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Posts posted by M&M

  1. I look out the window this morning to see landscapers tearing out all of the beautiful perennials that my old neighbors planted over the 5 years they lived next door.


    The new neighbors just moved in this fall and have decided that they are too busy to have any plants in the yard. The landscaper told me they planned to pull out all of the hydrangia and rhododendums as well, but they didn't have the budget to replace them with boxwoods :tongue_smilie:.


    Rose bushes, lily of the valley, irises, blackeyed susans, asparagus, peonies all being ripped out and thrown away. I ran over with my wagon and wheelbarrel and saved what I could (with permission from the neighbor). The dear landscaper told me that this happens all the time, he saves what he can, but his yard is full.


    What you may wonder will they do with these flower beds? Mulch...no plants, just brown mulch.


    It makes me sick, the old neighbors took an empty yard and made it beautiful with wonderful low mainenance perennials and they are just treated like garbage.


    I saved what I could and called some friends to come take what they want. I wish I had the time to save more, but we had to go out and when I got back it was all gone.


    They are a young couple, this is their first house, I know they are busy. I just wished they could have waited to see it in bloom before they ripped it all out.


    Thanks for listening.


    Every single day it strikes me that I'm *this* far away from not having a little person whose toes and ears are still cute enough to kiss. I'm *this* close to not having anyone talk to me in toddler/pre-schooler speak. And it just...takes my breath away.:crying: The older my guys get, the more patience I have for all things baby/todder-ish. I feel like I have these reserves waiting to be expended. Now I understand my friends with older kids who look forward with longing to grandchildren.



    I understand. I just turned 43 the week after Sophia's b-day and I don't know if I can/should have another baby. But, well... what you said...I just love those baby feet!



  3. Going from 3 to 4 and 4 to 5 were much easier than I thought. As my older dh become more responsible and want to help, life becomes much eaiser.


    As for being older, I have had 3 children when I was over the age of 35 and I have had no problems. As others have suggested, I did not go for all of the "high risk" testing. I acted like it was normal to have a baby at 41, and my doctors followed suit.



  4. We just came from the Clifton theatre encore presentation. It was everything you said and more!


    I took dd 12, a friend, and took a chance and took dd6 along as well as my mil.


    We loved it!! Dd6 was soo good and shel loved it...she wants to go to another opera tomorrow! Two people commented on how good she was (better than some of the adults ).


    Thank you for posting this and hugs to you and your wonderful dh!


    See you soon!

  5. This weekend begins the busiest week of the year for dh. He will work all weekend and late nights all week long.


    This busy week always falls on my birthday week. So, dh will not be around to appreciate how old I am getting ;).


    He works so hard and times are tough, so I will appreciate the OT...next month.

  6. I purchase the books that I want to use all year "spine books". SOTW for my youngers and some sort of history encyclopedia for the olders or another historical narrative like the Guerber books. I choose what literature books I want my UG and D children to read and look for them used.


    Any books that are used all 4 years in TOG I purchase. Then I pick and choose those books that I want to have for all my children. The classics, those titles that you see repeated over and over in curricula (like Sonlight), and books that are Christain themed and would not be in our library.


    Remember that TOG is baised on topics and you can fill in with any books for each unit. That makes TOG very flexible!


    I would not purchase books for the whole year at once. I would just work on one unit and see how TOG works for your family. Some weeks we do very little supplimenting and some weeks we have piles of books from the library and the UPS man is delivering books from Amazon every day.


    I find TOG to be very much like using WTM. I choose what to use, TOG is the tool that I use to implement my vision.

  7. I understand how hard it is to try to help little ones cope with the impending death of a loved one. We are continuing to help our children deal with the death of thier uncle.


    Prayers for you as you help them, your dh, and strength for you during this time.


    Be good to yourself...don't try to do everything. It will catch up with you, guess how I know:001_huh:.

  8. I have never been one to cry over not having a baby in the house. I have always been happy with the children that I have.


    But somehow this time it is different. Maybe because she may be the last, maybe because I will be 43 next week. Maybe because everyone is asking if another one is on the way (after all weren't the last three 2 years apart in age).


    I never ever dreamed that I would be the mother of 5 dc! I am so, blessed that I let God nudge me to be open to more children (I was happy with two).


    What is my problem? I keep looking around our tiny house wondering if there is room for one more. Boy have I changed over the years!

  9. Print out one of the three week trials of TOG and plan it out as if you were to teach it. It would give you a feel for what it would be like. I really think that TOG is the closet to WTM without all of the planning.


    If you don't like it, you could try Sonlight. They offer a great return policy, so you could try it for 6 weeks and send it back if you don't like it.


    I have followed your posts, and I know that this is a really hard decision for you. Try not to stress it.


    I used to try something new every year, looking for something that would work for us. Each year some new challenge would arise, new baby, sickness, etc. and we would change gears.


    What I have realized is that I LOVE WTM method and everything I have used helps me to follow it. I have never strayed far from the method, I have just found things that help me implement it better.


    Let the curriculum be a tool to do what you love, don't be a slave to someone else's plan.



  10. What I don't like TOG: a big learning curve for the teacher, Bible history a foundation for program (we are Catholic, I don't know how big a deal this really is, we really are interested in Biblical content, just want to make sure it corresponds with out beliefs and teachings); alot of expense to gather all the peripherals





    There is a Catholic TOG users group. I think that Marcia is going to add some references to the Catholic Encyclopedia in the Y3 redesign. You can check the archives, but it seems that many Catholic users have little probelm with TOG. I think that the most obvious place for subsitutions would be the Reformation/Conter reformation.


    I hope this helps, we are not Catholic, but we have friends that are and respect the Catholic pov.

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