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Posts posted by M&M

  1. When you order, you have access to the Loom which has the book list.

    The thing I love about this is that it is a chart. It shows you what books are used throughout all 4 years of tapestry, what books will be used multiple times in the year plan that you are using, and what books are used once twice or several times. This helps you to plan what to buy, what you can get from the library, and honestly what you can skip completely.


    The beauty of tapestry is that it is a type of unit study. That means you focus on topics for history not specific books. You can use books that cover the topic and not have to find one specific book. I have been able to use our library (which is not the best) to fill in what I did not purchase, and some weeks we just use our spine books. What is nice for you is that you can plug in any books that you liked from Sonlight or anywhere else if you want. I am going to use a landmark book that I picked up for a dollar on Gettysburg next week (we are doing Y3 and starting the Civil War) it will fit right in even though it is not listed on the book list.


    Let me say that we have used a lot of books on the list, but as I am doing the Classic there are some oop books that I cannot find. You will not have that problem with redesigned as they will continually update the booklists.


    I hope this helps. I have children close to you dc's ages and I know what it can be like trying to get it all together.

  2. like R&S Grammar and IEW, etc., what parts of TOG do you use? I'm trying to decide what to use and how to chart our course as we get more into Logic stage studies.

    Thanks, Lillian



    We use R&S grammar, my logic stage dd is doing a co-op writing class. So, we use all of the history and the some of the literature, the geography, lapbooks and some projects. Next year we will do writing aids for my oldest, and maybe SWB's program with my upper grammar ds.


    When we reach highschool, we will do the philosophy.

  3. Monique..


    Actually TOG was on my list to look at, but I thought it would be too intense. Is it not?



    I think that the classic (which I am using) can be very challenging. It took me a long time to find a groove that works. Btw, we will be doing the redesign next year and it looks great!


    BUT, what TOG does for me is it allows me to follow WTM's neo-classical style and helps me to learn how to teach. I had no clue on how the socratic method of teaching was going to happen in our house. I am still learning, but I feel much more prepared to teach. I am learning along with and ahead of my dc. This is something I didn't think I had time to do, but I am!


    As far as intense, no. I have a friend who has been hsing longer than I.

    When she read WTM, she totally freaked out :willy_nilly: (no kidding).

    There were too many choices, too much to do, she couldn't take it all in. I think that TOG does the same for many people. But when you break it down there are spine books, history reading, literature reading, supplements, etc. You choose what you want to do (just like WTM or SOTW w/activity guide) and then use the notes to get up to speed.

  4. M&M- Well, see, I think this may be the reason I want to go with Sonlight 7. I just got my catalogue and it just seems sooooo appealing. BUT, I can be a bit of a rebel myself:D



    I tried MFW thinking that I could do the schedule and I just couldn't. So this year we went with Tapestry of Grace, so I could have some structure and still do my own thing with some WTM and CM mixed in.

  5. . I feel for you, I keep going back and forth with just using Sonlight or WTM, and now Ambleside (that's a whole 'nother story)...



    :iagree: I have the same thing with Ambleside. I want to try it, but how do you do it with 5 dc?


    And the idea of trying Sonlight, liking it and doing several cores at the same time , well:willy_nilly:.


    I decided on Tapestry of Grace so that I could try to stay sane :lol:

  6. the summer or as breaks from our relentless march through history.


    This is my pattern. I keep thinking that I'm going to get around to using Sonlight, and I keep not doing it. I think that I just like history and books too much to fit into someone else's program, and I like SOTW and other books too much to be willing to rush them.


    I should probably just quit looking at that ever seductive Sonlight catalogue and get real. I'll probably never do Sonlight. I'm almost that type, but not quite.



    Every time that Sonlight catalogue shows up I am tempted to buy a core and try it out. I think I am too tied to WTM and to my rebellion against following someone else's schedule :001_huh:.

  7. This is what I learned.


    Pantry moths eat through plastic, love chocolate, and hot peppers.

    They lay eggs in the seams of the carboard boxes and packages that processed food comes in. They can also be in the flour...etc.

    I cleaned everything out of my pantry, washed everything down, and still they stayed

    They lay their eggs everywhere and if you go away on vacation, they will infest everything and will go everywhere. I found moths in toys, closets, food, my basement rafters. It was horrible! :tongue_smilie:



    I do think that they like clothing as well, one of my favorite dresses has several holes in it.



    We used these traps




    I am very careful about what comes into the house. I often freeze grains or store them in the fridge. If is see even one of those moths I will go crazy cleaning everything and the traps will come out. No, the traps will come out anyway....I'm not taking any chances:001_huh: !


    Good luck!!

  8. and gotten the homeschooling 50% discount?


