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Everything posted by Negin

  1. About to soon try out a new DVD - Prevention: Diabetes DTour: Fat Fighting Fitness. Got this at Toronto over the summer. There was a fabulous sale at the Canada Expo or whatever and I picked up a few new ones.
  2. Rebounding and about to go for a swim.
  3. About to do 4 Miles of Leslie followed by Classical Stretch: Pain Relief.
  4. Thank you all so much again. If you do think of anything else, please share. :)
  5. Quick Quartet was great and didn't move too fast at all :).
  6. Rebounding (my go-to happy workout :)) and about to do Joyce Vedral's Quick Quartet (little apprehensive about this one, since it's said to move extremely fast).
  7. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  8. Jackie Warner: Crunch-Free X-treme Abs
  9. Classical Stretch - Upper Body and I'm going for a swim in the next hour or so.
  10. Thank you all so much. I wasn't even particularly excited and felt overwhelmed at the idea of planning a trip to a region that I really don't know much about. You've all gotten me quite motivated to hopefully start planning and reading up on stuff :D. Thank you! What did you like about Antwerp? I've heard it mentioned from time to time. Do you remember the name? (of the barge hotel - since the quote feature is acting weird on me). Thanks for the tip about not driving in Amsterdam. I would love to take the ferry to save on cost, but three of us are very likely to get sick (motion sickness). Did you see others experience motion sickness? Maybe if we took something for it beforehand? Sorry about the bag and the ornament. I would love to hear back from you re: the name of the B&B you stayed at. We love a good B&B.
  11. Nothing :(. Got more than 8 hours of sleep, however. I keep laughing at how my Profile Picture keeps changing on these boards. Back and forth, back and forth :lol:. When it comes to chaturangas - I hate, hate, hate them. I also hate Sun Salutations. I used to have a yoga teacher who was obsessed with them. There was a thread a while back on the VF forums about this and I was surprised as to how many feel the same way. They even listed the DVDs without Sun Salutations. When it comes to chaturangas, I just do a plank and try my best. Sun Salutations, especially very rapid ones which I find annoying - I just stay in Downward Dog. :grouphug:
  12. Am I the only one? This happens to me here now and again. Weird :lol: . Maybe they prefer this beach scene over my face. I have to say that I agree :lol:.
  13. We're still just in the thinking stage and don't even know if this will be a reality anytime soon. We've always wanted to go to Bruges and figure that Amsterdam is not far either. We would likely fly into London (direct flight from where we live in Grenada) and then catch the Eurostar or fly to either destination. Cost is obviously a factor (as always). Any suggestions & tips would be greatly appreciated. :) Thank you.
  14. This. I'm really, really tired of homeschooling. I would hire a fabulous tutor if I could afford to do so.
  15. I hadn't seen it and I'm quite active on FB. Thank you, Stacia! Loved it :lol: . I really do miss those days when our kids used to do the same exact thing.
  16. About to do 5 Miles of Leslie. They're a bit more reasonable here. I tell myself that since I have it done every 6 months or so, it doesn't work out to be that expensive when I spread the cost out ;). My hair seriously needs it. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  17. Rebounding. I've been having keratin treatments off and on for a few years now. Sometimes, my hair seems to do better with them. Other times, it doesn't seem to take to it as well, if you know what I mean. It's too early to tell. I usually need some time. The best approach for me seems to be to try to be more regular and vigilant about having them done every 5-6 months. If I wait too long, the frizz gets out of control. My hair is not curly. If it was, I would probably embrace the curls. The older I get, the more frizz I have. That's why I have them done. I'd rather have keratin treatments to reduce the frizz than many other treatments. The keratin doesn't take away the frizz completely. I wish it would! It just reduces it greatly until new growth occurs.
  18. Stretching and yoga moves only. Final trip to the hairdresser today and then I can workout again tomorrow. :)
  19. I read And the Mountains Echoed - 5 Stars - I love all three Khaled Hosseini books and have to say that he is probably my favorite author. He has a true gift when it comes to storytelling and captivates you right from the get-go. You become emotionally invested in the characters like never before - or at least I do! MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  20. I like her also. You might have already seen many of her workout segments on You Tube.
  21. Stretching and yoga poses. Can't do anything else since I'm not allowed to tie my hair back until tomorrow. I had a keratin treatment and can't wash it it or tie it back for two days.
  22. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  23. Thought to recommend this arm workout on You Tube, which I just did.
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