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Posts posted by M&M

  1. I used MFW when we were having our 5th.


    I wanted something that was scheduled so that I would be sure to finish school that year :eek:. Let's just say that just because we had a schedule didn't mean we followed the schedule.


    I would choose anything that didn't make you feel like you are behind if you don't get everything done.


    I think TOG is great for large families, if you wanted to do some prep for when your children get older TOG is great for K- Mom. But only if you know you wouldn't try to do too much.


    We have slowed down a lot when we were expecting a new baby and my older children have not suffered. I wish I had TOG around to read when I was up at odd hours or nursing the baby.

  2. I met my nephew's Civics teacher. Although now they call it Law Enforcement. After talking to her, I would really think about sending my dc to our public highschool.


    I found it interesting ;) how impressed she is with her own accomplishments, I went to Georgetown, I went to law school, I .... etc. How she knew exactly what I should be doing instead of homeschooling... you pay taxes (very high taxes btw) you should send your children to the ps and add to their education after school. You should push to put them in extracurricular activities. I asked her (one of the few times I was allowed a word in) that I though this not allowed in our state... she informed me that you can "get around" this law. :confused: She teaches law and civics? Did she just tell me to bend the law?


    Then she told my fil that when she started teaching 20 years ago that the town was predominately one political party and now it is the other. She feels that she had "done her job" by influencing her students toward that party.


    I thought the job of a teacher was to educate. I knew they didn't teach dc how to think, but I guess I didn't want to think that some teachers had an agenda to impose thier views on our children.


    Btw, this was at the wake of my nephew's father's funeral and the conversation lasted about 10 minutes max. Aunt Monique, this is my Law Enforcement teacher Ms. xyz, Ms. xyz this is my Aunt Monique, she has 5 dc and homeschools. And then the floogates were opened...


    She never asked me a single question about why we homeschool or how. This woman knows nothing about me. She had her opinons and she voiced them. She also thought that she was older than dh and I (she isn't).


    It was neither the time or the place for such a discussion, and I said very little in reply to all she said. So I say it here, for my nephew likes this teacher and I don't want to upset him.


    I want to say that I really appreciate what WTM has taught me about classical ed and teaching children to think. I understand better now, why logic is so important. I have always wanted to teach my children how to learn, and how to think for themselves and no just follow the leader. This short conversation really solidified for me what is the goal of hs education.


    I will never forget those 10 minutes. It opened my eyes. I have no malice toward this woman, I think I would like to meet her again under more appropriate circumstances.

  3. I started when I couldn't find any decent clothing for my 7yo. Everything was styled after Brittany Spears (this was 5 years ago). My skinny dd could not wear the low rise pants and jeans (they just fell off of her) and there was not a dress or skirt to be found. Only low rise jeans and midriff tops.


    I got angry that I couldn't find any decent clothes over size 6x. I started looking online - researching and questioning. What does God say about modesty and dress? Who is deciding what I wear me or some designer somewhere who is making a lot of money off of changing styles every year? Why do I dress the way I do? Why don't women wear dresses anymore? My grandmother always wore dresses. I used to love to wear dresses when I was little. What changed?


    I decided that:

    1) I like dresses and skirts

    2) I had become very frumpy in my dress (jeans, sweats, dh shirts)

    3)I felt modest and feminine in a dress or skirt

    4) I felt honoring to my husband and my God when I dresses this way

    5) if I wanted my dd to dress this way I had to set the example


    I didn't know if I could do it. I thought I would freeze in winter. I wanted this to be a heart decision not a law I imposed upon myself. So, I tried it and I liked it. So, for some 5 years now I have chosen to wear dresses and skirts. I have worn pants a few times when I thought I was more appropriate. I have to say the day I put on a pair of jeans to go to the park when it was cold and damp, I was freezing and couldn't wait to put on my favorite flannel dress and silk leggins.


    I found that I could do almost anything in a longer skirt and that my fuller cut dresses worked great for maternity clothes. And a skirt and top were great for nursing. I can crawl around on the floor with my toddlers. I feel ready to run out of the house at any time and still look put together. No more "frump mom" for me! ( I also love aprons)

  4. we got very little out of it.


    We now go about twice a year and we love it. There is a lot to do, but if you look at the programs (on-line) ahead of time you can get a feel for what is happening. If you have younger children, there are always child specific programs that all our children have enjoyed. The evening programs are much harder for the younger set (5 and under).


