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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Joyce Vedral: Bone Building & Classical Stretch: Muscle Memory. Yes, now I remember. I'll also have to remember to not use 5-pounds for that one. I tend to use 3-pound weights for the very intense stuff. I used to think that 3-pounds is a joke, but I have since been humbled and realize I'm actually getting a good workout. Hope your shoulder feels better :grouphug:.
  2. Will soon do Ballet Body: Lower Body. Haven't tried this one out before. I did the Upper Body a while back and it was tough.
  3. Violet Crown, I am so very sorry. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  4. :grouphug: Glad that it wasn't too bad.
  5. Joyce Vedral's Bathing Suit Workout.
  6. Happy Birthday Amy! :) I read Station Eleven - 5 Stars. One of my favorite quotes in this book: “Hell is the absence of people you long for.†Station Eleven is gorgeously written and the characters are truly memorable. I simply didn’t want it to end. I would prefer to give it 4.5 Stars, but am feeling generous, so I’ll go ahead with five. As a nice bonus for me, much of the story takes place in Toronto where we recently vacationed. I also just finished Revival - 4 Stars. Stephen King is, without a doubt, a fabulous writer. I’ve read a few of his books this year and had never read his books before, although I’m a huge fan of some of his movies (Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile).He does seem to enjoy writing lengthy books, so patience seems to be a requirement here. One of my favorite quotes in this book: “Home is where they want you to stay longer.†I would give this one 3.5 Stars, but again I’m feeling generous, so I’ll go ahead with 4. I thought that I would be frightened at parts, but I wasn’t. This is not horror. I could see that the parts that address faith and religion may upset some readers. That was not the case for me. Funny little tidbit: My family and I were vacationing at Niagara-on-the-Lake (a beautiful town near Niagara Falls) last summer. We saw a guy on the street and were fully convinced that he was Stephen King. I plucked up the courage to approach him, since no one else would. He responded back to me, “Who? No! I wish I was him!†We all had a good laugh. :lol: I just noticed that my book covers look rather similar - tents, nighttime :D. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  7. About to do 5 Miles of Leslie - 5 Day Slim Down DVD - my favorite 5 Mile program of hers.
  8. Mark Laham. I have lots of yoga DVDs and he is my absolute favorite. When I do his DVDs, I feel so energized and my muscles feel so stretched. He's a great instructor and you really get your money's worth with each DVD - about 3 separate workouts in each DVD. He knows his stuff. My former yoga instructor liked him a lot also, and her opinion is one that I respect. I'm quite sure that you can use a "10off" code with Total Fitness DVDs and you can also get free shipping. As with all workout DVDs, I would suggest looking at some video samples first. His You Tube Channel is here.
  9. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  10. I did all 3 Classical Stretch workouts: Hip Flexibility Muscular Balance Alignment Now that I've done all 3, I won't have much time to make breakfast. Oh well :lol:.
  11. Classical Stretch: anywhere from 1-3 of them (as much as I have time for - I might even do some later in the day). Hope you feel better soon. :grouphug: Me too :smilielol5:! Yes, we all have those days :grouphug:.
  12. Will soon do: Joyce Vedral's Vertical Abs. Thank you all so much for your very helpful replies back re: strength training and my workout plan. Yes, two or preferably three times a week would be ideal. I should have remembered that. I mean I've been reading up on all this for years and years! The problems of having far too many options. I seem to always be adjusting and making lists. I think I spend more time doing that than actually working out :lol:. It's hard to say. She doesn't encourage anyone to go over 20 pounds, but she pretty much leaves the weights up to the individual. I usually do 3, 5, and 8 pounds. Some use 3 pounds for the entire workout, others 5. Even with 3 pounds alone, which I sometimes do, the workout is still very effective. So, I would say that her workouts are more lighter weights and high reps. She has a pyramid system for most of her workouts. 12 reps - lightest weights 10 reps - medium 8 reps - heaviest weights You are so encouraging. Thank you :grouphug:. Off to look at that link you posted :). Thank you also.
  13. I was going to do a Joyce Vedral workout again today, but I'm now in the mood for Classical Stretch. I'll probably only have time for one session: Scar Tissue. I'm driving myself a bit crazy (as usual :lol: ) trying to come up with a good workout plan. I've learned that for me, muscle eats fat and that I need to strength train regularly in order to see results. My favorite strength training is Joyce Vedral. My question/problem is that I don't have enough time to do all the workouts that I'd like to do or should be doing - too many workout choices and too little time. How often should I ideally be doing a Joyce workout in order to see the best results? Every other day, a few times a week? On alternate days, I might do any of the following: rebounding, Leslie Sansone, swimming, a few Classical Stretch routines back-to-back, pilates, yoga, Ellen Barrett ... just to name some. For a while now, I've had a routine like this, but I've begun doubting myself and wondering if I should do Joyce more often. Should I be doing her workouts every other day? DAY ONE: Joyce Vedral DAY TWO: Leslie Sansone DAY THREE: Swimming DAY FOUR: Any of my DVDs (Ellen/Denise Austin, etc.) Any thoughts/input would be greatly appreciated. :)
  14. Will soon do: Joyce Vedral's Speedy Non-Stop and Classical Stretch: Posture - Turning Out & Pulling Up.
  15. About to soon try out Cindy Whitmarsh: Total Body Sculpt. I always hear her name mentioned on various threads, but I've never tried her workouts before.
  16. Thank you so much! I didn't even think that I would have time to read this thread. I happened to skim it just now and saw my name. Please thank your husband and thank you for remembering. :)
  17. Stretching only - still sore, but I should be better by tomorrow, hopefully. Thank you all for your kind words. :grouphug: Classical Stretch & Essentrics is having a 20% Off Sale until December 12th, as well as Free Shipping if you order 3 or more items.
  18. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  19. I've been very sore since yesterday - immediately after my workout. It may be as a result of the workout the day before. I'm going to try to stretch today, Tiger Balm, and rest.
  20. About to do this walking workout. I keep hearing about him on the Video Fitness forums. Editing to add: Probably the best walking workout I've ever done. No talking, no frills, yet super-effective and my arms are sore. :D
  21. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :D I'll soon be doing Joyce Vedral's Slow Duet & Jackie Warner: Crunch-Free X-treme Abs (standing portion only - 15 minutes). Total Fitness DVDs is having a sale in case anyone's interested.
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