 2nd. Quite frankly any of them will do. :D
  13. :iagree: And I missed you. :grouphug: I've bookmarked your blog and kept checking and re-checking. Figured you were busy or something. :iagree: I know. I want to be at those Midnight Dinners. I dream about those. :D :iagree: He started "whining" at times, like his last name. But I really love his spot-on descriptions of places. :D Thank you. Just got it for free for my Kindle. And yes, I really, really want to be at that castle, quite frankly, any time will be fine. :) :lol: I really miss those days.
  14. Me too. This is how I used to live and was trim and healthy. I despise cooking and would gladly never cook again.
  15. :grouphug: Thank you. It was a horribly mean comment said to me at an extremely vulnerable time. :confused: Yes, Beaverton/Tigard have always been more diverse, or at least much more diverse when I lived there from the late 80s-mid 90s. I lived in downtown Ptld and absolutely loved it, other than the weather, of course. Ptld weather is so much like British weather, and I really, really dislike both. At least with Pltd, there's some hope of a decent summer. Not so with Britain. Dh and I are cold-weather wimps. We love living in the tropics. :D Here, in this part of the world, it's 50/50. 50% of the folks like you and/or don't mind that you're here. The other 50% don't like you at. all. :glare:
  16. Many reasons already stated, but one that comes to mind: because we don't live in Finland. If we did, I would gladly not have ever homeschooled. I love the Finnish education system.
  17. Yes. Not exactly first-hand. A friend of a friend overcame ovarian cancer (not sure what stage) only through diet.
  18. :iagree: I lived in Ptld for many years and loved it - except for the weather. As soon as I'd leave to the smaller towns, my experience was not so good. One lady at Costco told me to "go back where I came from." :glare: :confused: I always felt like a foreigner in the smaller towns, etc. Mind you, this was in Gresham. :glare:
  19. Dot, you are so sweet :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:. Thank you. I always love your posts and wish that you would post more often. :D Me being slightly selfish. :lol: Yes, I think I recall Mental Multivitamin posting about this before. Wish she would.
  20. Yes, some of that small-minded nastiness reminds me of "The Help" - sugar-coated hypocrisy. ;) Again, I think that everywhere has nice and not-so-nice people. It all depends and can be quite individual.
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