    The revolutionary city is so much fun. You can really get a feel for the time when you participate in that. In W'burg they can play colonial games, eat the food, and learn the history.


    You can rent costumes and your children will get tasks all over Williamsburg. The actors will address your children as if they lived during that time. You can interact with the actors in the morining in the street. Our children have made friends with many of the actors and shop keepers since we are there so much.


    If you want to do Jamestown instead, that would be a whole different experience (a good one).


    Since you only have a short time there, which time period would be most beneficial to your family? The settling of Jamestown, or the Revolutionary/Colonial period?


    I never thought we would spend so much time in Williamsburg, but our children love it and so do thier parents :D

  5. TOG forums don't seem to be as active as this board. If they are busy in the offices working on a project, I think your question might have been overlooked. I would send a direct question to TOG and see what happens. I wouldn't feel bad. They are a small company with a lot going on right now..new product going out, redesigns being written, and conference season coming up soon. I bet it get crazy for them.

  6. I buy the spine and the books that are used for many weeks and the books that are used more than one year.


    I add in library books and try to remember that as long as I have a main spine (SOTW, BJU history etc.) then I don't have to own so many books for each week. I can just buy the best books that we will use over and over for the younger children.

  7. I did do a kind of "squashed" breeze through 20th century when I was at the end of our first rotation. I had taken longer than 4 years to get through and I had a goal to have my dd do a more thorough 20th century later in high school. I didn't skip 20th century for her but I compressed it into about 2-3 months of reading the spine and related dialectic level literature but not doing any written assignments.


    Did you use TOG Y4 for your condensed 20th century? If not what spine did you use?


    I'm thinking that we might delay starting Y1 until next January and then I could have time with my oldest two in the 20th century while the younger ones get into the groove of a new school year.


    You all are helping me think this out.

  8. Hubby and three kids all running a fever of 102-104. Aches, pains, chills, coughing, congestion, sore throat. I am the only one still standing and not whimpering but I am fading fast. I haven't slept in three days because at least once every half hour someone is asking, for medicine, or halls or water or to be covered up or help going to the bathroom. Since there is four of them this is pretty much non stop. Dh went for culture today to make sure we are dealing with the flu not strep throat. I am almost praying for strep because I know that they can cure it. :(

    I feel your pain. Dh has been in bed sick since Saturday. All 5dc have come down with some combination of symptoms. I, praise the Lord, have managed to stay healthy.


    We just got over the chicken pox in this house, had a week of health and now this. I have been caring for sick people since December 27th!

  9. We just had 5 dc with chicken pox. Here is what worked for us.


    Calendula in anyform oil, ointment, gel, although the lotion worked the best for us (we needed nothing else after trying this)

    lavender oil added to calamine lotion

    lavender oil added to bath water

    oatmeal in a old stocking, soak and squeeze into water (although ds could not stand the bath)

    burdock root tinture helps to hasten healing of pox

    aloe vera helps heal skin after scabs fall off


    All of these can be found at whole foods or a natural foods store.


    Hope he feels better soon.

  10. Why do people use Singapore as their primary math and then supplement with another "complete" math like Saxon or R&S?


    That's way too much like work for me. I want to choose something that is comprehensive enough to stand on its own, and then....let it stand on its own.



    I think that "complete" is impossible. Every program offers something Saxon is methodical with lots of drill, singapore looks at math in different ways and uses logic stage thinking in its method. By using two programs, you can pick and choose to give balance and introduce different approaches to math.


    I have found this to be quite challenging when we started schooling more than one child. Our house is too busy for me to "create" a program for each child.

  11. We do this all of the time. With 7 people living in a very small house (and with a large extended family) we change rooms all of the time. There is one larger room on our first floor. It is supposed to be the diningroom is has been the living room, the school room, the dining room and now is playing double duty as a dining/school room.


    The den has been a playroom and a living room/tv room. The living room (which is too small for a couch) has been a dining room and is now a sitting room or the "front room".


    When I had a friend coming once a week to help clean she would walk in the house and say "You guys are freaking me out! I never know what room I'm in in this house!"


    I like our arrangement now, but we have a bible study starting soon and I may have to move things again depending on how many people we have.


    It's like playing dollhouse just bigger

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