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Everything posted by Negin

  1. I'm really impressed with this, enough to want to get more in the series. Someone here recommended this.
  2. Angel, you're welcome to come. :D Yes, I agree without the Moby Dick ;). Seriously, if you ladies were here, we wouldn't get much reading done. :lol: :grouphug: And we often envy the ease of life that you all have - libraries, Barnes & Noble, malls, Target ... :D :grouphug: Although I haven't read this one, she's great.
  3. Yes. I can't inflict pain on myself. The Epilady always intimidates me. I'd rather someone else wax me or give me electrolysis or threading or whatever. Not I. ;)
  4. Oh, this is what a good friend of mine on these boards loves and raves about. But the REM has better reviews.
  5. I've heard great things about it. I might get dd to try it out. I need to read up on it more.
  6. For my upper lip, I went from bleaching (age 10 or 11) to tweezing (age 13) to electrolysis (age 38-ish). Tweezing was fine, other than being a pain in the behind (every. other. day!) until I was 27. Then I noticed stubble and a 5 o'clock shadow. I was beyond devastated and freaked. I cursed the day I'd ever met a tweezer. :glare:
  7. :iagree: This is so true. This is the part that has me :confused:. I've done WATP for 7 or 8 miles and ate even carefully (not like a horse), and I still struggled. But when we were in Paris, we walked all. day. long and ate moderately. No weight gain whatsoever. I think some workout programs and DVDs hinder weight loss. :confused: I need to exercise in moderation when I want to lose weight. Workouts that are overly intense or long (longer than 45 minutes) just make me feel hungrier. This is the hard part. How? I wish I could change the way I look at food. :confused:
  8. I think that some things can't be explained scientifically. I was always under the impression that shaving and tweezing would not alter the growth and texture of hair. I believed this from the time I was 11 until I was 27 and got a horrible, horrible wake up call. :glare: Let's be honest here. The texture of the hair on the legs definitely feel different when shaved as opposed to when waxed. The texture of my upper lip hairs felt far, far different (not initially, but later on down the line) when tweezed as opposed to electrolysis. It's just experience. Some things are from experience and are not always based on science. Again, my experience. That's all. Threading and waxing never made my hairs coarser and never gave me that 5 o'clock shadow and stubble that tweezing and shaving did. Bear in mind, I tweezed without any problems for 14 years. Time catches up on you. Or at least it did with me. I would hate to have my dd suffer what I went through. She does not shave or tweeze her upper lip hairs. I only share this info with others because of LOTS of experience and because I care. Everyone is free to do what they want. Their bodies, their hair. :iagree: Again, to me, the worst things to do to the face are shaving and tweezing, in that order.
  9. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Not too long - call a salon and ask, but usually they can wax fairly short hair. Let it grow back or whatever. Then, if it were me, once a month or whatever the salon says, have it waxed at a salon. Makes her feel special. Makes her realize that other women do this. She won't feel weird about it. If she feels self-conscious, have her go at a quiet time. She could bleach it in between treatments. She could bleach it tomorrow. Poor thing. I went through this, but since all of us women in our culture had it, it wasn't 100% embarrassing, only embarrassing amongst the non-hairy Brits and later, Grenadians. All my classmates. That was bad enough. But no one ever knew what I was doing. I was tweezing every. other. day. I wish I never had done that. I wish I'd stuck with waxing and/or bleaching. Hope she feels better soon. :grouphug:
  10. I really, really wanted NoS to work for me (and still do), but each time I've tried it, I've failed miserably. I wouldn't mind trying it again, however. Just one more time. I'm willing to try anything at this point. Losing is not nearly as hard as keeping it off. Keeping it off is the hardest part. If I can lose 10-12 more pounds and keep that off, I'll be delighted.
  11. Okay. You almost made me choke on my water. :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:
  12. I'm puzzled at why you would feel offended. :confused: It's only hair - different bodies, different experiences. To each her own. :grouphug:
  13. I disagree. If it were age/hormones/genetics, then why do only the areas that have been shaved and tweezed feel and look so different than those that have not - that have been waxed or gone through electrolysis? Different methods, different results. Shaving = stubble and coarser hair Tweezing = ditto Depilatories = not as bad, but a giant pain and messy Waxing = softer and great when done professionally :) Electrolysis = the absolute best and PERMANENT!!! :D - done by a qualified professional, preferably using the blend method. Laser = not for me! But to each her own I am a qualified and trained esthetician (in my previous life) and have tons of personal experience with all of these, except for laser. But again, to each her own. If anyone's interested, I have: My upper lips - electrolysis (pretty much finished!) Brows - waxed and trimmed Legs - shave them Underarms, Forearms, Fingers, Toes - waxed That's it. That's what I have found works for me.
  14. This is so true. For anyone who wonders, touch your husband's beards or your own legs if you shave them. That's all ... ;) Waxing is great. Electrolysis is my favorite, but probably when she's older. Shaving is the worst for the face. Stubbles and five o'clock shadows eventually. Not right away, but further on down the road. Your mother is very wise. I have my toes and fingers waxed. So glad I didn't shave them. Every. single. part. of my body that has been shaved or tweezed has different texture hair than parts that don't get treated that way. Parts that are waxed or have had electrolysis are baby soft and seldom/never grow back. Yes, my hair has definitely CHANGED in the areas that have been shaved and/or tweezed. Not immediately, but eventually, after many years. If you touch legs or face that are regularly shaved versus those that are regularly waxed or whatever, you can most definitely feel the difference. Maybe you'll be lucky and will never notice a change. If that's the case, you're blessed! I challenge anyone to show me a man who shaves daily and has baby-soft facial hair after years and years of shaving. No, hair does not change just because of age. If that were the case, all my hairs everywhere would be equally soft. But no, on the contrary, only the parts that have been subjected to razors and tweezers have gotten coarse and stubbly. You should do what you feel most comfortable with and what you love. If I were you, I wouldn't do anything. It's thin and fine and blonde - what more could a person wish for? :D Nope, again, I disagree. Not so with tweezing. Not my experience. I wish that were true. This.
  15. Exactly. I've kissed a woman's cheeks who shaved. Not nice at all. Felt like kissing a man.
  16. There have been some threads here on French women not getting fat. They don't eat diet foods and don't do all the extreme stuff. I need to read and re-read all that. I think it's all very useful and interesting.
  17. :grouphug: I hear you. :grouphug: Although I didn't go with these specific methods, I seem to have the same exact problem, losing and gaining. :glare: I don't know your age, but trust me, (I'm almost 44), it doesn't get easier. :confused: I have a plan to eat much less. Just eat everything but much smaller portions. Sort of like the French. Been doing lots of thinking about that. Don't deprive myself of anything. Just moderation and smaller portions. Also, my exercise is much less extreme, which I really believe helps me. All that crazy and intense exercise - I'm so done with that. :) Just want to let you know that you're most definitely not the only one. :grouphug:
  18. I don't see why not. This is how I first started shaving. If you need shaving/razor tips - I can share them later. I know a lot about this sort of stuff. Or, at least have tons of experience. :tongue_smilie:
  19. We invite, we pay. They are invited, I give them $$ just in case.
  20. I respectfully disagree. If I have my legs waxed, they feel much softer than when I shave them. Men's beards and facial hair feels stubbly because they shave. I don't want my upper lip or chin hairs to feel like a man's. :glare: Yuck. Shaving makes the hair feel stubbly. Waxing and most other methods don't. To each her own.
  21. Oh yes, I forgot to mention threading. Many like that. It seems to have good results also.
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