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Everything posted by Negin

  1. About to do some Blogilates videos from You Tube. I often use them when rebounding. Kim, I body brush most mornings before putting on my workout clothes. Thanks for the reminder re: self-massage with oil. I keep meaning to start doing that also. I sometimes do my stomach, but I need to work on my legs also. I envy you for dong the Ayurvedic cleanse. I'm not at a point in my life for committing to any sort of thing like that. I hope to get there someday. Life has been crazy for the past few years. Ayurveda always fascinates me.
  2. I'm on the fence as to whether to start dying my hair or not. I currently use Lush Henna (Caca Noir - black). At first, I was thrilled with the results. Now, a year later, I'm not as thrilled as I was initially. My hair gets quite frizzy. Obviously, the grays are the frizziest. I would love your opinions and thoughts as to whether I should dye my hair or not. As you can see from my profile picture, my hair is dark brown. It seems to me that blonds go gray/silver more beautifully than brunettes. My reasons for not wanting to dye my hair: * possibly less damage from all the chemicals of dying over time. I knew a lady in her 80s who had the absolute most amazing hair. She told me that she never dyed it,/used chemicals on her hair and seldom used a blow dryer - her hair was thick and gorgeous. * as someone somewhere mentioned, "there is something odd looking when the look of a face or a neck is somewhere within the 5th or 6th decade of life and the hair is attempting to replicate a twenty-something. I have read these tips so far: Mild Silver Shampoo - recommendations? I prefer to use sulfate-free shampoos. Using a yellowish-tinged shampoo or conditioner rather than a clear one may leave a yellowing cast on your hair. Chlorine in water reacts with sunlight to give a yellow tinge. Occasional color correction with a blue tinted hair product- to cancel yellowing - recommendations? If anyone has any more tips/resources on how to go gray as gracefully as possible, please share. :) And again, I'd love your thoughts as to whether I should eventually dye my hair or not.
  3. Rebounding and about to do Leslie's 4 Fast Miles - it seems like the entire workout is on You Tube if anyone's interested.
  4. My children are 16 and almost 15 and I have this fantasy several times a day, every single day. For me, it's not just about the children. I'm one of those rare types that needs lots and lots of alone time in order to stay sane. I don't get anything done when anyone's around. Hence why I had no roommates in college.
  5. Me too. I thought we were no longer allowed. I hope that we are. :)
  6. Did rebounding. Am about to do Joyce Vedral's Just Bra-Roll, B**bs, and Just Butt.
  7. I plan on doing Jari Love: Get Extremely Ripped.
  8. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome.
  9. About to do 5 Miles of Leslie. I realize that my weight is not coming off unless if I choose to pretty much starve myself (which I cannot do at present time). My weight just will. not. budge. I workout mainly to hopefully age with a tiny bit of ease - to be more healthy and to have as little pain as possible.
  10. About to do Joyce Vedral's Fat Burning Workout.
  11. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I think it's really frustrating and quite depressing when one is misunderstood.
  12. I didn't mean that specifically. My :lol: was about the direction that the thread seemed to be heading. I do, however, think it's appropriate to use as many :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: as I wish.
  13. I'd seen this thread a few weeks ago when it first came out and had bookmarked it, as I so often do with many threads these days, since I have very little time to respond and/or read. I have to say that this thread has me laughing and quite surprised right from the get-go :lol:. Wow. Aborted fetal cells? Good grief :lol:. I use Paula's Choice for most things. Her line doesn't require the use of eye creams :hurray:. Dark circles are another matter, however. They're the bane of my existence. I find that wearing glasses with transition-type lenses help :). I'm really not one to wear make up much at all - maybe tinted moisturizer from time to time and a very light lip balm. That's it. Foundation and concealer annoy me. I seldom get the right shade and I end up drawing further attention to the problem.
  14. You never know. You might end up liking it. It has very good reviews. I was fine with it, but again, didn't love it, if you know what I mean. You could always give it another go if you're so inclined :). I'm laughing at your comment :lol:. But yes, Russian literature seems to love miserable endings. That's one reason why I tend to stay away from them. This one didn't have a tragic ending, just sort of left you hanging there without any full closure. Not everyone would agree with me, of course. Just my thoughts.
  15. I tried another Katy Bowman "Alignment Snack" and this one is the only one that I will probably keep out of all the ones I've tried so far: "Everybody Needs a Little Shoulder Bolster". The others didn't do much for me at all. This one wasn't the most amazing thing ever, but I'm more likely to keep it than the others. Will soon do 1 Mile of Leslie.
  16. I read The Snow Child - 3 Stars. There are two things that I can think of at this very moment that get me quite disappointed when it applies to fiction, or, come to think of it, movies also: 1. Not connecting with any of the characters 2. Endings that have very little closure. For me, endings don’t have to be glorious Hollywood-style-riding-off-into-the-sunset types (although that can be quite pleasant!), but I do need some form of closure. At first, I really liked The Snow Child and thought that it had a great deal of potential. About halfway through, I found myself often checking to see how much was left. By the end, I didn’t even care as to what happened, probably due to the fact that I didn’t connect with the main characters. Most of the time, Mabel irritated me. Jack was okay. Garrett was sweet and fine. The actual Snow Child was a selfish cow. Not giving away spoilers. The only person I really liked was Esther. Again, the ending did not have closure and I hate that. I’m giving it 3 Stars, since I did enjoy it for the most part and the descriptions were delightful. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  17. Joyce Vedral Complete Definition - only had time for the lower body part. Thank you, Kim. You're sweet :). Hope you're feeling better and less tired. :grouphug: 40 minutes is great. :) :hurray: :grouphug: for the back and knee problems. You know that I also love Denise Austin :D.
  18. I tried another Katy Bowman (Balanced Approach to Hip Strength) just now and again, it didn't resonate with me at all. It was only slightly better than the other two I've already tried. Six more to go . I really do want to give her a chance. I hate giving up on stuff, but it's just not doing anything for me. I'd get more out of doing Classical Stretch or Yoga. Did some foam rolling. No time and not really in the mood for anything else this morning. :grouphug:
  19. I ordered nine of her Alignment Snacks and was very excited to start on them. So far, I've done two and I'm really not at all impressed. I was hoping for more - something in the stretching category or whatever. I will try the other seven. Here's a thread where others review her stuff it in more detail. , on 12 Oct 2014 - 11:21 AM, said: I've been thinking of getting one for the longest while. Thank you for the reminder. Thank you for the links. I've known this for quite a while and need to get motivated to do this on a regular basis. We have a chin-up/pull-up bar, but I have a very hard time with it. My wrists get so sore. I seldom use it anymore.
  20. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
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