    I know this has been mentioned on this list. I called today to find out details and I was informed that the discount is only for the educator (me) and not the family. (hubby or kids)


    Does anyone have recent experience with this?




    We use our HSLDA id card. It has dh and my names on it so we both get the discount. Children do not get a discount, but thier admission is half of the adult admission. As long as you have some sort of Id with dh's name on it he can also get the discount.


    I think it was originally designed for teachers and have allowed homeschoolers to participate. You can also get 15% off in the shops.


    Any other questions let me know. We spend lots of time in Williamsburg...so much so, the folks there know us when they see us!

  9. my Italian in-laws hail from the arch of the boot of Italy - poor Southern Italians. My mil is half Italian, half Irish, and married a 100% Polish guy whose folks hailed from a dirt-poor section of Poland. If there is no Italian sausage available, kielbasa is an acceptable substitute here with pasta.:rolleyes:



    Dh is half Italian and I am African American and I cannot imagine pasta with Kielbasa! :eek:

  10. The one thing about the duggars, I don't know could be good or bad. I don't see her interacting much with the kids. She goes into the kitchen and the older girls are working, getting their "buddy's" dinner, sitting them down, getting them dressed. Now I understand why their home is run on the buddy system but I may have missed something because I don't remember seeing her interact or take care of the children except for babies. She appears to have the role of headmaster or something like that.



    Unlike some of the other specials mentioned, I understand that Discovery only films a few days with the Duggars. It really isn't filmed as a day in the life/reality type show. You really see very little interaction with the family as the narrator takes you through the show.


    I have 5 dc and I have them pair up to tie shoes, hold hands when we are out, hlep with chores etc. I still interact with my children. I would give Michelle Duggar a little more slack as we really don't know what the dynamic in thier house is really like.

  11. We have condensed a few weeks and have cut a few things due to illness and the death of my bil. The only reason we did this is that we have been stalled in the third year rotation for a couple of years now. Tapestry has finally gotten us on track.


    Some of our children are close in grades, so I understand wanting to be "on track for highschool. But you will not always be able to start every highschooler in your house with Y1.


    Here are my thoughts.


    Year 3 is a lot of fun with a lot of weeks that are packed full of information. I would not be able to combine most weeks without feeling like I was just trying to get through the information instead of really giving my children time to read/think/write.


    As far as your sanity. If you feel like you will be off by not starting at the beginning in highschool, I would read WTM about starting in the middle. Susan and Jessie make some good points about how some of the literature in the Ancients rotation is better for some students to read later in highschool.


    I hope this helps.

  12. 1. How teacher intensive is it? I don't mind a bit of prep work but simply cannot spend hours each week preparing the lessons.


    Not very intensive at all. If you want to do projects or crafts you need some prep time, but everything else is pick up and go.



    2. My will-be-8th grader did an exhaustive year of that time period of Am. Hist in 5th grade w/ Joy Hakim's material, but hasn't done that time period of world. Should I lump her in and use this curriculum (is there enough World I guess is my question!) or let her do a more independent study using something else?


    You would have to use the 7th 8th grade additional program (I forget what they call it). Ex- 1850 uses SOTW 3 and adds more American History to it, so you can get an idea of what there is for World.


    3. Quality of the books used...what is your opinions? I perused the readers and it seems that so many of them she has either a. already read or b.too easy for her as she reads well beyond her grade level. Any opinions?


    Look at the books for her age and carefully consider if there will be enough challenge. I used it with a 5th grader and she didn't love MFW and was much happier when I added more of WTM feel to history.



    I don't know if you really want to do MFW K, 1st, and Ex-1850. I would look at the sample schedules for a week and see what you would be doing for each program. Since Ex-185 uses SOTW 3, I would use that for the younger children with the activty guide, simplify the science, and see what you would need for math and phonics for the younger ones.

  13. Beth,


    Sounds like you have your hands full. I know that choking overwhelmed feeling. Here are my gentle suggestions


    Talk to your husband. Maybe he can help you to determine what is really most important now. He may be able to help you say "no" to something.


    Pray, Pray, pray. If God led you to homeschool, he will give you what you need to continue.


    Write down why you are homechooling. Why did you start? What are your goals? All of the things you are doing right now should help support that. Anything that doesn't should be put aside.


    Are you trying to do too much with your younger ones? Sometimes we try to do too much with our little ones. With 5 dc I have found that I start later and later with formal academics and they are still bright children. I look for readiness instead of trying to do things at a certain age.


    Take a break. Take a walk. Take a nap. Take what you need to recharge.


    It sounds like you are an amazing woman. You are doing so much! You can focus on a few good things now, there will be other seasons of your life to do some of the others. Pace yourself ;).


    I hope that you feel encouarged and uplifted today.

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