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Everything posted by Negin

  1. I like this one, although tastes vary, of course.
  2. I recently got a foam roller. I'd like to find some videos (preferably You Tube or something I won't have to pay for) that are comprehensive, if you know what I mean. In other words, not videos that quickly rush through all the moves or only do one side, or whatever. I'm looking for a proper routine, where I can hit "play" and feel as if I've accomplished something. I think that what I mean are videos that are "real time". Thank you. :)
  3. "getting shorter"? Anyone remember that? Someone recommended Foam Rolling. I'm trying to search for that thread and it's frustrating. TIA. :)
  4. About to soon do 2 Classical Stretch workouts - "Muscle Memory" and "Maximum Flexibility". I like the CS workouts a lot, but I prefer the ones that are standing and have little floorwork, so it's easier to see what's going on. Even with my large computer monitor, it's hard at times. ETA: Did not do the CS workouts. Got a little distracted and obsessed with finding a good foam rolling workout. Found nothing yet.
  5. Stacia :lol: - I'm laughing since I never thought of myself as brave. I didn't think it was that bad, but then again, I guess can tolerate some types of books and others (Dean Koontz, for example), I tend to avoid. Nan, I agree with your dad. The history bits started to bore me. Like you, I enjoyed the writing. Since I read it back in February or so, I don't remember what else I liked or disliked. I do remember really loving it at first, but then it just dragged on and on. Maybe it was my mood/impatience at the time. Enjoying books has so much to do with timing, distractions, and what's going on in our lives at that point. This is me pretty much all the time also. I seldom have time to keep up with this thread and really don't have the foggiest as to what everyone's talking about after the 2nd page or so. :lol: Nice to know that I'm not the only one :D. Oh, and talking about full moons. I've been enjoying the moon for the past two mornings. I've always been crazy about the moon. I love waking up in the early morning hours while everyone's sleeping and wishing that I could throw a lasso around it. I love "It's a Wonderful Life". Need to see it again this Christmas. :)
  6. Pam, I tried :lol:. It was just too much for me also. I have to admit that once a thread gets longer than about 3 pages, I'm usually done, not always, but usually. Yes, I read it earlier this year. I gave it 2 Stars, but obviously many would disagree with me :lol:. Here's my review in case anyone's interested.
  7. Rebounding. I wanted to do more, but I had to put henna on my hair and let it sit. Since I woke up late, I had no time. You're welcome. If you can, I would recommend watching a video clip of any workout before purchasing. Total Fitness DVDs has them. You Tube also. DVDs can be quite subjective.
  8. I finished The Hot Zone - 5 Stars. I may have already mentioned that I chose this book because of Banned Books Week. I think the whole concept of banning books is ridiculous. This book was on the list. Why? Because apparently it portrays the Ebola virus in a negative way or whatever. Is there a positive way to describe it? Are we meant to depict it with rainbows and unicorns :confused1: ? I mean, come on! Anyway, what can I say? The book was simply excellent. I absolutely love it when authors manage to write non-fiction that reads like fiction ("Nothing to Envy" by Barbara Demick is like that). This is the sort of book that takes you away and is rather terrifying to say the least, as well as being quite timely. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  9. You could always get this. The price just can't be beat :smilielol5:.
  10. Kim, sorry you're not able to run :(. Hope your hike was a nice one. :) Redsquirrel, the Warrior Workout is not fully barre and not fully yoga either. I guess it's what they call a fusion workout. Most of the movements use your own body weight. Total Fitness DVDs has a video clip and reviews, etc. Shukrriya, you asked for Pilates DVD recommendations. Ana Caban is said to be good. My personal favorites are anything by Ellen Barrett and Denise Austin. Denise Austin is not everyone's cup of tea, however. There are so many to choose from! :D
  11. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  12. Just finished the Warrior Workout - great workout. Had my muscles screaming quite a bit.
  13. About to try out the Warrior Workout for the first time. The image above is from amazon and I hope that it can be used here, sort of like book covers.
  14. Like everyone here, I love you also, but I think you already knew that. At least I hope you did :D. You always give the absolute best advice and tips. I crave your tips, Seriously. Okay: one question - if I remember correctly, you once mentioned that you use Paula's Choice BHA. Is that correct or am I mixing you up with someone else? I alternate BHA and Retin-A at nights. Every few mornings, I exfoliate with any of the following: the Clarisonic; a little baking soda & water (my skin can handle it); a gentle scrub; or the Exfolia Cloth (amazon). 1. I'm wondering if the BHA and the glycolic peel would create a problem together and lead to sensitivity. My skin is not that sensitive. 2. While you're here (and I hopefully can ask you this - sorry to hijack), what are your thoughts on facial exercises? I'd always heard that they can exacerbate and even cause wrinkles. Others on the VF forum seem to rave about them. I'm concerned about a double chin. Paula Begoun is against facial exercises also. 3. Where do you get all your info from? I want to learn also! :grouphug: And I love you also for starting this thread! :)
  15. Joyce Vedral Cougar Workout - I love this one, but I really can't wait till the others that I ordered get here. She's having a fabulous sale in case anyone's interested. She's getting rid of all her stock before only offering downloads. Her DVDs are rather dated, but I think that they're super-effective, from what I've seen so far.
  16. Mark Laham - both his yoga DVDs are my absolute favorites. I feel so energized and my muscles feel so stretched. He's a great instructor. Both of his DVDs have about 3 separate workouts. He knows his stuff. My former yoga instructor liked him a lot also. And her opinion is one that I respect. Power Yoga DVD has the following options: Warm Up Only (20 Minutes) - this is a good start to yoga in and of itself and later you can work up to the rest of the DVDs. There are 2 types of Warm Up - Beginner and Intense. Strengthen the Core - 60 Minutes Open the Hips- 65 Minutes Yin Yoga DVD is one I really love. It has the following, each of which are pretty much an hour. Front Line Sequence Back Line Sequence Hips and Pelvis If you order from Total Fitness DVDs, their "10off" coupon should give you an additional 10% off.
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